Tag Archives: virus removal

Virus Removal – E-Mail Attachment Viruses

Over recent years viruses that are spread in the form of e-mail attachments have become increasingly more common with widespread attacks taking place across the globe, the most famous of which being the CIH virus mail attack.

On 26 April 1998 the first wave of the much feared CIH virus (or Chernobyl virus) struck across the world. The initial spread of this virus was caused by the distribution of infected software and game demo’s, but later even big companies such as IBM were distributing newly built, complete PC systems blissfully unaware that these new systems were already harbouring the CIH virus.

Although the virus was first spread in April 1998, it was not set to activate until a year later on 26 April 1999. If virus removal had not been performed on infected PC’s prior to that date, the virus would be activated. Once activated, the virus had the ability to overwrite the majority of the data on the user’s hard drive, causing havoc within the file system and rendering the user’s PC inoperable.

In 2001 a new strain of this virus was created and distributed globally to thousands of victims in the form of an e-mail attachment. These two attacks combined caused an estimated $8 million worth of damage to computer systems around the world, but unfortunately a lot of this damage could have been avoided if the users had made simple adjustments to their e-mail security settings and updated their antivirus software. These simple adjustments help to protect your system from infection and avoid the difficult task of virus removal after an infection has been detected.

Always check your e-mail security settings to make sure you have the correct security measures in place to combat these attacks should they ever take place again. If you’re security settings are set up to allow JavaScript, Macros or other (possibly malicious) files to execute automatically, then it is vital that you disable these features as soon as possible to ensure that you are not vulnerable to an e-mail based virus attack.

Removing Virus in Your Computer

Nowadays, there are a lot computer virus removal software that have been proven to really do the job. Some can be easily downloaded through the internet while others have to be purchased. For the downloadable ones, it will be just a matter of minutes and the anti-virus is already working on your computer.

Before you go and download anti-virus programs, you have to look into the specific details of it. Others offer more features and keeps your computer much more protected, so choose the one which will really offer you with the best defense against computer virus.

For the ones which have to be purchased in stores, these usually comes in CDs which will be used for installation. Most of the computer virus removal programs already include antivirus and antispyware installer.

It is a brilliant idea to regularly scan your computer for viruses as this will make sure that your computer files and programs are really safe. There are a few common indicators which will let you know that your computer has virus.

If your computer is not responding as fast as it should or if the programs are already working too slowly, this can be because your computer has been infected by virus. Files which you cannot access because it is corrupted can also mean that it contains computer virus. Lastly, another indication of a computer virus is when your computer constantly opens websites which you are not trying to access.

Determine if your computer is infected or not so you can prevent more serious damage to your files and programs. If it is infected, you can easily solve this problem by using your anti-virus software and allowing it to clean up your computer virus. That is, if your computer has not been seriously damaged yet. It is also important to constantly update your anti-virus software so that it would be more efficient in eradicating virus. Whether you are using an anti-virus program which is downloaded or installed through a CD, always make sure that you have the latest version. This is best for detecting even the latest viruses.

Computer virus removal is easy if you just have enough knowledge on computers. Search through the internet first for the best names when it comes to anti-virus software.

Trojan Virus Troubles and get them in your computer and what to do to remove it.

Some of us with just a cursory perception of Greek mythology are knowledgable about the story of the Trojan Horse, the clever ploy devised by crafty Odysseus that finally ended the decade long Trojan War. The story plot goes where the Greeks pretended to surrender and resulted in a peace offering of a large wooden horse, but hidden within the wooden walls were the strongest Greek warriors waiting to ambush this town of Troy after the Trojans let their guard down. The horse was dragged through the city gates and while the Trojans slept, exhausted after celebrating what they thought was the finish of the war, the Greek warriors came out of hiding and destroyed Troy finally.

Exactly what can this story have to do with Trojan virus removal? Well, the way that a Trojan horse virus attacks your laptop or computer is comparable to the way that the Greeks ransacked Troy many, years ago. Crafty hackers have devised methods to infiltrate your pc without your even knowing it. Technically, you’re aware of the infiltration itself even so you don’t get that it’s dangerous until it’s already happening. It’s kind of like taking candy from a stranger with questionable motives. Trojan horses usually can be found in the form of a harmless looking e-mail or file like music or pictures. You download or open it, and absolutely nothing appears to be amiss.

But you’ll start to notice that the computer is moving awfully slowly. Random pop-ups keep dominating your screen. In the for the worst situation scenario, your passwords are all compromised and you’ve basically lost management of your computer. They’re good signs you may possibly be contaminated with a Trojan horse, and some Trojan virus removal could be in order.

Often people turn to antivirus software to get rid of Trojan horses, that may be helpful however it’s not a surefire solution. It is a good precaution, but Trojan viruses are invariably evolving and you can never be sure, so Trojan virus removal by antivirus software isn’t guaranteed. Remember to constantly update your antivirus software you’ll be able to protect yourself as well as you can. The only way to get rid off a Trojan horse for sure was to perform a clean reinstall your personal computer. This essentially meant erasing everything on your hard drive, which means you must backup all that you plan to keep and then also reinstall it.

A clean reinstall will ensure Trojan virus removal, but it’s tedious so the best way to be free of Trojan viruses is to prevent infection in the first place. Don’t download anything from a source that you don’t trust! And if you do, understand that there are risks and prepare to deal with the consequences.

If you do not have a back up there are many tools available today that will allow a experienced computer technician to scan for and remove the virus from your system saving you the trouble of need to reinstall and restore your system.

Most software program and virus errors can be fixed or repaired over the world wide web utilizing special software that enables a technician to share your monitor and work with the computer system, you’ll help you save a lot of time and also help save so much of money