Tag Archives: though

What Is Hacking?

What is your definition of hacking? Most people think of the news stories that relate to big companies having embarrassing problems as their data is compromised. But in truth, hacking goes a lot further than this.

It doesn’t always have to be someone you don’t know who hacks into your systems and causes problems for your business. It could equally be someone who works for you that doesn’t have your best interests at heart. This is because the basic meaning of hacking is when someone accesses some or all of your computer systems without permission. And it doesn’t just happen over the internet.

Quite often, many people don’t see how widespread computer hacking can be. Assuming that they are only in danger from internet based attacks means they may not be covered for all risks. Even those companies that do all they can to prevent hacking which occurs online may have unwittingly turned a blind eye to other dangers.

This is why an understanding of what hacking is and what it involves can help you to protect your own business more fully. But what do you do if you don’t know all the ins and outs of the threats posed?

The easiest solution is to rely on an expert to make sure every potential hole is plugged, and no one can break into your systems. Network penetration testing is one of the best ways to see how good your computer network really is. If you do have vulnerabilities it’s best to find out via someone who is honest and is looking for them to benefit you. If you assume everything is okay and it isn’t, you could be in for a nasty shock at some point in the future.

It is probably because people limit their definition of hacking that some businesses are more in danger than they realise. Everyone likes to think that all their employees are working honestly and for the company’s good, but it doesn’t always pan out that way.

Supposing an employee was given notice to leave but they had until the end of the day to clear their desk. They could potentially do a lot of damage to your computer system before they left, if the mood took them that way. Even though you could have them arrested for their actions, the damage would still be done and it would take time to rectify.

An expert in the field of ethical hacking would be able to highlight any potential problems and solve them before anyone else had a chance to exploit them. And that is certainly a service that is worth paying for.

Don’t make the mistake of thinking this should only be done once though. Hackers are constantly finding new ways into previously secure systems. If you employ a company to see how up to date your security measures really are, make sure you do it on a regular basis. If you don’t, you still run the risk of being caught out.

What Is Hacking?

What is your definition of hacking? Most people think of the news stories that relate to big companies having embarrassing problems as their data is compromised. But in truth, hacking goes a lot further than this.

It doesn’t always have to be someone you don’t know who hacks into your systems and causes problems for your business. It could equally be someone who works for you that doesn’t have your best interests at heart. This is because the basic meaning of hacking is when someone accesses some or all of your computer systems without permission. And it doesn’t just happen over the internet.

Quite often, many people don’t see how widespread computer hacking can be. Assuming that they are only in danger from internet based attacks means they may not be covered for all risks. Even those companies that do all they can to prevent hacking which occurs online may have unwittingly turned a blind eye to other dangers.

This is why an understanding of what hacking is and what it involves can help you to protect your own business more fully. But what do you do if you don’t know all the ins and outs of the threats posed?

The easiest solution is to rely on an expert to make sure every potential hole is plugged, and no one can break into your systems. Network penetration testing is one of the best ways to see how good your computer network really is. If you do have vulnerabilities it’s best to find out via someone who is honest and is looking for them to benefit you. If you assume everything is okay and it isn’t, you could be in for a nasty shock at some point in the future.

It is probably because people limit their definition of hacking that some businesses are more in danger than they realise. Everyone likes to think that all their employees are working honestly and for the company’s good, but it doesn’t always pan out that way.

Supposing an employee was given notice to leave but they had until the end of the day to clear their desk. They could potentially do a lot of damage to your computer system before they left, if the mood took them that way. Even though you could have them arrested for their actions, the damage would still be done and it would take time to rectify.

An expert in the field of ethical hacking would be able to highlight any potential problems and solve them before anyone else had a chance to exploit them. And that is certainly a service that is worth paying for.

Don’t make the mistake of thinking this should only be done once though. Hackers are constantly finding new ways into previously secure systems. If you employ a company to see how up to date your security measures really are, make sure you do it on a regular basis. If you don’t, you still run the risk of being caught out.

Fix slow pc with Registry Cleaner

A Registry is central hierarchical database which is used in all Microsoft including Windows 98, Windows CE, Windows NT, and Windows 2000 used to store information that is essential to construct the system for one or more users, applications and also for hardware devices.

The Registry contains all important information that Windows operating system repeatedly mentions during its all operation, such as, the applications present on the computer and the types of documents that each can produce, profiles for every user, property sheet settings for various folders and other application icons, how many and what all hardware exist on the operating system, and the running and essential ports that are getting used in the normal operations. An important information which is- the Registry substitutes most of the text-based .ini files previous to that are used in Windows 3.x and MS-DOS configuration files, chiefly such as the Autoexec.bat and Config.sys files or functions. Even though the Registry is general to more than a few Windows operating systems, there are some differences among them. Now due to its very high importance in all the windows operating systems a security or protection issue also goes very high.

Few small changes to this registry can create havoc to the system and it won’t run smoothly at all. For this purpose a registry cleaner comes in light which is very helpful to protect windows registry. You might have heard about the registry cleaner nowadays in fact today there is a flood like situation in the Internet market about these registry cleaner. Though this is also an important thing to be noted that all the registry cleaner are not same and very few of them work fine and perform their intended task successfully. While comparing a registry cleaner with manual changes to the registry it is important that it should not remove any needed file by windows OS.

Since a registry is very sensitive and core component of any windows system today so it is essential to take preventive measures in order to keep it fit and in working condition. Various external and malicious attacks make your Pc unstable and poor in performance. Here I would also like to mention that though we can make changes or can correct registry manually as well however, this alternate is not very advisable at all. An incorrect change can create many issues such as BSOD, freezing or related program may not run at all. So just be aware of it. With a good registry cleaner we can eliminate this shortcoming and can protect our PC for sure.