Tag Archives: ways

Free and Easy Link Building Tips (Page 1 of 2)

Okay, you’re the proud mama or papa to your brand new website. Now what? This isn’t like the movies – just because you built it doesn’t mean they’ll come. The Internet is a huge limitless space with ever-growing numbers of websites. You are just one small website among millions. How will anybody ever find you? How do you become visible?

Right now, you just exist out in the web, untethered. You need to become visible when someone searches for you and one way to become visible to people is to become visible to search engines. And one way to become visible to search engines such as Google, Yahoo, or MSN is for your site to be tethered, or linked to other sites.

If you’ve spent any time reading Internet marketing blogs you know that link building is a huge part of a marketing campaign. Backlinks – links that point to your website – are a major factor in determining your popularity or ranking with the search engines. And of course, just like in high school, you want to be popular.

You can buy your way into links like you can buy high PR links for your website easily, but here we’re talking about a few free and easy ways. An obvious and natural way to build links is through content. When you start a link-building campaign for your new website, focus on attracting links that will add value for your website visitors and best represent your most important keywords too. It is invaluable to have visitors go to your site and share your content.

Here are a few easy and mostly free ways to build links for your website.

Blog-Based Link Building

One way to get natural links back to your website is by setting up a blog for your company. Make sure you network online with other blogs that complement yours. If you share industry news and have useful and relevant content, you’ll attract links. Reference other bloggers in your content and link to other blogs in your industry.

For blogs, content is extremely important. Every time you add words to your blog or website, you are presenting yourself to a potentially huge audience. How does your blog’s content reflect your company? This content could be the page that carries your company’s name around the Internet world. Cheap content is just that – cheap. Create content that people want to read and that will make them come back again and again.

Reviewing products and services and posting those reviews on other sites is another way to build links many of the Link building Services adopts this way to promote the website. Your honest evaluations and smart opinions can also build your reputation as an expert in your field.

Link Building with Social Media

Another way to build natural links to your website is through social media sites like Facebook, LinkedIn, MySpace and Twitter. These sites allow you to set up a user profile where you can add information about you and your company including a link to your website.

Some sites, Facebook for example, also have a way to promote your business with a page, ad or group. Just keep in mind that there are good ways and bad ways to promote your business on social sites and you should observe proper etiquette when you do.

Free and Easy Link Building Tips (Page 1 of 2)

Okay, you’re the proud mama or papa to your brand new website. Now what? This isn’t like the movies – just because you built it doesn’t mean they’ll come. The Internet is a huge limitless space with ever-growing numbers of websites. You are just one small website among millions. How will anybody ever find you? How do you become visible?

Right now, you just exist out in the web, untethered. You need to become visible when someone searches for you and one way to become visible to people is to become visible to search engines. And one way to become visible to search engines such as Google, Yahoo, or MSN is for your site to be tethered, or linked to other sites.

If you’ve spent any time reading Internet marketing blogs you know that link building is a huge part of a marketing campaign. Backlinks – links that point to your website – are a major factor in determining your popularity or ranking with the search engines. And of course, just like in high school, you want to be popular.

You can buy your way into links like you can buy high PR links for your website easily, but here we’re talking about a few free and easy ways. An obvious and natural way to build links is through content. When you start a link-building campaign for your new website, focus on attracting links that will add value for your website visitors and best represent your most important keywords too. It is invaluable to have visitors go to your site and share your content.

Here are a few easy and mostly free ways to build links for your website.

Blog-Based Link Building

One way to get natural links back to your website is by setting up a blog for your company. Make sure you network online with other blogs that complement yours. If you share industry news and have useful and relevant content, you’ll attract links. Reference other bloggers in your content and link to other blogs in your industry.

For blogs, content is extremely important. Every time you add words to your blog or website, you are presenting yourself to a potentially huge audience. How does your blog’s content reflect your company? This content could be the page that carries your company’s name around the Internet world. Cheap content is just that – cheap. Create content that people want to read and that will make them come back again and again.

Reviewing products and services and posting those reviews on other sites is another way to build links many of the Link building Services adopts this way to promote the website. Your honest evaluations and smart opinions can also build your reputation as an expert in your field.

Link Building with Social Media

Another way to build natural links to your website is through social media sites like Facebook, LinkedIn, MySpace and Twitter. These sites allow you to set up a user profile where you can add information about you and your company including a link to your website.

Some sites, Facebook for example, also have a way to promote your business with a page, ad or group. Just keep in mind that there are good ways and bad ways to promote your business on social sites and you should observe proper etiquette when you do.

Guide to Successful SEO Copywriting

Websites have been very common. Almost every business has one or at least needs to have it. A business without a website maybe losing a significant portion of sales and revenue from online customers.

While having a website certainly helps, just having one will not make significant difference. We see a large number of sites on internet which live a very unfruitful existence. They remain mostly unloved, unseen and hence unreachable. One of the ways to promote a website is to Search Engine Optimize (SEO) it. There are many ways to SEO a site. Since, explaining all of them is beyond the scope of the article, we will concentrate on one subject: SEO copywriting. This can be defined as creating content copy of the website in such a way that both search engines and users are able to identify the subject of the content and deem it as relevant & informative.

Here are few ways to SEO the content of your website for better SEO results:

1) Grab the eyeballs: Just like any advertisement, content should also be able to grab the attention of users. This can be done by creating attractive headlines, informative content, injecting humor and so on. Make content so compelling that the reader not just reads the whole page and also takes action!

2) Optimize the content: Yes, content too should also be optimized. Apart from proper titles, headings (H1, H2…) and bold tags (), the size of the content also matters. Break down your content in to several pages to make content much more readable. The content should have relevant keywords sprinkled. Do not overuse keywords as that might be construed as an attempt to same the search engines. Always make sure that the content will be by users, therefore it should be readable.

3) Optimize links: This is one oft forgotten step. Internal linking can greatly affect your website. Proper internal linking can enable users to browse a website more easily. This may mean finding services or products they are looking for in a jiffy, which translates in to more queries or sales. Anchor text should preferably have keywords related to the content. Not only have they given an idea to readers about what to expect from the linked page but also to search engine bots. Clever link architecture can also help in rank distribution and promoting more important pages of a site.

4) Optimize Images: Images are used widely on internet to illustrate or explain some subject. But they are an important from SEO point of view also. Image names should be descriptive. Apart from this, they should have correct and informative alt tags and also if possible captions.

Above mentioned points are very simple and fundamental, therefore needs to be followed religiously before you go on to the advanced stages of the Search Engine Optimization.