Tag Archives: used

Understanding Computer Security Dangers in the Digital Wild West

Today, more than ever, criminals are targeting computer systems in an attempt to wreak havoc. Complacency and ignorance, regarding security issues, are computer hacker’s best friends. Computer Repairs Brisbane understands these risks and can help you implement a risk mitigation strategy. Some of the methods used to collect information about a system, network, and its users are: footprinting, scanning, and enumeration.

Footprinting is the methodical gathering of information about a company or individual’s intranet, extranet, internet, and remote access usage. Hackers exploit publicly available information like the name, address, and contact information for the party who registered the domain by using whois services. They harvest employee, vendor, and location details from the company’s website. With an employees first and last names, hackers are often able to guess their usernames. More investigation of the employee on social networks will reveal a date of birth, children, spouses, and pet’s names, home addresses, and phone numbers. Unfortunately, these are the very things that many people use as passwords.

Scanning is the electronic equivalent of casing a home or business for easy access. A burglar will check for unsecured windows and doors. Hackers search for unsecured networks by using ping sweeps, port scanning, and active operating system detection tools. If a hacker can access an unsecured port, they can exploit known vulnerabilities in your operating system or other application software.

Enumeration techniques seek out information about the services running on the network. Cyber criminals use banner grabbing to watch the output from remote applications. Applications like telnet send usernames and passwords across the network in plain text. Given the fact that many people use the same usernames and passwords for access to many different systems, this compromise can be devastating.

These are just a few of the methods used by hackers to document, assess, and attack your systems. Let Computer Repairs Brisbane be your first line of defense. Our technicians have the knowledge and skills to help you protect your network by implementing border protections, intrusion response and detection systems, and will provide you with the information that you need to make informed security policies.

Understanding Computer Security Dangers in the Digital Wild West

Today, more than ever, criminals are targeting computer systems in an attempt to wreak havoc. Complacency and ignorance, regarding security issues, are computer hacker’s best friends. Computer Repairs Brisbane understands these risks and can help you implement a risk mitigation strategy. Some of the methods used to collect information about a system, network, and its users are: footprinting, scanning, and enumeration.

Footprinting is the methodical gathering of information about a company or individual’s intranet, extranet, internet, and remote access usage. Hackers exploit publicly available information like the name, address, and contact information for the party who registered the domain by using whois services. They harvest employee, vendor, and location details from the company’s website. With an employees first and last names, hackers are often able to guess their usernames. More investigation of the employee on social networks will reveal a date of birth, children, spouses, and pet’s names, home addresses, and phone numbers. Unfortunately, these are the very things that many people use as passwords.

Scanning is the electronic equivalent of casing a home or business for easy access. A burglar will check for unsecured windows and doors. Hackers search for unsecured networks by using ping sweeps, port scanning, and active operating system detection tools. If a hacker can access an unsecured port, they can exploit known vulnerabilities in your operating system or other application software.

Enumeration techniques seek out information about the services running on the network. Cyber criminals use banner grabbing to watch the output from remote applications. Applications like telnet send usernames and passwords across the network in plain text. Given the fact that many people use the same usernames and passwords for access to many different systems, this compromise can be devastating.

These are just a few of the methods used by hackers to document, assess, and attack your systems. Let Computer Repairs Brisbane be your first line of defense. Our technicians have the knowledge and skills to help you protect your network by implementing border protections, intrusion response and detection systems, and will provide you with the information that you need to make informed security policies.

Clustering Articles For Greater Link Popularity (Page 1 of 2)

Clustering is a methodology used in many aspects in today’s societies. Typically, it is used to tie similar, but different systems, functions, or ideas together into a single structure while each piece of the structure stands on its own merits.

Strength in Numbers

The old axiom, “Strength in Numbers”, best defines the basis of clustering. People have been using clustering since the dawn of man by gathering in-groups to establish a community and utilize the strength of the community to overcome their adversaries. Likewise, they have used that strength to produce food, tools, clothing, and other material items for the use and survival of the community. Countries have even joined together for a common goal and defense. During disasters we often see countries and organizations joining together to help the people to overcome the destruction that has been caused. All of these groups and organizations working together have formed clusters for “Strength in Numbers”.

Today we can see many examples of clustering in the business world where companies join together to form larger and stronger companies. However, today we often term such actions as mergers and acquisitions. Never the less, such actions are still a methodology of clustering.

Cluster Marketing

When the techniques of clustering are applied to marketing methods the effects can produce some pleasing results. For years, Internet marketers have been applying the methodology of cluster marketing in their everyday marketing practices. When they launch a product they join forces with several key marketers to advertise the launch. Now, if you were to be a member of each marketer’s opt-in e-mail list, you would receive an e-mail about the same event from several marketers instead of just the originator of the launch. This act of joining together is the very basis of cluster marketing.

When marketers launch a product they don’t just use e-mail as their only medium of advertisement. In addition to e-mail they will use press releases, direct mail ads, webinars, Tele-seminars, etc. All of these different types of advertising are pointing to the one web site that the marketer wants you to visit. The one limitation to cluster marketing is that it is a one way methodology. Cluster marketing in itself can be very powerful if the advertiser wants to throw enough money into the advertising campaign to sustain it long enough for the general public to catch on to the message it’s trying to deliver.

With cluster marketing techniques you get one way links to your site as that is the direction the methodology is designed to support. The cluster methodology of marketing with the one way design has been very useful and powerful over the years as it emulates the human desire of pointing people in the right direction. Search engines have also found the one way links to be popular in ranking the popularity of a web site. Within the last few years we’ve even seen the introduction of three-way links and have found how popular they can be with search engines. However, setting up three-way links between various sites can be extremely time consuming unless you already own many sites where you can add all of the links required for three way linking.