Tag Archives: viruses

All About Computer Viruses (Page 1 of 3)

Feel Free to reprint this article in newsletters and on websites, with resource box included. If you use this article, please send a brief message to let me know where it appeared: Your computer is as slow as molasses. Your mouse freezes every 15 minutes, and that Microsoft Word program just won’t seem to open.

You might have a virus.

Just what exactly is a virus? What kind is in your computer? How did it get there? How is it spreading and wreaking such havoc? And why is it bothering with your computer anyway?

Viruses are pieces of programming code that make copies of themselves, or replicate, inside your computer without asking your explicit written permission to do so. Forget getting your permission down on paper. Viruses don’t bother to seek your permission at all! Very invasive.

In comparison, there are pieces of code that might replicate inside your computer, say something your IT guy thinks you need. But the code spreads, perhaps throughout your office network, with your consent (or at least your IT guy’s consent). These types of replicating code are called agents, said Jimmy Kuo, a research fellow with McAfee AVERT, a research arm of anti-virus software-maker McAfee Inc.

In this article, though, we’re not talking about the good guys, or the agents. We’ll be talking about the bad guys, the viruses.

A long, long time ago in computer years, like five, most viruses were comprised of a similar breed. They entered your computer perhaps through an email attachment or a floppy disk (remember those?). Then they attached themselves to one of your files, say your Microsoft Word program.

When you opened your Microsoft Word program, the virus replicated and attached itself to other files. These could be other random files on your hard drive, the files furthest away from your Microsoft Word program, or other files, depending on how the virus writer wanted the virus to behave.

This virus code could contain hundreds or thousands of instructions. When it replicates it inserts those instructions, into the files it infects, said Carey Nachenberg, Chief Architect at Symantec Research Labs, an arm of anti-virus software-maker Symantec. Corp.

Because so many other types of viruses exist now, the kind just described is called a classic virus. Classic viruses still exist but they’re not quite as prevalent as they used to be. (Perhaps we could put classic viruses on the shelf with Hemingway and Dickens.)

These days, in the modern era, viruses are known to spread through vulnerabilities in web browsers, files shared over the internet, emails themselves, and computer networks.

As far as web browsers are concerned, Microsoft’s Internet Explorer takes most of the heat for spreading viruses because it’s used by more people for web surfing than any other browser.

Nevertheless, “Any web browser potentially has vulnerabilities,” Nachenberg said.

For instance, let’s say you go to a website in IE you have every reason to think is safe, Nachenberg said.

Antivirus Support Services

Some software or downloaded stuff can spoil functionality of your computers, and they can be computer virus. There is an antivirus program consisting computer programs aiming to detect and eliminate computer viruses and other harmful software. An infected computer shows suspicious behavior, which may seem irregular or abnormal.

There are several antivirus programs available for virus removal. The ability of the software to keep computers virus free makes it essential to have. Antivirus software programs are especially designed to keep computer enthusiasts aware about the latest viruses roaming in the cyber world. It cautiously examines the files and scans and checks if any viruses are found.

Computer which runs the Internet on regular basis is more prone to computer viruses. With the spread of viruses using emails, the infection vector can easily be spread far more inexpensively. If you are also among the regular Internet user, install antivirus on your PC as soon as possible for better maintenance of your precious system.

The most important step after antivirus installation is its proper configuration and regular up-gradation. Regular up-gradation makes your antivirus program capable to identify the latest security threats and computer viruses attempting to destroy your PC.

With several antivirus programs available in the market, choosing the best for your PC can be a little confusing. However, you need not worry. There are the resources which not only help you to select the best antivirus for your system but also get its installation, configuration as well as up-gradation done within no time. They are none other than online computer help shops which offers you the solutions for all your PC problems whether big or small, easy or complex.

Their array of computer support services include everything such as PC optimization, Internet optimization, data back up, troubleshooting computer errors, antivirus installation, Antispyware installation and many more. They also offer customized computer support services depending on your personal requirements and budget. The best thing is that these resources don’t charge you anything if they fail to resolve your PC problems.

Antivirus Support Services

Some software or downloaded stuff can spoil functionality of your computers, and they can be computer virus. There is an antivirus program consisting computer programs aiming to detect and eliminate computer viruses and other harmful software. An infected computer shows suspicious behavior, which may seem irregular or abnormal.

There are several antivirus programs available for virus removal. The ability of the software to keep computers virus free makes it essential to have. Antivirus software programs are especially designed to keep computer enthusiasts aware about the latest viruses roaming in the cyber world. It cautiously examines the files and scans and checks if any viruses are found.

Computer which runs the Internet on regular basis is more prone to computer viruses. With the spread of viruses using emails, the infection vector can easily be spread far more inexpensively. If you are also among the regular Internet user, install antivirus on your PC as soon as possible for better maintenance of your precious system.

The most important step after antivirus installation is its proper configuration and regular up-gradation. Regular up-gradation makes your antivirus program capable to identify the latest security threats and computer viruses attempting to destroy your PC.

With several antivirus programs available in the market, choosing the best for your PC can be a little confusing. However, you need not worry. There are the resources which not only help you to select the best antivirus for your system but also get its installation, configuration as well as up-gradation done within no time. They are none other than online computer help shops which offers you the solutions for all your PC problems whether big or small, easy or complex.

Their array of computer support services include everything such as PC optimization, Internet optimization, data back up, troubleshooting computer errors, antivirus installation, Antispyware installation and many more. They also offer customized computer support services depending on your personal requirements and budget. The best thing is that these resources don’t charge you anything if they fail to resolve your PC problems.