Tag Archives: work

Choosing a Web Design Company: Freelance, Consultancy or Dedicated?

When it comes to choosing a web design company, selecting the wrong provider can not only cost you thousands of dollars and a lot of wasted resources, it can also set your business back substantially from a marketing standpoint if the initial web design is not done correctly. Consequently, it’s important to understand the three different types of web design companies in order to determine which will work best for your website.

Freelance Web Designers

Freelance web designers offer some distinctive benefits, but there are also a number of problems that could arise with this type of provider that should be considered. Freelance web designers are often able to offer low pricing for their technical skills and web aptitude – much lower than a consultancy firm, for instance. Additionally, because clients are generally able to work directly with a freelance web designer, customer service is often exceptional.

However, some freelance web designers are notoriously unreliable and often quit or disappear before a project is complete. These individuals often don’t have the discipline and/or resources to ply their trade correctly. In fact, the anonymous nature of the web means that virtually anyone can sell freelance web design services – regardless of their experience and skill. While this can result in finding a gem of a provider from time to time, more often than not it can lead to disappointment.

Consultancy Web Design Services

The consultancy web design services offer one distinct advantage: management of multi-faceted web design. These types of web design companies typically have both in-house staff that works for them, as well as the integration of various outsourced experts. But while this might be an excellent strategy for the business person who does not have any time to devote to a web design project, the fact of the matter is that a consultancy web design service has its own share of problems.

The most significant issue with a consultancy web design service is the interruption of communication channels. If the client doesn’t like a design or feature, they must communicate this to the consultant. Then the consultant must relay this – hopefully well – to the designer/s. Then the designer back to the consultant and the consultant back to the client. Not a very efficient method, and furthermore the consultant that most clients work with rarely does any of the actual work involved in a web design project.

Dedicated Web Design Companies

A dedicated web design company is one that features all staff, technology and resources in-house. They often are able to offer the best customer service possible, as well as the most efficient and professional delivery of projects. And while a service of this type can sometimes be more expensive than a freelance or consultancy firm, the increase in cost is generally more than justified in the return of service, skills, and overall ROI. To find out more about a dedicated web design firm, simply use the links below now and be directly connected to a professional ROI and Web Design conversions expert.

Impact of Plagiarised Content on Your Search Engine Rankings

Content is one of the crucial aspects of a website. Whether it is a blog or a web page, there is good probability that the content is being plagiarised because of the worldwide access to the Internet. Expansion of the Internet has led to the easy availability of web pages across the globe.

Plagiarism and plagiarised content
As a regular Internet user, you might have encountered a situation, wherein, you find more or less the same content in two or more different websites. Unless the author is same, or the websites are related, this kind of unofficial usage of the website material like the content, artwork or the product images, without mentioning any information about the original author comes under plagiarism.

The dictionary meaning of ‘plagiarism’ explains it as the practice of taking someone else’s work or ideas and passing them off as one’s own. If anyone steals the ideas or content from a book or a website and publishes it in print or online with their name, it also comes under plagiarism and the text which is copied from the original author, becomes the plagiarised or duplicate content.

Who will copy content?
Plagiarism or using the content from other sites is a common practice. Many business owners may also get tempted to copy another firm’s work due to the ease in copying and pasting the content. If someone commits plagiarism due to ignorance, few others do it intentionally. Whatever the reason may be, they are ignoring the fact that plagiarism is against law.

Replicating material for commercial use not only results in infringing the basic law but also breaches copyright laws. To protect the interest of all the authors, readers and others, international copy right laws have been framed and enacted.

Copyright laws
Copyright is a legal concept which reserves the rights of an author, writer or a creator of an original artistic work such as books, music, sculptures, write-ups, etc., giving exclusive rights to it, for limited time. The term ‘copyright’ infers that the act of making copies of any work should be made only by the author or with his authorization. That is, all others who try to copy and use the work created by another author without his permission or authorization are subjected to copyright laws.

Under the US Copy Right law, any original information, book and whatsoever created after 01 March 1989 is subject to Copyright law. The laws shall be applicable to any creation, invention, write-up, etc., that came into being after that day.

Effect of plagiarised content on your website
Posting duplicate content on your website is not useful. Following are some effects of using duplicate content on your website.

• Low page rank: Copying and using content from another website is an intellectual fraud. Moreover, you are also violating copyright laws. These acts to trick search engines don’t work. It is relatively easy for search engines to identify pages that are copied from somewhere else. Hence, the use of duplicate content negatively affects the page rank. Page rank is an indicator of the quality and credibility of the page.

• SEs may not index webpage containing plagiarised content: Not every web page is indexed by the search engines. Low quality pages are typically not indexed. Popular search engines like Google, Yahoo are against plagiarism. In Google Webmaster guidelines, they have clearly mentioned guidelines against plagiarism and also warn the website owners to avoid using replicas and duplicate content. They clearly state that a website with substantially duplicate content will be penalized.

• Decrease in credibility of your website: As search engines give importance to quality and unique content, the websites involved in plagiarism lose credibility with search engines. Even in case someone has a good first impression on the content; once, they realize it as plagiarised, all the credibility evaporates into the air.

Focus on developing high quality content
The only way to avoid all the above mentioned consequences is to concentrate on creating and developing a website with high quality content. Here are few more guidelines to help you improve your website’s rankings.

• Remove low quality content: Poor quality content in the pages of a website may affect its rankings. Focus on removing low quality content or improving content in the problematic pages.

• Avoid duplicate, overlapping or redundant content: It is clearly evident from the first part of the article that using duplicate content is not a good idea. It is important to regularly review the web page for removing overlapping or redundant articles.

• Generate relevant and useful content: Try to have a bigger picture before generating content. Understand how users are interacting with your site, what is important to them. Depending on that create content which is relevant to their queries and their needs. Also, make sure that content is useful to them.

Plagiarism has a substantial negative effect to the search engine ranking and credibility of your website. If you need an increase in business traffic to your website and the respect of your target audience, see to it that there is high quality content on your site.

Impact of Plagiarised Content on Your Search Engine Rankings

Content is one of the crucial aspects of a website. Whether it is a blog or a web page, there is good probability that the content is being plagiarised because of the worldwide access to the Internet. Expansion of the Internet has led to the easy availability of web pages across the globe.

Plagiarism and plagiarised content
As a regular Internet user, you might have encountered a situation, wherein, you find more or less the same content in two or more different websites. Unless the author is same, or the websites are related, this kind of unofficial usage of the website material like the content, artwork or the product images, without mentioning any information about the original author comes under plagiarism.

The dictionary meaning of ‘plagiarism’ explains it as the practice of taking someone else’s work or ideas and passing them off as one’s own. If anyone steals the ideas or content from a book or a website and publishes it in print or online with their name, it also comes under plagiarism and the text which is copied from the original author, becomes the plagiarised or duplicate content.

Who will copy content?
Plagiarism or using the content from other sites is a common practice. Many business owners may also get tempted to copy another firm’s work due to the ease in copying and pasting the content. If someone commits plagiarism due to ignorance, few others do it intentionally. Whatever the reason may be, they are ignoring the fact that plagiarism is against law.

Replicating material for commercial use not only results in infringing the basic law but also breaches copyright laws. To protect the interest of all the authors, readers and others, international copy right laws have been framed and enacted.

Copyright laws
Copyright is a legal concept which reserves the rights of an author, writer or a creator of an original artistic work such as books, music, sculptures, write-ups, etc., giving exclusive rights to it, for limited time. The term ‘copyright’ infers that the act of making copies of any work should be made only by the author or with his authorization. That is, all others who try to copy and use the work created by another author without his permission or authorization are subjected to copyright laws.

Under the US Copy Right law, any original information, book and whatsoever created after 01 March 1989 is subject to Copyright law. The laws shall be applicable to any creation, invention, write-up, etc., that came into being after that day.

Effect of plagiarised content on your website
Posting duplicate content on your website is not useful. Following are some effects of using duplicate content on your website.

• Low page rank: Copying and using content from another website is an intellectual fraud. Moreover, you are also violating copyright laws. These acts to trick search engines don’t work. It is relatively easy for search engines to identify pages that are copied from somewhere else. Hence, the use of duplicate content negatively affects the page rank. Page rank is an indicator of the quality and credibility of the page.

• SEs may not index webpage containing plagiarised content: Not every web page is indexed by the search engines. Low quality pages are typically not indexed. Popular search engines like Google, Yahoo are against plagiarism. In Google Webmaster guidelines, they have clearly mentioned guidelines against plagiarism and also warn the website owners to avoid using replicas and duplicate content. They clearly state that a website with substantially duplicate content will be penalized.

• Decrease in credibility of your website: As search engines give importance to quality and unique content, the websites involved in plagiarism lose credibility with search engines. Even in case someone has a good first impression on the content; once, they realize it as plagiarised, all the credibility evaporates into the air.

Focus on developing high quality content
The only way to avoid all the above mentioned consequences is to concentrate on creating and developing a website with high quality content. Here are few more guidelines to help you improve your website’s rankings.

• Remove low quality content: Poor quality content in the pages of a website may affect its rankings. Focus on removing low quality content or improving content in the problematic pages.

• Avoid duplicate, overlapping or redundant content: It is clearly evident from the first part of the article that using duplicate content is not a good idea. It is important to regularly review the web page for removing overlapping or redundant articles.

• Generate relevant and useful content: Try to have a bigger picture before generating content. Understand how users are interacting with your site, what is important to them. Depending on that create content which is relevant to their queries and their needs. Also, make sure that content is useful to them.

Plagiarism has a substantial negative effect to the search engine ranking and credibility of your website. If you need an increase in business traffic to your website and the respect of your target audience, see to it that there is high quality content on your site.