Tag Archives: user

Antivirus Software…Educate Yourself

Today’s computer users are for the most part unaware that their computers come prepackaged with Antivirus Software that they can use to keep their computers safe from things like malware, spyware and even those nasty little viruses that seem to find their way onto a computer no matter what you do. Even those that are aware such software exists on their machines rarely know how to utilize them. I have often wondered, especially since most computers come with a limited trial version of a paid program, whether or not the companies that publish these programs want their users to have any success when using their applications.

All to often Antivirus Software is, for the average user, difficult to operate and is often left un-updated due to a general lack of education and knowledge about the product. In order to keep these programs functional they need to be updated on a regular basis so that they can detect and remove threats as well as keep your computers safe from things like zero day attacks and whatnot. Sadly a user aware that they do have such applications at hand find that updating the program is far to complex and will therefore allow the program to remain out of date, rendering the program useless.

This causes users to encounter and have multiple problems with viruses and the ever annoying spyware that’s always waiting to infect an unsuspecting, and unprotected computer. In extreme cases some of these people will become victims of data file theft or in a worst case scenario, identity theft. It is for these reasons that one can only hope that antivirus programs become easier to use at some point in time.

As a person who fancies himself tech savvy I’d like to see antivirus software become much more user friendly if for no other reason that to give me a break from the monotony of ridding family members computers of infections. This has consumed more than just a few weekends of my time and I’d like to see something get published that has an easy to navigate user interface and updates just as easily. I’d also like to see publishers begin polling average people to determine what their true level of computer knowledge is. It is my opinion that this would allow them to see very clearly just how difficult it is to use some of these antivirus programs.

There is another side of me that believes partial blame must lie with those who buy computers. You don’t buy a car before you know how to drive or even before you have plans to learn to drive. I’d like to see this same rule applied to the world of computers, especially since they have now become common place in the home. It is very rare that I see anyone, even my own family members ask for help in learning how to operate a program, or with desire to learn more about their machines and how to keep them safe.

In actuality I’m surprised by the languid approach both sides have taken as threats to computers and private information is so high these days that there is rarely a day when you don’t read about some type of new threat or about someone who had their files and/or their identity stolen. Let’s face it if you’re operating a computer without being at least semi-proficient with an antivirus application you’re going to be in trouble. Even if your identity is never stolen you will likely still encounter all the problems caused by spyware and malware. In most cases your computers processing power and memory will be eaten up by these nuisances and causes you many a headache.

If you’re a computer novice or find that you’re just not to comfortable around things like antivirus programs then take the time to educate yourself so that you can protect not just your machine but your data and files as well. If you’re on the other side of the fence and are a publisher of antivirus software find ways to keep the high level of functionality you currently have all the while keeping in mind that not everyone who uses your products are going to know what they’re doing. Easy to use and comprehensive security measures are the way to go.

How to View Inaccessible MDB File using MDB Viewer Software?

Whenever, it comes to create, save and maintain a database, the best approach that we can opt is using a MS Access Database file. In fact, this is one of the most common and widely used formats used by many individuals for creating and maintaining the databases. And, in general many such file consists of various objects, like tables, forms, reports and queries. Now, the situation turns upside down when any of those MDB files get corrupted. And, without any doubt corruption in any of those database files can consequently result or bring an unnecessary strain to your business.

Usually, whenever these MDB file gets corrupted, being the database user you may get encountered with various error messages that may restrict you to access the database records saved in either of the above components. Adding to that the situation may even get trickier as you may find lot more difficulty in viewing and accessing the required MDB file. However, there is an easy option available to surmount such MDB file corruption error message. If you have already maintained the proper backup, then there is no need to worry, but it’s really unfortunate to see that many of us actually don’t follow this important exercise. Therefore, to deal with such circumstances the next best approach that you can opt is the usage inbuilt ‘Compact and Repair’ utility provided by the Microsoft.

Usually, this inbuilt repair application repairs logically damaged MDB files in most of the conditions, but at times fails to perform the required operation and further makes a lot difficult for user to view file. For such circumstances where such inbuilt repair utility fails to repair the file, ideal option that you can opt is the usage of a third-party MDB viewer application. The best aspect about such application is it can assist you restore the original Access database content without hampering any data or information present in it. With mdb viewer you can repair corrupt mdb files and view mdb files instantly and without facing any difficulty. The tool facilitates you to open inaccessible database of Microsoft Access format and view its content regardless of the state of input files.

Recoveryfix for Access Repair Utility is one such efficient and ideal mdb file viewer utility that repair damaged or inaccessible Access file and retrieve data from .mdb file in its original state. It conducts a very recursive scanning of the damaged MS Access database file. Adding to this, the utility has got the tremendous efficiency of extracting the structure of the database and the table data from the mdb/ACCDB file.

Moreover, the most stunning feature of this software is it facilitates you with two different options: Standard Mode and the Template Mode, to repair damaged access database. As a user, you must note that this Standard Mode is very effective in situations when you want retrieve the corrupted Access database files in case of the normal file corruption. However, the Template Mode is different from another mode and highly suitable in situation when you have to deal with major corruptions caused to the database. By using this mode you can easily have a proper backup text of the database as a template. Apart from this, the software is built with intuitive user-interface that makes it self-explicable without any prior technical knowledge.

Antivirus Software…Educate Yourself

Today’s computer users are for the most part unaware that their computers come prepackaged with Antivirus Software that they can use to keep their computers safe from things like malware, spyware and even those nasty little viruses that seem to find their way onto a computer no matter what you do. Even those that are aware such software exists on their machines rarely know how to utilize them. I have often wondered, especially since most computers come with a limited trial version of a paid program, whether or not the companies that publish these programs want their users to have any success when using their applications.

All to often Antivirus Software is, for the average user, difficult to operate and is often left un-updated due to a general lack of education and knowledge about the product. In order to keep these programs functional they need to be updated on a regular basis so that they can detect and remove threats as well as keep your computers safe from things like zero day attacks and whatnot. Sadly a user aware that they do have such applications at hand find that updating the program is far to complex and will therefore allow the program to remain out of date, rendering the program useless.

This causes users to encounter and have multiple problems with viruses and the ever annoying spyware that’s always waiting to infect an unsuspecting, and unprotected computer. In extreme cases some of these people will become victims of data file theft or in a worst case scenario, identity theft. It is for these reasons that one can only hope that antivirus programs become easier to use at some point in time.

As a person who fancies himself tech savvy I’d like to see antivirus software become much more user friendly if for no other reason that to give me a break from the monotony of ridding family members computers of infections. This has consumed more than just a few weekends of my time and I’d like to see something get published that has an easy to navigate user interface and updates just as easily. I’d also like to see publishers begin polling average people to determine what their true level of computer knowledge is. It is my opinion that this would allow them to see very clearly just how difficult it is to use some of these antivirus programs.

There is another side of me that believes partial blame must lie with those who buy computers. You don’t buy a car before you know how to drive or even before you have plans to learn to drive. I’d like to see this same rule applied to the world of computers, especially since they have now become common place in the home. It is very rare that I see anyone, even my own family members ask for help in learning how to operate a program, or with desire to learn more about their machines and how to keep them safe.

In actuality I’m surprised by the languid approach both sides have taken as threats to computers and private information is so high these days that there is rarely a day when you don’t read about some type of new threat or about someone who had their files and/or their identity stolen. Let’s face it if you’re operating a computer without being at least semi-proficient with an antivirus application you’re going to be in trouble. Even if your identity is never stolen you will likely still encounter all the problems caused by spyware and malware. In most cases your computers processing power and memory will be eaten up by these nuisances and causes you many a headache.

If you’re a computer novice or find that you’re just not to comfortable around things like antivirus programs then take the time to educate yourself so that you can protect not just your machine but your data and files as well. If you’re on the other side of the fence and are a publisher of antivirus software find ways to keep the high level of functionality you currently have all the while keeping in mind that not everyone who uses your products are going to know what they’re doing. Easy to use and comprehensive security measures are the way to go.