Tag Archives: work

Things to Look for While Choosing Billing Software for Your Law Firm

Managing bills is often a complex job for a law firm. The tricky thing while generating invoices for legal works is that the billing procedure will not be the same for every case. Though hourly billing is the common practice used for billing, depending on the prospects of the client, nature of the legal work, and the risks involved in handling the case, the billing methods differ, thus making it more complicated. So, in order to generate quick and accurate invoices, adequate billing tools are required for every law firm.

Billing software is one such tool which serves the vital purpose for any law firm by automating the time tracking, billing and accounting procedures for all the legal works. It effectively saves time and generates error-free invoices.

Essential features for effective billing software
With so many products in the market, each having different features, it is essential to know the important features that make the software effective. Below are the things to look for while choosing software for your law firm. Basic as well as advanced features are included for your convenience, having knowledge of these will help you in making the right choice.

• Record work and track billable hours: Every attorney works on multiple cases in a single day. Recording the time spent on each and every case is essential to bill the client as well as to keep detailed record of the work performed on every project. A billing software with timer or a stopwatch feature helps to accurately measure the time spent on each case. So, while choosing billing software, look for the availability of timer option.

• Should provide service specific bill recording: This again comes under tracking billable hours. Since legal billing varies for different billing procedures like flat fees, retainer arrangement, contingent and transactional basis, the software should also allow you to record billable time on all the above mentioned aspects or on any other user defined things.

• Automated invoice preparation: The most time taking task in legal billing is the invoice preparation. If your billing software is effective in generating automated and accurate invoices according to the data collected from the billable time records, you can save significant amounts of time and money.

• Custom bill formats: The invoice format for every law firm will not be the same. Even for a same firm, the invoice formats will differ depending upon the type of transaction. If you choose software that provides only few standard billing formats, it is not helpful. Therefore, before choosing billing software, make sure that it allows you to customize your bill design according to your requirements. Some advanced software solutions also offer built-in bill designing capabilities which enable you to design your own formats using some advanced tools.

• Ability to maintain trust accounting records: Trust accounts are a separate form of accounts maintained for specific cases, in an effort to minimize the risk of non-payment. Trust accounting is a standard practice by most of the law firms which collect advanced client payments even before providing services. Maintaining accurate and separate trust accounting records is essential while you are accepting trust funds from your clients.

Hence, choose billing software that includes the feature of managing trust accounts eases your work. Some advanced software solutions also offer features like – not allowing the firm to overdraw a trust account, and allowing the firm to set a criteria to apply trust funds either to fees or to expenses at the time of billing and preparing invoices.

• Assist in budgeting: Choosing billing software that includes accounting is always an added advantage for your company. It helps you to avoid the hassles of re-entering the entire billing information for accounting purpose and hence reduces the error rate. It also avoids the need for purchasing other software that supports accounting. Billing software assists you with budgeting and also helps you to project your expenses without any errors.

• Availability of report making application: It is often said that most of the billing software solutions for legal firms are not designed to generate reports. So, it is important for every buyer to check for report generating feature while choosing software. These reports help in determining target costs, forecasting similar cases, and defining best practices for managing specific cases to ensure best possible results.

• Easy to use: Choose software that is simple to use. Any individual, even those who are technically challenged, should be able to use it. Moreover, the software should be compatible with your firm’s current software to ensure proper functioning.

• Right vendor: Choosing a right vendor is the first thing to do while you are looking for reliable billing software. A reputed vendor always focuses on client retention and hence offers a best possible product. However, to get more efficient deals, try to approach a legal billing software vendor who specializes in offering solutions for your firm size.

As every law firm has its own unique needs and requirements to meet professional and ethical requirements, it should have billing software that is able to support the firm efficiently.

10 Steps to Hiring the Best Web Design Company for Your Small Business Website (Page 1 of 2)

Websites have become a major necessity of every business now a day’s as it is a dynamic advertising tool in the world of business. Websites are widely spreading amongst small business and sole proprietors, as earlier used only by tech-savvy and big organizations.

It’s become an obvious assumption that if you have a business you should have a website for sure. So if a potential customer wants to know something about you business they would search for you online and if they do not find you there, what kind of impression would it give to your customers.

Being a small business or a sole proprietor you might think that Web Design Company’s charge a lot for designing a website, and therefore they think that it’s a waste of time and money to get a website designed. This is not true many companies’ design websites, which provide web design services at very nominal rates. There is a simple mantra to be followed if you want to hire the best web design company for your small business website, that is research a lot and get quotes.

You understand that you want best work in the most affordable rates but also one has to keep in mind that your website will portray what you are to your potential customers. So for that there are certain tips that need to be followed:

1.Know your budget:

You must know that when you hire a web design company you are paying for designing and the time. Websites are true investments as they help build you image online and also help grow your small business. Some provide packages which include certain things according to budget, you may choose one of them.

2.Understanding what your website may require:

The objective of your website should be clear in your minds before you plan to get web design services from a company. This way it gets easier for you to explain the designers what do you want in your website and how do you want it to be designed. It’s surprising many people don’t but this may cause hassles. One must do this homework before contacting or dropping in enquiries.

3.Devote some time in reading about the web design company:

You must give some time to read about the company their services, look through their previous work and their clients. Also you may go through the terms and conditions or the legal disclaimer to get to know about the hidden warnings. Website design company’s update their web pages often. One may also get to know a lot about the company by just going through its website as if the company doesn’t have time to properly keep their company website running then what would they do to yours?

4.Fix up a meeting with company you want to deal with:

Just talking over the phone is not enough a face to face meeting is also necessary whether you call them or they come to see you. But make sure of one thing that a good company would always give you a presentation and let you know properly what they can do for you with examples from their past work.

10 Steps to Hiring the Best Web Design Company for Your Small Business Website (Page 1 of 2)

Websites have become a major necessity of every business now a day’s as it is a dynamic advertising tool in the world of business. Websites are widely spreading amongst small business and sole proprietors, as earlier used only by tech-savvy and big organizations.

It’s become an obvious assumption that if you have a business you should have a website for sure. So if a potential customer wants to know something about you business they would search for you online and if they do not find you there, what kind of impression would it give to your customers.

Being a small business or a sole proprietor you might think that Web Design Company’s charge a lot for designing a website, and therefore they think that it’s a waste of time and money to get a website designed. This is not true many companies’ design websites, which provide web design services at very nominal rates. There is a simple mantra to be followed if you want to hire the best web design company for your small business website, that is research a lot and get quotes.

You understand that you want best work in the most affordable rates but also one has to keep in mind that your website will portray what you are to your potential customers. So for that there are certain tips that need to be followed:

1.Know your budget:

You must know that when you hire a web design company you are paying for designing and the time. Websites are true investments as they help build you image online and also help grow your small business. Some provide packages which include certain things according to budget, you may choose one of them.

2.Understanding what your website may require:

The objective of your website should be clear in your minds before you plan to get web design services from a company. This way it gets easier for you to explain the designers what do you want in your website and how do you want it to be designed. It’s surprising many people don’t but this may cause hassles. One must do this homework before contacting or dropping in enquiries.

3.Devote some time in reading about the web design company:

You must give some time to read about the company their services, look through their previous work and their clients. Also you may go through the terms and conditions or the legal disclaimer to get to know about the hidden warnings. Website design company’s update their web pages often. One may also get to know a lot about the company by just going through its website as if the company doesn’t have time to properly keep their company website running then what would they do to yours?

4.Fix up a meeting with company you want to deal with:

Just talking over the phone is not enough a face to face meeting is also necessary whether you call them or they come to see you. But make sure of one thing that a good company would always give you a presentation and let you know properly what they can do for you with examples from their past work.