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Tips on How to Buy Antivirus Software

A computer is a necessary and important tool and equipment for getting things done these days. Because the popularity and functionality of the machines are phenomenal, it is not surprising that there are also as numerous viruses, threats and spasm that threaten to destroy and alter the computer systems. Thus, there is a need for appropriate and really effective protection. There is a need to buy antivirus software.

While in the past, it has been considered a luxury to buy antivirus software, these days, the activity can be seen as more than just necessity. To buy antivirus software is actually to secure the computer system and make sure it will be free from harm and programming disruptions. Because viruses are evolving and they come in strategic forms and tactics, there is a need for you to buy antivirus software that is proven effective and functional.

Because there are too many makers and developers of such computer programs, there is a massive confusion in the market. Here is a set of simple guidelines that would help and assist you to buy antivirus software.

1. Choose and buy antivirus software that is compatible with your computer’s operating system. Be informed and always remember that no matter how popular and effective an antivirus is, if it will not work due to incompatibility, you will not gain from the purchase. Before you buy antivirus software, be sure to check the software first for any specifications and requirements for system compatibility.

2. As you choose and buy antivirus software, opt for products with excellent background protection. When you say excellent background protection, the antivirus product must be able to scan the PC for viruses even without the required manual intervention. Also favor to buy antivirus software that can neutralize viruses the moment they emerge.

3. Buy antivirus software that is able to facilitate disaster recovery. You may not know it fully, but there are specific antivirus programs in the market that can work wonders like this. The antivirus should have a disaster recovery feature so that data and files would not be lost if ever a notorious virus attacks your computer system.

4. You should strive to buy antivirus software that is able to prompt and initiate automatic updates. Every now and then, there are always new and more sophisticated threats and viruses that are rolled out in cyberspace. It is important that you make sure you would buy antivirus software that is up-to-date and boasts of the newest computer security features.

5. As a resourceful consumer, make sure you buy antivirus software that is certified by the most reliable standards setting and certification bodies. These groups include the popular Virus Bulletin 100% Awards, the West Coast Checkmark and the International Computer Security Association or ICSA.

6. Buy antivirus software that has a firewall protection. Firewalls help shield your PC from active threats, most especially when you are connected to the Internet. Usually, firewalls are offered and sold as a separate product from the antivirus, although there are some protection programs that offer both in a single package.

7. Make sure you prefer to buy antivirus software that is configured to monitor your PC automatically. It is right that you buy antivirus software that detects and cleans viruses. It would be better if you would secure products that could initiate automatic checkups. This way, no matter what, no virus can be unforeseen and undetected.

8. Buy antivirus software that is proven to be easier to use, install and even configure. The best products are always those that are user-friendly. Otherwise, you may not be able to fully make use of them.

Tips on How to Buy Antivirus Software

A computer is a necessary and important tool and equipment for getting things done these days. Because the popularity and functionality of the machines are phenomenal, it is not surprising that there are also as numerous viruses, threats and spasm that threaten to destroy and alter the computer systems. Thus, there is a need for appropriate and really effective protection. There is a need to buy antivirus software.

While in the past, it has been considered a luxury to buy antivirus software, these days, the activity can be seen as more than just necessity. To buy antivirus software is actually to secure the computer system and make sure it will be free from harm and programming disruptions. Because viruses are evolving and they come in strategic forms and tactics, there is a need for you to buy antivirus software that is proven effective and functional.

Because there are too many makers and developers of such computer programs, there is a massive confusion in the market. Here is a set of simple guidelines that would help and assist you to buy antivirus software.

1. Choose and buy antivirus software that is compatible with your computer’s operating system. Be informed and always remember that no matter how popular and effective an antivirus is, if it will not work due to incompatibility, you will not gain from the purchase. Before you buy antivirus software, be sure to check the software first for any specifications and requirements for system compatibility.

2. As you choose and buy antivirus software, opt for products with excellent background protection. When you say excellent background protection, the antivirus product must be able to scan the PC for viruses even without the required manual intervention. Also favor to buy antivirus software that can neutralize viruses the moment they emerge.

3. Buy antivirus software that is able to facilitate disaster recovery. You may not know it fully, but there are specific antivirus programs in the market that can work wonders like this. The antivirus should have a disaster recovery feature so that data and files would not be lost if ever a notorious virus attacks your computer system.

4. You should strive to buy antivirus software that is able to prompt and initiate automatic updates. Every now and then, there are always new and more sophisticated threats and viruses that are rolled out in cyberspace. It is important that you make sure you would buy antivirus software that is up-to-date and boasts of the newest computer security features.

5. As a resourceful consumer, make sure you buy antivirus software that is certified by the most reliable standards setting and certification bodies. These groups include the popular Virus Bulletin 100% Awards, the West Coast Checkmark and the International Computer Security Association or ICSA.

6. Buy antivirus software that has a firewall protection. Firewalls help shield your PC from active threats, most especially when you are connected to the Internet. Usually, firewalls are offered and sold as a separate product from the antivirus, although there are some protection programs that offer both in a single package.

7. Make sure you prefer to buy antivirus software that is configured to monitor your PC automatically. It is right that you buy antivirus software that detects and cleans viruses. It would be better if you would secure products that could initiate automatic checkups. This way, no matter what, no virus can be unforeseen and undetected.

8. Buy antivirus software that is proven to be easier to use, install and even configure. The best products are always those that are user-friendly. Otherwise, you may not be able to fully make use of them.

Corporate Data Security

Corporate data is one of the prized trophies in the circles of information underground. Despite the fact that there are elaborate corporate data security policies in place, new threats keep on emerging every once in a while. While most of the threats are easily contained if you follow a proactive approach to corporate information security, the process of management of information security is not an easy one and you must be aware of new threats to deploy countermeasures in time.

The main threat in these new generation issues is the emergence of Botnets. Botnets use the power of distributed computing and connectivity provided by the internet. It is mainly used for attacks like distributed denial of service. They are something of an evolution of run of the mill computer virus or a worm. They are something like a set of interconnected computer worms working in tandem.

The process of deployment of a Botnet is simple. Anyone who can write a computer virus can easily modify it to take orders from a precoded computer over an IP connection. Every computer that gets infected with the said virus and is not healed in time becomes a part of the Botnet. As of now, Storm Worm has been the widest spread Botnet. It has since been contained but the worst of Botnet is yet to come.

Phishing attacks are another form of emergent threats to data security management. In fact phishing is turning into the worst nightmare every information security manager. The concept behind phishing emerged on AOL network. The main reason that phishing is becoming a very critical threat is because the attacker poses as the official entity. People find it really hard to differentiate between what is real and what is unreal. The result is that social engineering becomes ridiculously easy.

In most of the cases, the phishing attacks have been launched against banking institutions. Phishers would lure customers of these banks to reveal their account information by present a page which is designed in such a manner that it looks as realistic as can be. In the recent times there has been a wave of phishing attacks where the attackers pose as the Internal Revenue Service. They are known to attack people for procuring their social security numbers and other taxation related data.

Another threat to corporate data security is Pharming. This attack works on the principle of DNS poisoning which allows the attacker to divert the traffic coming to a corporate web site to any other web site. The main victims of Pharming are again banking institutions but they are also known to be used for intra organizational social engineering to steal crucial company data.

A number of technologies are in development to prevent the damage dealt by these corporate data security threats. The best solution as of now is to educate the users and make sure that they do not fall victim to social engineering.