Tag Archives: traffic

Proper SEO for WordPress

So, you’ve set up your blog or website using WordPress (almost always a good choice) and now you want to try to get some ranking on a few popular keyword terms in the search engines so you can jump-start your traffic. When doing on-site SEO, it’s often hard to strike the right balance; remember: on-site optimization is important, but don’t go overboard. You always want your website to be attractive and readable for actual human visitors.

If you go too crazy with SEO, try to place keywords unnaturally in sentences where they don’t belong, and generally compromise the quality of your site so it will “look good” to the search engines, you will be making a big mistake. In the end, the site always has to provide a good experience to any visitors that you do get, or all the work you do to get traffic will be useless; people will hit your site and bounce like a silly-putty ball. What’s the point?

The good news is that there are lots of tools to make it easier to improve the optimization on your website. Owing to the popularity of WordPress, an entire industry is producing add-on utilities like specialized themes and plugins (e.g. this SEO Pressor review) to streamline a tested SEO process on sites built with the platform. You can find all sorts of tools, ranging from free plugins like All-in-One SEO, Platinum SEO, and Google Image Sitemaps to premium plugins like SEOPressor or My SEO Status.

As a general rule, the following procedures are known to help increase your optimization without creating pages that look too “out-of-whack” to your human visitors. The trick is to apply them consistently across your site. Whenever you create a page or post that you want to rank high in the search engines, either because it is a sales or show page or just to generally draw more visitors, you should select a SINGLE keyword phrase relevant to your site to optimize the page for. Don’t try to optimize for more than 1, other than to add some related keyword phrases as described later. Once you have chosen your keyword, do the following:

  1. Put the keyword in the page TITLE, that is, in the HTML title tags, preferably at the beginning
  2. Have the keyword appear in an H1 and H2 tag on the page, and an H3 tag if reasonable
  3. Put the keyword in the “alt” attribute and the “title” attribute on the image tag
  4. Put the keyword in the first and last sentences, and in the remaining content to about 2-3% keyword density
  5. Add an image, larger than 200 pixels in size and smaller than 1000, with the keyword in the name of the image file
  6. Put a few related keywords, called LSI (latent semantic index) keywords, in the content
  7. Put the keyword in the “keywords” and “description” meta tags in the header

All of these things can be done without spoiling the reading experience for your visitors. Note: the LSI keywords are simply words that are reasonably related to the core keyword. For instance, if you were optimizing for “fishing tackle”, words like “net” or “bobber” or “fishing lure” or “fishing reel” would be LSI keywords. Their presence reinforces that the page content is indeed relevant to the main keyword “fishing tackle.”

Remembering to do all these tasks whenever you are trying to optimize a page for the search engines can be a chore. A lot of them can be automated by use of the correct themes and plugins in WordPress, giving you less to remember. The very best SEO plugins, like SEO Pressor, can track what you’re doing at every step and even make suggestions to help you do a better job. Use a tool like that to enforce a correct process, and soon it will become like second nature to do it. Your traffic numbers will thank you!

Using Link Bait To Attract Massive Free Traffic

Here is a technique I have long used to attract massive free traffic to some of my websites. Recently, more and more people are discussing this largely intuitive technique, and giving it a variety of names. The name I most embrace is “link bait.”

“Link bait” is anything that you put on your site that encourages others to link to your site, and then drive massive amounts of free traffic to your site by telling others about it. It’s some feature that by it’s very nature makes others reference your site and want to tell others about it.

Examples of this could be a service that they need to visit your site to access, or an outstanding article that they have to visit your site to read, or even some type of list that they need to visit your site to access.

Examples of link bait that I can think of (actual and hypothetical)… things that would cause other webmasters, publishers, and just people in general to send you traffic include:

– The site http://formatit.com/ has a software utility that formats emails for free. This is where I format all of my ezines and emails to a max of 65 characters per line 😉

– The site http://selfpromotion.com/ has a program that allows you to semi-automatically submit your sites to all of the major and minor search engines and directories for free.

– A site that has a listing of all the major blog directories.

– A site that has a listing of all the major places to “ping” when posting to your blog.

– A recipe conversion chart on a cooking site.

– A chart showing calories burned during various exercises.

– A listing (with hot links) and maybe reviews of major internet marketing forums.

– A list of 100 top rated directories to submit your ezine articles to.

– A list of the 100 most popular baby names.

– A list of foods considered aphrodisiacs… and why they work.

… you get the idea!

If you can incorporate something similar to the above on your blog or site, then after the word gets out, it will be natural for people to link to you. They’ll feel good linking to and telling others about your site. People enjoy appearing “in the know.”

You should do some brainstorming today, and see what ideas you can come up with for link bait to add to you site and then tell the world about.

As I said, it can even be an article. For example, an article on how to really optimize a website, 20 top traffic generation methods, some type of webmaster tricks, etc.

As an example, I recently wrote an article, which I expanded into an ebook called “20 Insider Techniques Of A Super Affiliate.” I recently decided to post these techniques as a 20-part series to my blog at http://WillieCrawford.com/blog/

Once people start referring to this series, it will attract traffic to my blog for a very long time. The key then is to have links in my blog’s navigation that make it easy to locate this series even months from now!

Go ahead… do some brainstorming, and then put some link bait on your site. Then tell a few others and ask them to help spread the word. After all, link bait only works if the word gets out. Once it does, the flow of traffic will become unstoppable.

How To Get Quality Links To Increase Your Website Traffic

How To Build Your List, Get Quality Links and Increase Your Website Ranking Easily

As you already know getting traffic is one or the most difficult task you can encounter as an Internet  marketer. Traffic has to be targeted in order to provide building an opt-in list of future customers that will generate the profits that you will need for growing your business.

Pay-per Click (PPC) Campaigns

While There are several ways to get that traffic the most effective and fast way to do this is Pay-per-Click advertising, this is a  method that can be used for building your opt-in list real fast. Google Ad Words and Overture are probably the best known of the PPC services. This form of advertisement is not recommended for everyone.  Sometimes it can be very time consuming and very, very expensive.

Blogs and Forums

Blogs and Forums are quickly becoming one of the most popular and easiest ways for anyone to publish content to the web and get free traffic. Blogs have become quite the hot topic over the last year.  They allow users to easily create their own websites, without knowing any html coding. The search engines love them since blogs are indexed by the search engines quickly better than regular websites. You can link your website to the blog and get the free traffic. While this method is not fully guaranteed it has results.  You will need lots of good content to keep the traffic coming to your website and to your blog. But the catch is that it will require more than one blog to get it accomplished and can become time consuming.

When posting to forums you’ll need a lot of time in your hands. Forum wrangling is tedious and time consuming also. You will need to find forums that have good topics in which you will post  and discuss with other participants. Both methods required that you post often to keep attracting your subscribers to come back and refer you to others in their networks; include links to other forums, blogs, articles and websites in your posts.  These type of   traffic doesn’t happen quickly, this is something you must do continuously every day to build up.

Article Writing

Article writing is another  way of getting free traffic. Is probably the favorite way of  many marketers in generating traffic for their website. Simply by writing and submitting the articles to article  directories. The more articles you write and submit to directories the more traffic and back links you will build for your website. While article submission isn’t anything astonishing new to the world of Search Engine Optimization, many people still don’t do it… and for good reason. It’s time consuming and takes so incredibly long time to do this manually.

Article Submissions

There are software programs that will submit your articles to hundreds of directories with a few keystrokes. One such program is Article Submitter. The software cost nothing at the time of this writing. With the software you can quickly and easily submit your website to hundreds of article directories with a few mouse clicks. This free software can help get the targeted traffic that you need, plus will help get your website listed on the top search engine rankings in all the major search engines quickly.  Visit this blog and read the blog post  “How To Get Free Targeted Traffic Using Articles” or just click on the link: (http://blogtipsezine.wordpress.com .)

I can’t think of an easier way to get links. Of course, if you’re going to get links this quickly, it’s important to submit different variations of your articles, to make things look more natural to the search engines.