Tag Archives: write

Targeted Link Popularity

Targeted link popularity to your website is a must if you want free targeted traffic to your online business. Learn how to build link popularity and boost your website rankings with the free search engines.

Most of us who stated an online business on a shoestring budget and needed to learn how to generate free targeted traffic to our online business.

You first had to purchase your piece of real estate on the internet by turning a brick and motor business or idea into an online business by learning how to build a website or blog.

You have a domain name wrote a few pages but cannot be found by the major search engines under you keyword search. You have a problem because no traffic means no income.

I love to keep things simple and you need to concentrate on two things to get tons of free targeted traffic to your website.

1. Write a lot of keyword focus content pages that wow your visitors. The magic of 100 to 200 pages of your written content done in your own voice. Content is key with the Search Engines.

2. Get quality links pointing to your site to boost your targeted link popularity?

When these two steps get accomplished, the Search Engines will reward you with high rankings on their pages. This means more targeted free traffic which = more income.

Link popularity is a sign that others like your site because of the value it offers the surfers.

Here are the steps I recommend in building link popularity for your site.

1. Write at least 30 keyword content focus pages. 2. Request a link exchange with other webmasters 3. Apply to free or low cost high ranking directories 4. Post comments on blogs 5. Write post on Forums 6. Answer questions in yahoo answers 7. Write articles 8. Conduct a Press release

This gives you an opportunity to brand yourself throughout the internet and make sure you add value and please do not spam.

How to have a profitable, fully optimized pay per click campaign

Pay per click (PPC) is a great automated marketing method, but it is becoming more and more difficult. There are hundreds of thousands of advertisers out there trying to grab customers’ attention.

As an advertiser, you know that pay-per-click campaigns take a lot of trial and error. You set up your keywords, write your ads and track conversions until you find the right combination that works the best.

In the last few years, running an adword campaign has become very competitive. With the rapidly increasing number of advertisers in every niche, the click costs are also sky rocketing.

Beating adwords is a process and one of the most important steps of this process is to find your competitors. When you know who your competitors are and what they are doing, you can easily develop your own strategies and get a kind of competitive edge that is truly unbeatable.

There are two ways to go about it. First, you may like to do it yourself manually. Alternatively, you can let a PPC tool do everything for you and achieve quality scores with Google.

There is a tool called PPC Bully. It is a great example of an adwords spy tool where you enter the keywords you want to track and it tells you what ads are there, which ads are affiliate ads, how long the advertiser’s ad has been running etc. PPC Bully gives you this info and assigns a value to each keyword and to show which ads are profitable.

You can then go in, write a similar ad, set up your campaign and you should have a much higher success rate than the campaign blast method.

PPC Bully or any other similar tool is not a magic program to take all the work out of PPC, but it does make launching a successful campaign right off the bat much more likely.

How to have a profitable, fully optimized pay per click campaign

Pay per click (PPC) is a great automated marketing method, but it is becoming more and more difficult. There are hundreds of thousands of advertisers out there trying to grab customers’ attention.

As an advertiser, you know that pay-per-click campaigns take a lot of trial and error. You set up your keywords, write your ads and track conversions until you find the right combination that works the best.

In the last few years, running an adword campaign has become very competitive. With the rapidly increasing number of advertisers in every niche, the click costs are also sky rocketing.

Beating adwords is a process and one of the most important steps of this process is to find your competitors. When you know who your competitors are and what they are doing, you can easily develop your own strategies and get a kind of competitive edge that is truly unbeatable.

There are two ways to go about it. First, you may like to do it yourself manually. Alternatively, you can let a PPC tool do everything for you and achieve quality scores with Google.

There is a tool called PPC Bully. It is a great example of an adwords spy tool where you enter the keywords you want to track and it tells you what ads are there, which ads are affiliate ads, how long the advertiser’s ad has been running etc. PPC Bully gives you this info and assigns a value to each keyword and to show which ads are profitable.

You can then go in, write a similar ad, set up your campaign and you should have a much higher success rate than the campaign blast method.

PPC Bully or any other similar tool is not a magic program to take all the work out of PPC, but it does make launching a successful campaign right off the bat much more likely.