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Antivirus Malware and Software (Page 1 of 2)

Warning: most antivirus programs will not protect you against all forms of malignant software (often called “malware”) on their own. Find out how to protect yourself.

Sure, your antivirus software will protect you against viruses. It will probably even do a good job against worms. But what Trojans, exploits, backdoors, spyware and the dozen other nasty software parasites?

Malware and Antivirus Software: a History

The war on computer viruses has led to an arms race between the designers of antivirus software and the designers of viruses (you didn’t think viruses just created themselves did you?). Some years ago, virus designers responded to ever more successful antivirus software by creating the descendents of viruses, worms, which did not infect files but rather installed themselves directly on the hard drive, making them harder to detect.

The arms race has since led to a total of at least eleven distinct types of what is now called malware, a neologism meaning bad (as in malignant rather than shoddy) software. According to Wikipedia, these eleven types of malware are:

1. Virus 2. Worm 3. Wabbit 4. Trojan 5. Backdoor 6. Spyware 7. Exploit 8. Rootkit 9. Key Logger 10. Dialer 11. URL injection

There’s a twelfth kind of malware: adware, which Wikipedia considers simply to be a subset of spyware.

Why Antivirus Software Isn’t Enough for Malware

As you can see, makers of antivirus software have their work cut out for them if they’re going to keep every instance of malware off your system. As a result, antivirus software makers have often had to pick their battles. Adware, whose makers often claim they are doing nothing illegal or even questionable, often gets treated more lightly.

Even when antivirus software makers do come out with a product that fights all twelve or so kinds of malware, responding to each new instance of malware to come on the market isn’t easy. First the malware has to be identified, which means someone’s computer, and probably tens of thousands of computers, will be infected first. Then, the malware has to be dissected. Then a removal program and a filter must both be written. Then the removal program and filter must be tested to make sure they work, and that they don’t interfere with any other functions of the antivirus software or the computer itself. When a fix for the virus is out, it then has to be loaded into an antivirus software update and transmitted to every single computer worldwide that has the antivirus software installed.

The speed with which antivirus software makers are able to deliver updates for newly discovered malware would impress even Santa Claus. Yet there’s still a crucial window of one to a few days between when the new malware has reached a critical mass of thousands of computers, and when the update is released. If your antivirus software is not set to check for updates automatically every hour or so, that window opens even wider.

Antivirus Malware and Software (Page 1 of 2)

Warning: most antivirus programs will not protect you against all forms of malignant software (often called “malware”) on their own. Find out how to protect yourself.

Sure, your antivirus software will protect you against viruses. It will probably even do a good job against worms. But what Trojans, exploits, backdoors, spyware and the dozen other nasty software parasites?

Malware and Antivirus Software: a History

The war on computer viruses has led to an arms race between the designers of antivirus software and the designers of viruses (you didn’t think viruses just created themselves did you?). Some years ago, virus designers responded to ever more successful antivirus software by creating the descendents of viruses, worms, which did not infect files but rather installed themselves directly on the hard drive, making them harder to detect.

The arms race has since led to a total of at least eleven distinct types of what is now called malware, a neologism meaning bad (as in malignant rather than shoddy) software. According to Wikipedia, these eleven types of malware are:

1. Virus 2. Worm 3. Wabbit 4. Trojan 5. Backdoor 6. Spyware 7. Exploit 8. Rootkit 9. Key Logger 10. Dialer 11. URL injection

There’s a twelfth kind of malware: adware, which Wikipedia considers simply to be a subset of spyware.

Why Antivirus Software Isn’t Enough for Malware

As you can see, makers of antivirus software have their work cut out for them if they’re going to keep every instance of malware off your system. As a result, antivirus software makers have often had to pick their battles. Adware, whose makers often claim they are doing nothing illegal or even questionable, often gets treated more lightly.

Even when antivirus software makers do come out with a product that fights all twelve or so kinds of malware, responding to each new instance of malware to come on the market isn’t easy. First the malware has to be identified, which means someone’s computer, and probably tens of thousands of computers, will be infected first. Then, the malware has to be dissected. Then a removal program and a filter must both be written. Then the removal program and filter must be tested to make sure they work, and that they don’t interfere with any other functions of the antivirus software or the computer itself. When a fix for the virus is out, it then has to be loaded into an antivirus software update and transmitted to every single computer worldwide that has the antivirus software installed.

The speed with which antivirus software makers are able to deliver updates for newly discovered malware would impress even Santa Claus. Yet there’s still a crucial window of one to a few days between when the new malware has reached a critical mass of thousands of computers, and when the update is released. If your antivirus software is not set to check for updates automatically every hour or so, that window opens even wider.

Protect Your Computer From Computer Virus Threats

A computer has to deal with lots of different worries on a daily basis while performing at a high level of service. It’s our tool to get work done, pay bills with, and stay in contact with loved ones around the world. We need it to be at the top of its game, otherwise we’re left in limbo and feel lost without its capabilities. This is why computer virus threats can be a nightmare if you don’t have the protection set up to handle the newly created bugs from entering your computer and reproducing in its files.

If you don’t keep up on things, there are always new computer virus threats appearing. There can be countless ones every day. It can be hard to keep track of all of them if you don’t have a protection program set up to handle the threats. There’s no way of knowing if something slinks into your computer if you don’t have protection software. Anti virus and spy ware blockers work hard to protect your computer against the nasty bugs. The cleaners watch the computer’s registry like a hawk, making sure nothing gets past their defenses. They scan the hundreds of registry files making sure there are no invalid entries, because if there are, it could cause you more problems down the line. If there are any errors, it will provide a list and allow you to clean a specific one or automatically take care of the entire problem. You need protection that’s going to notice the smallest of changes and will fix the problem without the bug causing damage to your files. It’s also important to make sure the program you use has automatic updates, which helps it handle the new swarm of bugs wanting to take over the system’s files.

You can go to different places and find the upcoming viruses, spy ware, and ad ware that will be new to the information world or see the newly created ones already causing havoc in people’s lives. Companies have to work hard to stay ahead on the battle front, which is why many offer free updates on a continuous basis so you have the newest protection against computer virus threats. This helps take care of any security gaps that come up in your current software protection. This can be a difficult battle to fight, but it will be easily won if you have the right protection software installed on your computer. Research what’s available and read the reviews and you’ll be able the perfect protection for your system.


-You have heavy-duty protection software to handle new computer virus threats.
-There are automatic updates for protection against any new bugs.
-Companies are constantly on the offense to fight against security gaps.


-Your program doesn’t have automatic updates.
-Software isn’t upgraded to handle the new swarm of viruses ready to hit the information highway.

To protect your information from computer virus threats, make sure you have appropriate protection in place.