Tag Archives: virus

Growing Need of Antivirus Programs

Antivirus programs are a part of effective computer maintenance. The available virus removal software are designed to detect any virus on your individual computer followed by removing it while protecting your machine simultaneously.

There are several ways a virus can attack your PC. It can be through downloads, installation of new software, or sending and receiving emails. This is why it is always suggested to scan everything you download, and update your antivirus software regularly.

As believed by the most, E-mail is not actually the virus breeding ground until and unless you have been sent a spam mail by anyone. Spam emails contain viruses as attachments — either rich-text e-mail or animation. Using efficient antivirus software, scan all attachments before you download. Never open attachments sent by unknown people.

Many email client programs like Yahoo mail and Microsoft Outlook offer security preferences to prevent email borne viruses from running the functionality of your computer. Other latest versions of Microsoft email clients contain much powerful features to keep spam at bay. In case, you don’t know how to adjust your email settings, you can get the task done using email support services available online. In addition, you can also avail PC optimization and protection services.

There are several antivirus programs coming as a combo pack with antispyware programs. They boast to provide complete protection for your computer against the virus and spy ware. However, this can also be a marketing stunt. Therefore, always consult with an expert or computer repair technician before buying or downloading such packs. The job of protecting the computer against malware is not easy and the task is not just limited to antivirus installation.

Computer protection services offer you active security products that you need to protect your computer. Such an array includes Reinstallation or uninstalling antivirus software, standard upgrade, running a virus scan, removal of threats found, subject to having access to said files and the capabilities of antivirus software.

The best part about such services that they are easily available online and generally provide the support 24/7. Computer protection services are advisable for continuous protection against harmful viruses or malware roaming in the cyberspace.

Remove Trojan Virus For Secured Computing

Trojan virus can cause harm to your computer in many ways. Scan to remove Trojan for best results.

Trojan virus is a small malicious program that is hidden within other programs. They look innocent from outside but contain malicious programs within them and hence these programs are also called Trojan horse with reference to the classical Greek literature. In most cases, Trojans are delivered to the victim’s computer, without the knowledge of the user, as executable files, usually through email attachments, chat lines, files transfers through FTP and so on. The most common source of Trojan infection is through freeware or shareware programs, free MP3s and movie downloads. These are freebies on the net that easily attract the netizens and they unknowingly download the files that when executed install the Trojan horse in the system.

There are different types of Trojan horses used for different purposes. Some of the most well known Trojans are AIDS, Back Orifice, Back Orifice 2000, Beast Trojan, Bifrose, Acojonaor, AIM Spy, Ambush, Aqua, VMLFILL and so on. Trojan virus can be used for erasing data or copying or overwriting data of the infected computer’s HDD, encrypting and corrupting system files and data files, uploading and downloading bulk materials, installing other malicious software like spyware, virus, phishing software, retrieving email addresses, passwords and credit card numbers.

As the Trojan virus disables the anti virus software of the system, it becomes impossible to protect the system from Trojan. The easiest way of removing the Trojan horse virus from the system is to completely format the hard drive and reinstall the operating system and other software. But Trojan attacks are so common these days that it is impossible to carry our clean installation every now and then. Especially with so much vital information on the disk it is not really a viable solution. Again, you can reinstall the system only when you will be aware of the existence of the Trojan horse virus in the system. Once your system is infected it takes time to discover the existence of the Trojan and this is not really good for your security and safety.

Another effective solution for removing the Trojan virus from your computer is the Trojan horse removal software. The Trojan remover software scans the system for the Trojans and removes them immediately when found. You can schedule the scanning process and it automatically removes the harmful Trojans and keeps your system clean and safe from any threats. So, for safer computing get a Trojan remover and stay protected.

Church Virus Protection – 10 Ways To Improve Your Data Security

This day in age many churches are utilizing the resources the internet has to offer to spread the word and information on events to their partition, but they are unaware of the danger that their office computer is in from viruses and spyware attacks that are commonplace in the digital world.

If a church office computer contracts one of these viruses that data stored on your churches computer files can be compromised, stolen, or lost without virus protection in place. Statics show 80% of the time the church in question has not implemented any virus protection at all.

While these kind of attacks happen more often then most are aware of there are a few things that can be done to assure that your churches files and information is protected.

In order to help improve your church virus protection here are 10 ways to prevent hackers from infiltrating your system.

Install reliable anti-virus software (this is the best way to prevent viruses)

Never automatically open email attachments. Many times hackers will send a virus via email. All you have to do is open this email and your are infected

Scan all incoming email attachments before opening them. Anti-Virus protection will be able to alert you if any suspicious code exist within the attachment that could endanger your church data security

Configure anti-virus software to automatically boot when you start you computer. This works well because you will never forget to turn on the ant-virus software.

Update your anti-virus software frequently. By doing this church is assured protection from new viruses that arise.

Do not download programs from the Web from sites that you do not trust especially freeware or shareware sites, which are notorious for containing malicious scripts.

Do not boot with a disk in the drive. If the computer is booted with a disk in the drive it will automatically loads the disk. If the disk is infected it will load on to the computer without the option to scan it.

Do not share disk or usb memory drives. You do not know what or where the other person has been downloading from and you may get exposed.

You should always scan disks before using them. Anti-virus software will be able to determine whether or not a disk has been infected or not and in most cases remove the files that are corrupt.

Use common sense when using the internet. If you feel there is something wrong with a site or receive an email from someone you are not sure of their intent then chances are something is not right.

Following these 10 steps will substantially improve your church virus protection. By preventing a virus to infect your PC you protect your church and all your members. No church wants to find out that a malicious virus has wiped out all the office records. Utilizing these 10 steps will assure that this never happens.