Tag Archives: things

Social Media is Good for Everyone

Many people know all about the biggest social networking sites. There are a few that are most popular of course and those are probably the ones that instantly came into your head when I mentioned social media. But there are also several smaller sites that are popular for the same types of things. There are several different reasons that you may want to use social media and these will vary depending on whether you have a business or a personal account.

A personal social media account will typically have a lot of personal information. It will talk all about you and show your friends and family the things that you enjoy as well as the things you do throughout the day. You can post information anytime you want and for some people posting is something they do many times during the day.

If you have a business however then you should definitely be using some type of social media as well. That’s because these websites are perfect ways to meet new people and get your company name well known. Each time one of your customers likes or friends your page all of their friends will see your company name. That makes them more likely to come to your page and read about your company.

With your company name out there you can get more and more customers every day because you have more and more people visiting your page. Once you get them there you want to make sure that you are using all the best tips and tricks you possibly can to get them interested and convince them to buy from you. This is actually a very easy process when you are actually working hard at it because all you need to do is think about your best services and market those on your page.

A social media website can be a lifesaver for many people. Whether it’s simply the way you make friends or the way you make your living, this is a great thing for anyone. Working your way into something like this and being sure that you are doing everything you can to make this type of networking really work for you is the first step to getting more business and making your company grow. You’ll be on your way to better things in no time flat.

Social Media is Good for Everyone

Many people know all about the biggest social networking sites. There are a few that are most popular of course and those are probably the ones that instantly came into your head when I mentioned social media. But there are also several smaller sites that are popular for the same types of things. There are several different reasons that you may want to use social media and these will vary depending on whether you have a business or a personal account.

A personal social media account will typically have a lot of personal information. It will talk all about you and show your friends and family the things that you enjoy as well as the things you do throughout the day. You can post information anytime you want and for some people posting is something they do many times during the day.

If you have a business however then you should definitely be using some type of social media as well. That’s because these websites are perfect ways to meet new people and get your company name well known. Each time one of your customers likes or friends your page all of their friends will see your company name. That makes them more likely to come to your page and read about your company.

With your company name out there you can get more and more customers every day because you have more and more people visiting your page. Once you get them there you want to make sure that you are using all the best tips and tricks you possibly can to get them interested and convince them to buy from you. This is actually a very easy process when you are actually working hard at it because all you need to do is think about your best services and market those on your page.

A social media website can be a lifesaver for many people. Whether it’s simply the way you make friends or the way you make your living, this is a great thing for anyone. Working your way into something like this and being sure that you are doing everything you can to make this type of networking really work for you is the first step to getting more business and making your company grow. You’ll be on your way to better things in no time flat.

How hackers taking advantage of Internet of Things

The latest technology, IoT is going to take the world by storm. This awesome money and time-saving trick to virtually monitor devices in your household is showing some promising signs. Once it hits our everyday life, it will be more than just productivity-boosting. Their are many pros and cons of this latest technology. But, benefits of this technology are ceaseless. And the one thing that rises above all-is that comfy, warm sense of being connected to your home things wherever you go. Internet of Things is all about the safety that comes with the associated apps.

Or… is it?

Our planet already has enough mess accumulated by technology. According to the Forbes, a whopping number of 30,000 computers are hacked every day. Whether the sob story is – Sony’s hacking Scandal or Jennifer Lawrence’s outrageous photo-leaks, privacy breach is nothing new to hit headlines.

But the safety hazards associated with Internet of Things didn’t discourage David Carmon, Britain’s Prime Minister to promise £45 million to IoT’s future. But Edith Ramirez of Federal Trade Commission, USA, aired the data security concerns that IoT inevitably brings and she warns “Any device that is connected to the Internet is at risk of being hijacked.”

Considering National Security Agency spying leaks, letting Internet steer the wheel of your household appliances is another way of sending a welcome note to government surveillance agencies (or worse, hackers who do it for fun), to monitor what’s on your plate for dinner this evening. Just as shown in the TV series Homeland, terrorists are capable of hacking even a pacemaker.

A fitness-tracking smartwatch, the one that counts your step or heartbeat, can be tampered with. Symantec Corporation has carried out research that confirms so. Make sure when you use IoT as security footage or baby monitor, isn’t being used to stalk your move. The other devises that are susceptible to such intrusion are Smart TVs, Baby monitors, USB, Routers and even toilets!

It is predicated that cutting-edge IoT solutions have already started to materialise at a rapid rate replacing the traditional customized solutions. It is to historically alter consumer habits and trends. No matter what security challenges they involve, business Internet of Things connections are expected to reach 5.4 billion in 5 years. According to Verizon Inc., organizations that do not switch to IoT-based solutions will lag behind by at least 10% less profit by 2025.

The security of Internet of Things depends on the data encryption during transmission. It will take true grits of manufacturers and careful consideration of computer scientists to ward off evils lurking behind the smart LEDs and unassuming webcams. Or else, IoT will be our 21st century’s cross to bear.