Tag Archives: web application

How does Web application security affect me?

Web Applications are compromised daily and now account for the majority of vulnerabilities on the Internet.

Web application weaknesses are a major way that cyber criminals, working with hacking techniques, can steal sensitive data. With this data, nefarious crooks can affect companies and individuals alike; there is little distinction between Fortune 500 Companies and an end user with a credit card. They often just follow the path of least resistance.

Online data theft is not a game. While some hackers will brag about having breached the security of a web application and gained access to sensitive data, the criminals have money, not bragging rights in their cross-hairs. Extortion is sometimes the name of the game. If data can be held at ransom by thieves, depending on how sensitive the data is, they can demand a huge sum of money.

The ways that companies and individuals are affected by web application attacks are numerous. Imagine this “what if” situation. A large Fortune 500 company is attacked by an orchestrated attack and the credit card numbers are taken and held at ransom by an organized crime group. Word gets out and the Fortune 500 company under goes a huge investigation and security audit. The clients and customers of the company lose trust in the security of the company and start taking their business elsewhere. The company then starts losing revenue and the customers begin to find that their credit cards are being charged illegally. The credit card companies are involved and are losing money as well. Nobody is immune to these web application attacks, whether its large company or one individual.

As programmers design web applications to be more accessible and easy to use, often these features are targets for crime groups to attack. Programmers must protect their applications by following secure coding practices to filter out any attacks and create a safe place for their clients customers to do business.

One of the major ways hackers breach a web application are through SQL injection attacks. SQL injection attacks can be used to access sensitive data or do any number of destructive things to the data stored in the web application’s database. Cross-site scripting attacks are also prevalent. This attack occurs when malicious code is inserted and executed when a user loads an infected page. Denial of service attacks are also popular. This happens when the network hosting a web application is swamped with useless requests sent out by the criminals which creates so much traffic that the network or system crashes.

It’s a wild world out there…

How does Web application security affect me?

Web Applications are compromised daily and now account for the majority of vulnerabilities on the Internet.

Web application weaknesses are a major way that cyber criminals, working with hacking techniques, can steal sensitive data. With this data, nefarious crooks can affect companies and individuals alike; there is little distinction between Fortune 500 Companies and an end user with a credit card. They often just follow the path of least resistance.

Online data theft is not a game. While some hackers will brag about having breached the security of a web application and gained access to sensitive data, the criminals have money, not bragging rights in their cross-hairs. Extortion is sometimes the name of the game. If data can be held at ransom by thieves, depending on how sensitive the data is, they can demand a huge sum of money.

The ways that companies and individuals are affected by web application attacks are numerous. Imagine this “what if” situation. A large Fortune 500 company is attacked by an orchestrated attack and the credit card numbers are taken and held at ransom by an organized crime group. Word gets out and the Fortune 500 company under goes a huge investigation and security audit. The clients and customers of the company lose trust in the security of the company and start taking their business elsewhere. The company then starts losing revenue and the customers begin to find that their credit cards are being charged illegally. The credit card companies are involved and are losing money as well. Nobody is immune to these web application attacks, whether its large company or one individual.

As programmers design web applications to be more accessible and easy to use, often these features are targets for crime groups to attack. Programmers must protect their applications by following secure coding practices to filter out any attacks and create a safe place for their clients customers to do business.

One of the major ways hackers breach a web application are through SQL injection attacks. SQL injection attacks can be used to access sensitive data or do any number of destructive things to the data stored in the web application’s database. Cross-site scripting attacks are also prevalent. This attack occurs when malicious code is inserted and executed when a user loads an infected page. Denial of service attacks are also popular. This happens when the network hosting a web application is swamped with useless requests sent out by the criminals which creates so much traffic that the network or system crashes.

It’s a wild world out there…

Advantages of Custom Web Application Development

Custom web application development is in use by many business organizations as they have provided many solutions to them. There has been a major increase in the demand of custom web application development and there are many benefits of using them for your business.

An application is a comprehensive program, which operates as a unique function directly for the application user. Online web applications help make business efficient and increase your work productivity. The main purpose of a web application is to create user-friendly interface with a set of tools for your customers and clients to put accurate data with little amount of work. Instant real time updates automatically with proper web application and customer do not have to install it; they can use your custom application product. Custom web applications can automate several tasks, which save your valuable time on repetitive task.

Interacting with your clients is an important part of every business for its success. The best method of interaction is via web applications. Email update apps and communication tools make your business efficient and it gets easy to communicate with your clients and make them feel like they are a part of your business. Web development companies develop applications as per your business requirements. Web designing Delhi can help you develop your custom web application in the best way possible and with customized tools.

The solutions provided by these custom applications developers are in a manner to support maximum systems used in the organization and easy to adapt. These applications are create in a manner that they can easily be update in the light of various changes taking place in and around the organization.

Web application developers specialize in various internet languages and important resources such as cloud computing resources. These are useful in designing new and unique customized applications as per unique application needs of the organizations. Every organization has their set of special requirements that cannot meet through any regular software.
This software gives quick and easy access to qualitative data and effortless manipulation of data is two things that can go with to keep business ahead of others in the market. Effective application development provides business organizations with an opportunity to develop systems that let them do their operations in a timely manner. They also provide custom business flows, unique and effective hardware and firmware integration, and special management reports. Through all this, web application development, help the management in taking good decisions. In turn, it helps the business to grow and flourish.

If executed correctly interactive web application can keep your prospective client connected with you, which improves sales. Web applications help you make a lot of money and prevent loss that usually happens during software privacy and frauds. It manages your client’s accounts and is secure as no one can access them without permission.

Custom web application development will surely increase the efficiency and reduce various cost of your business. They are very much in demand and can work on any operating system, browser or computer. All these services provide by the application development company are on reasonable rates depending on the company’s requirement as well as the package offered. This article explains custom web application development with PHP framework. It also discusses about different benefits one can get using PHP framework.