Tag Archives: videos

What are the essential factors When Considering Ecommerce Hosting?

When you are considering ecommerce hosting then you should consider some factors before you are acquiring any web hosting. These factors are:

Storage Space: Even a small ecommerce venture would require 100 MB disk space. If your venture is larger then you would need such an ecommerce setup which would provide you large number of images and also various product videos. Thus you would require more storage for your site. Therefore, when choosing a ecommerce hosting you should know how much storage space is provided.

Bandwidth: This is another important factor to consider. This is because with this the number of users to your site would be determined. If your ecommerce website has images then you would need a bandwidth of 50 GB and if there are videos then you would need a bandwidth of about 500 GB.

Security: It is important that before you choose an ecommerce host you should know the security measures provided by that. Therefore you should choose such a hosting provider which would come with SSL connections which might be either shared or dedicated. This is necessary because it will help you to safeguard your data and have more and more customers.

Operating System of the Server: When you are considering ecommerce host then you should be careful enough to find that the operating system of the web host matches the server’s programming language. Thus if you have ASP .NET shopping cart then you should go for Windows hosting and if your shopping cart is of PHP or MySQL then you should go for LINUX hosting.

Technical support: One of the most important factors to consider when you are looking for an ecommerce web hosting is the support that it provides to you when you are facing any problem with your website. You should know beforehand whether there is customer support available at all the times and whether there are more than one means by which you can contact the customer care.

What are the essential factors When Considering Ecommerce Hosting?

When you are considering ecommerce hosting then you should consider some factors before you are acquiring any web hosting. These factors are:

Storage Space: Even a small ecommerce venture would require 100 MB disk space. If your venture is larger then you would need such an ecommerce setup which would provide you large number of images and also various product videos. Thus you would require more storage for your site. Therefore, when choosing a ecommerce hosting you should know how much storage space is provided.

Bandwidth: This is another important factor to consider. This is because with this the number of users to your site would be determined. If your ecommerce website has images then you would need a bandwidth of 50 GB and if there are videos then you would need a bandwidth of about 500 GB.

Security: It is important that before you choose an ecommerce host you should know the security measures provided by that. Therefore you should choose such a hosting provider which would come with SSL connections which might be either shared or dedicated. This is necessary because it will help you to safeguard your data and have more and more customers.

Operating System of the Server: When you are considering ecommerce host then you should be careful enough to find that the operating system of the web host matches the server’s programming language. Thus if you have ASP .NET shopping cart then you should go for Windows hosting and if your shopping cart is of PHP or MySQL then you should go for LINUX hosting.

Technical support: One of the most important factors to consider when you are looking for an ecommerce web hosting is the support that it provides to you when you are facing any problem with your website. You should know beforehand whether there is customer support available at all the times and whether there are more than one means by which you can contact the customer care.

Earning Money With Online Videos

The Internet offers endless possibilities for earning money online or increasing revenue as the result of increased exposure. Whether it’s selling products or services, teaching your skills, entertaining audiences, building your reputation or blogging for ad revenue, there’s a niche that can be tapped into by anyone. One thing that all of these online ventures have in common is the potential to benefit from incorporating online videos into their business models as an additional revenue stream.

Videos uploaded online and/or live streaming media increase exposure and open the video broadcaster to a new audience. They can drive traffic to websites and increase sales. Video broadcasters can position themselves as experts in their fields and the go-to source for industry-specific knowledge and information. And although the likelihood of any video going viral is rare, it does happen on a daily basis. YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook and other online video sharing sites have shown the Web 2.0 world the power of video to entertain, engage and educate.

These simple video possibilities are great ways to earn second-hand income by upping traffic, sales and recognition. Yet the potential for online video does not end there. An additional income stream that not many people think of is monetizing their online videos right from the start. Videos can be uploaded and sold on a pay-per-view basis so that the viewers pay to watch. Oftentimes, many online business people have something of true value to offer and an audience hungry to pay to learn that knowledge and understanding. So, these videos can be created as informational or tutorial as a means of transferring knowledge. Videos can also be created for entertainment value in addition to the educational element.

Interviews between two people or live-streamed conferences, reading sessions, jam sessions and more can also be broadcasted for money. Basically, any forum that has an audience will financially benefit from offering paid online videos.

As you can see, there truly is no limit to the earning potential available online these days. Smart businesses take advantage of this fact and use all of the latest technology available to boost their bottom line.