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Disaster Recovery – Planning for the Worst

No matter how well prepared, every business is susceptible to disaster. Malicious fire, flooding or theft can leave a business in a precarious position, not to mention the potential danger of modern cyber-threats to an organisation’s infrastructure. So what can be done to ensure business continuity in the event of disaster?

Data Management and Recovery

The widespread access to cloud computing is a recent technological development that has hugely benefited the business world. This is where data is stored in a managed network online, allowing anyone who is affiliated with the network to access their files remotely, from any location with internet access.

If your business has not started using a cloud system, the time to start is now. Using cloud computing allows for data to be stored securely online, meaning there is no danger of losing data through hardware failure, i.e. computer crashes, theft or hard drive damage.

In addition to this, if the worst happens and a business is forced to close its office doors, those with broadband at home (74% of adults in the UK) can continue to work, minimising disruption as much as possible.

Disaster Recovery Software

However secure a company’s cloud network is, data should always be backed up in several locations via a fully managed data backup service. One of the most common methods of backing-up data is the use of disaster recovery (DR) servers.

In cases where data has been lost, recovery is key. Remote data centres can replicate and store data as it is created, allowing for a back-up to be instantly available in the event of an outage. DR servers can be fired up within minutes allowing instant access to important files when they are needed.

Business Continuity Strategies

Every business should have a plan in place for the unlikely event of a fire or flood damage, and there are specialist providers who can help to plan for such an occurrence. If your organisation is currently with a managed service provider, with an MPLS network and cloud access, then a disaster recovery strategy should be a standard consideration. Some of the arrangements that can be made include:

Flexible staff resourcing – Shared functions (receptionist, call centre, help desk, etc.) can usually be resourced from any office. If there is an outage at one location, staff from another office can immediately cover duties, and there will be minimal interruption in service to customers.

Hot desking – This is where, through unified communications, staff can move between offices and log in locally if their office is out of action. So if one office suffers an outage, an alternative location able to accommodate the extra volume of staff can be utilised.

Home working – As previously mentioned, it is entirely feasible for staff to work from home, providing they have the access to data that they need. A common solution is that employees can be provided with a VoIP home phone at low monthly cost, which allows them to work from home, as they would in the office.

With data at the heart of every business, a solid disaster recovery strategy in not just advisable, it is essential. Not only for the benefits of business continuity, but for the financial security of employees and owner alike.

Disaster Recovery – Planning for the Worst

No matter how well prepared, every business is susceptible to disaster. Malicious fire, flooding or theft can leave a business in a precarious position, not to mention the potential danger of modern cyber-threats to an organisation’s infrastructure. So what can be done to ensure business continuity in the event of disaster?

Data Management and Recovery

The widespread access to cloud computing is a recent technological development that has hugely benefited the business world. This is where data is stored in a managed network online, allowing anyone who is affiliated with the network to access their files remotely, from any location with internet access.

If your business has not started using a cloud system, the time to start is now. Using cloud computing allows for data to be stored securely online, meaning there is no danger of losing data through hardware failure, i.e. computer crashes, theft or hard drive damage.

In addition to this, if the worst happens and a business is forced to close its office doors, those with broadband at home (74% of adults in the UK) can continue to work, minimising disruption as much as possible.

Disaster Recovery Software

However secure a company’s cloud network is, data should always be backed up in several locations via a fully managed data backup service. One of the most common methods of backing-up data is the use of disaster recovery (DR) servers.

In cases where data has been lost, recovery is key. Remote data centres can replicate and store data as it is created, allowing for a back-up to be instantly available in the event of an outage. DR servers can be fired up within minutes allowing instant access to important files when they are needed.

Business Continuity Strategies

Every business should have a plan in place for the unlikely event of a fire or flood damage, and there are specialist providers who can help to plan for such an occurrence. If your organisation is currently with a managed service provider, with an MPLS network and cloud access, then a disaster recovery strategy should be a standard consideration. Some of the arrangements that can be made include:

Flexible staff resourcing – Shared functions (receptionist, call centre, help desk, etc.) can usually be resourced from any office. If there is an outage at one location, staff from another office can immediately cover duties, and there will be minimal interruption in service to customers.

Hot desking – This is where, through unified communications, staff can move between offices and log in locally if their office is out of action. So if one office suffers an outage, an alternative location able to accommodate the extra volume of staff can be utilised.

Home working – As previously mentioned, it is entirely feasible for staff to work from home, providing they have the access to data that they need. A common solution is that employees can be provided with a VoIP home phone at low monthly cost, which allows them to work from home, as they would in the office.

With data at the heart of every business, a solid disaster recovery strategy in not just advisable, it is essential. Not only for the benefits of business continuity, but for the financial security of employees and owner alike.

Why SEO experts prefers Manual Article Submissions

Article submission is the unique method of developing the page rank through generating the excellence keyword optimization. This section needs only a keyword SEO writer who came up with meaningful and informed content. An article strongly to ensure its content does not come to promote, but should show as a foundation of information, which is essential. Article Company, which will use frequently search keywords that your blog can be found, will be written in the service. Now, what happens when the article is done – it transfers to various sites to disseminate information, together with intimate link is in the process. This is double way of distributing an Article Submission Services makes a client’s company or article unique.

Article Submission Services are part of SEO or more commonly named as Search Engine Optimization. Publishing articles not only get one way links and targeted traffic to build a brand but also help to increase. Writing an article too much does not benefit it, when it is represented to the public along with more keyword it is recognized worldwide. Nowadays, several SEO specialists and ‘Article Submission Services’ are available to client’s sites or writers. They place the article in the right sites for profit or loss taking. Not only writer’s article gets further popular, but also in the process of search engine, optimization along with link building will help. SEO specialists experienced teams affiliates will submit along with distribute site’s objects to the right position. Moreover, anyone can get the desired results. SEO Specialists have the correct type of class that fits article. They will list all sites where client’s articles will be presented. They also have numerous packages where writer or client will have assured article listings. So, to get started they customize packages to send an email. Client’s entry is submitted and presented to the expert to perform jobs. The following are the reasons for choosing good SEO Specialists: 1. SEO Specialists Article Submission Services instructions. 3. Their ‘give up control’ of writer account on every article index now of achievement of article submit career. 4. Their use of 3-4 different anchor text links to various folders to be natural links. 5. Their offer of daily submitted reports. 6. Their article acceptance is further than 50%. 7. Article Sites are a list of places, where writers article are published in two weeks time offer.

Article marketing is the most influential in SEO off page optimization. SEO experts often recommend websites article submission sites, this way you link to relevant sites and traffic increases. SEO Experts do submit articles related works to article posting sites. Their reliable process starts with creating unique e-mail of the different sites, check email, website and award presentation to give you access to e-mail accounts you register your account. Other significant companies may use your precious time but the most beautiful and unique items to our website and send them. Place your reliance in our expert team of Article Submission Services and reap the benefits.