Tag Archives: understand

Get Better Google Rankings and Increase Web Traffic With RSS Syndication (Page 1 of 2)

So maybe you have heard about Really Simple Syndication (RSS) and seen the RSS symbol on websites?

Perhaps you have even used it to catch up on your daily news from your favorite websites. Great free resources like the Google Reader makes it a breeze to keep up with the latest happenings on topics of interest to you.

But there is another side to RSS I would like to discuss with you today, and that’s RSS syndication also known as RSS submission which is the process of using this technology to get better page rankings in the search engines and increase web traffic to your website.

I am going to suggest to you that this is a vital process for you to understand and start using as the vast majority of your competition (other web sites) are not leveraging this technology. So using feed submission is a great way to assist you in leapfrogging your competition.

But lets take a step back and understand how the process works. Firstly in order to use RSS like this, you need an RSS feed.

Think of an RSS feed as just a description of one or more pages on a website. It’s a standard format that can be read by literally millions of programs on the internet.

You see computers being what they are, they cannot understand a particular piece of information unless they understand the structure. Because RSS is a documented format, it means all these programs that use RSS can then understand how to read an RSS feed, and how to process the contents in the file.

Many websites have this technology built in. If you are running a wordpress blog you automatically have this technology built in to every post you make on the website.

And even if your using a static website without RSS feeds, you can invest in an inexpensive RSS script to product RSS feeds for your website.

As I mentioned previously RSS technology has mainly been used to retrieve information for a group of websites (news, new content, etc). It has not really been used to assist you in getting visitors to your website or ranking better in google.

But new exciting software is coming out to leverage the power of RSS to get the word out about your website.

Entire websites are developed and being developed as RSS Aggregators, in other words sites dedicated to receiving information about the content that is on other websites. And guess what? They use RSS technology as well.

Google, the premier search engine itself invested million purchasing a major RSS website called feedburner. Further they then added to their AdSense program a module for RSS Feeds. AdSense is the most widely used technology to put advertisements on websites that we know of today.

I am hoping your starting to see where I am going with this, if entire sites are setting themselves up to use RSS exclusively and Google themselves are heavily investing in RSS technology, then this is something that internet marketers should be looking at.

Google realize that RSS is all about tracking content changes, because anytime a website adds content to their website (if they are using RSS technology) then their RSS feed is updated automatically.

Get Better Google Rankings and Increase Web Traffic With RSS Syndication (Page 1 of 2)

So maybe you have heard about Really Simple Syndication (RSS) and seen the RSS symbol on websites?

Perhaps you have even used it to catch up on your daily news from your favorite websites. Great free resources like the Google Reader makes it a breeze to keep up with the latest happenings on topics of interest to you.

But there is another side to RSS I would like to discuss with you today, and that’s RSS syndication also known as RSS submission which is the process of using this technology to get better page rankings in the search engines and increase web traffic to your website.

I am going to suggest to you that this is a vital process for you to understand and start using as the vast majority of your competition (other web sites) are not leveraging this technology. So using feed submission is a great way to assist you in leapfrogging your competition.

But lets take a step back and understand how the process works. Firstly in order to use RSS like this, you need an RSS feed.

Think of an RSS feed as just a description of one or more pages on a website. It’s a standard format that can be read by literally millions of programs on the internet.

You see computers being what they are, they cannot understand a particular piece of information unless they understand the structure. Because RSS is a documented format, it means all these programs that use RSS can then understand how to read an RSS feed, and how to process the contents in the file.

Many websites have this technology built in. If you are running a wordpress blog you automatically have this technology built in to every post you make on the website.

And even if your using a static website without RSS feeds, you can invest in an inexpensive RSS script to product RSS feeds for your website.

As I mentioned previously RSS technology has mainly been used to retrieve information for a group of websites (news, new content, etc). It has not really been used to assist you in getting visitors to your website or ranking better in google.

But new exciting software is coming out to leverage the power of RSS to get the word out about your website.

Entire websites are developed and being developed as RSS Aggregators, in other words sites dedicated to receiving information about the content that is on other websites. And guess what? They use RSS technology as well.

Google, the premier search engine itself invested million purchasing a major RSS website called feedburner. Further they then added to their AdSense program a module for RSS Feeds. AdSense is the most widely used technology to put advertisements on websites that we know of today.

I am hoping your starting to see where I am going with this, if entire sites are setting themselves up to use RSS exclusively and Google themselves are heavily investing in RSS technology, then this is something that internet marketers should be looking at.

Google realize that RSS is all about tracking content changes, because anytime a website adds content to their website (if they are using RSS technology) then their RSS feed is updated automatically.

Profit Growth With The Aid of Usability Principles

The expression, website usability, has been known for quite a few years, and yet it is something that appears to be hardly discussed in the more heavily trafficked marketing forums. We consider that just incredible because it really is talking about optimization of all aspects of a commercial site. The meaning of this word is intuitive, and if visitors have difficulty using any aspect of your site then that isn’t desired. Of course it is obvious that your site needs to always be user friendly and motivates people to return. There is much to think about based on the nature of your site, and the best way to approach this is to have data about what is happening.

So you understand the importance of knowing visitor behavior, and you will use a good tracking script for getting that done. The basic strategy is to discover where your site is under-performing; once done, you examine the location and begin creating adjustments. When you think about it, that approach is not so advanced, but it does work nicely if you do it. So you want to use the most robust tracking script you can find. They generally do the same things, and then it boils down to features and benefits. You can track entry and exit pages, or points. The best scripts will not leave you guessing about visitor behavior on your site.

When you indulge in the overall practice of improving site usability, you are optimizing. You can optimize your site for any number of desired steps including conversion rates; both an opt-in or a sale. The proven method or approach for optimizing anything at all on your website is accomplished through testing. The vast majority of people only use split testing, and that is fine since it does work well. Multivariate testing is much more powerful and different than split testing. You can take the somewhat blind approach and choose random aspects of your pages to run a test. But like we pointed out earlier, you use the tracking script metrics to determine possible trouble pages, and then you just begin testing that page. The sensible approach to optimization and testing is to discover where your site is weak so you can fix it.

There is no question about the worth of testing and usability performance analysis. Once you start seeing positive results, you will likely be happy with yourself for having accomplished it. When your site is fully optimized, your desired conversions will be the best they can be. We all understand what the bottom line is, and that is the entire reason for doing this.