Tag Archives: text

Are We Becoming A Society Glued To Our Cell Phones?

In today’s world of telephone technology and endless possibilities, internet cell phones are becoming increasingly popular in everyday society. More and more people are becoming accustomed to living with their cell phones tightly fastened to their hips, only inches away from a dial and a click. Children as young as nine can be seen on playgrounds or school halls using their BalckBerrys or Motorola telephones. Text messaging has even become a new way of talking in American homes.

Gone are the days when old-fashion, wired, wall telephones were a part of our everyday lives. No more slow dialing or rotary calling. The old-fashioned telephone has been replaced with PDAs, BlackBerrys, Motorola phones and even iPhones. Cell phone emails and instant text messaging are becoming all too common. The inevitable expansion of telephony technology has become a hot commodity in the business world. With its vast improvements in telephone conferencing, businesses are now opting for virtual technology to conduct their meetings. Using Polycom or Konftel conference room phones is their first choice. Face to face meetings have been replaced with web cams, Polycom phones and Cisco telephones.

Top telephony vendors, such as, Grandstream, Polycom or even Cisco have all come out with their latest VOIP phones, each promising clear communication and noise cancellation. These telephony giants have all made their mark in technological advances in the telecommunications world. The seamless integration of the telephone systems and networks is but one example of how Cisco, Grandstream, Polycom and even Dialogic have all made vast improvements in this world.

Whether it’s your iPhone, wireless cell phone or Apple Touchscreen, the latest fads in telephony technology have only shown that cell phone usage has become as innate and second nature to us as breathing air. Cell phones have become as popular as high definition televisions, computer laptops and even MP3 players. Which is why, it’s no surprise that cell phones now come in various packages and deals.

You can email a parent or even text message a friend. You can browse the internet or even pay a bill online – all from the touchscreen of your cell phone. Telecommunication cell phone carriers, such as, Verizon, Sprint and AT&T are all scrambling to offer consumers great deals.

Purchases of BlackBerry’s, Motorola phones or even Apple iPhones are not restricted by age or by wage. Someone who makes a modest income can easily afford the modern conveniences of a cell phone. Telephony carriers are offering their bundle packages on text messaging as a means of family gatherings. Children from an early age are being taught to text message their parents in cases of emergencies. Teenagers are waiting in anticipation for the latest telephony fads, especially when it comes to ipods, iPads, Touchscreens, iApps and iPhones.

Whatever the reason, it’s obvious that we as a society are becoming more dependent on our cell phones. They have become a part of our every day lives. We have become a society incapable of living in a text free world.

Shortcuts to Quality Backlinks (Page 1 of 2)

Building quality, one way links to your website can be difficult, time consuming and frustrating. It is generally agreed that the best way to build links is to build them gradually over time, relying on natural links to your original, frequently updated content. There are, however, a few shortcuts to building up links. They are not easy ways to make your site popular, nor are they guaranteed to work for everybody. They are simply some casual tips to help you obtain a few quality inbound links.

Submit Articles to Digg

Google absolutely loves Digg. The site is spidered very frequently and the domain has a lot of authority in terms of link building. Even stories with no diggs will still be spidered, so long as there is a navigational path for the spiders to use to reach it. Google cannot use the number of diggs as any sort of authority when ranking a URL, yet…

For the best long term effects only submit good quality articles to Digg. Or better yet, let your users submit the articles that they think are worthwhile. You will quickly get a reputation as a spammer if you keep posting unpopular content.

Other Social Networking sites

Submitting to social bookmarking and social networking sites can be hot and miss for some people.

Some social bookmarking sites such as Delicious and Twitter use “nofollow” on their links so they cannot influence rankings. Other sites, such as Furl, do not.

Having your links on a few social network profiles may also be useful in building up the number of links. For others it is simply not worth it. While some, such as Facebook, do use “nofollow” on their links, some do not. However, the weight that these links carry is relatively low, despite the authority these domains actually carry.


“Widgetbait” is a term thrown around for an object that is added to a user’s website or blog. This item features a link back to the author’s website. If the object is installed on many thousands of websites, this results in many thousands of backlinks. The classic examples of widgetbait include online quizzes, IQ tests or horoscopes.

While these links are valuable to some, for others the quality of the link and the traffic it brings is just too low. If the text of the link bears no relation to the page in which it is contained, Google becomes suspicious. Additionally, the text that links back to the site must relate to the widget, and, the link must go back to the author’s website, not a third party site. A classic example of spammy widgetbait would be an IQ test that features a text link to an online dating site. Google would soon hear of this and the sites involved, including the sites distributing the widget and the site being linked to would be penalised.

The Best Kind of WidgetBait: Just Build Something Useful

The best type of widgetbait is to simply create something that people want to use. Classic examples of this are Winamp Skins, modifications for forum software such as Invision Power Board and plugins or themes for WordPress. Why are these good ideas? They will result in you being listed on the official website of each respective product. These sites are popular and the links they feature carry a lot of influence.

Shortcuts to Quality Backlinks (Page 1 of 2)

Building quality, one way links to your website can be difficult, time consuming and frustrating. It is generally agreed that the best way to build links is to build them gradually over time, relying on natural links to your original, frequently updated content. There are, however, a few shortcuts to building up links. They are not easy ways to make your site popular, nor are they guaranteed to work for everybody. They are simply some casual tips to help you obtain a few quality inbound links.

Submit Articles to Digg

Google absolutely loves Digg. The site is spidered very frequently and the domain has a lot of authority in terms of link building. Even stories with no diggs will still be spidered, so long as there is a navigational path for the spiders to use to reach it. Google cannot use the number of diggs as any sort of authority when ranking a URL, yet…

For the best long term effects only submit good quality articles to Digg. Or better yet, let your users submit the articles that they think are worthwhile. You will quickly get a reputation as a spammer if you keep posting unpopular content.

Other Social Networking sites

Submitting to social bookmarking and social networking sites can be hot and miss for some people.

Some social bookmarking sites such as Delicious and Twitter use “nofollow” on their links so they cannot influence rankings. Other sites, such as Furl, do not.

Having your links on a few social network profiles may also be useful in building up the number of links. For others it is simply not worth it. While some, such as Facebook, do use “nofollow” on their links, some do not. However, the weight that these links carry is relatively low, despite the authority these domains actually carry.


“Widgetbait” is a term thrown around for an object that is added to a user’s website or blog. This item features a link back to the author’s website. If the object is installed on many thousands of websites, this results in many thousands of backlinks. The classic examples of widgetbait include online quizzes, IQ tests or horoscopes.

While these links are valuable to some, for others the quality of the link and the traffic it brings is just too low. If the text of the link bears no relation to the page in which it is contained, Google becomes suspicious. Additionally, the text that links back to the site must relate to the widget, and, the link must go back to the author’s website, not a third party site. A classic example of spammy widgetbait would be an IQ test that features a text link to an online dating site. Google would soon hear of this and the sites involved, including the sites distributing the widget and the site being linked to would be penalised.

The Best Kind of WidgetBait: Just Build Something Useful

The best type of widgetbait is to simply create something that people want to use. Classic examples of this are Winamp Skins, modifications for forum software such as Invision Power Board and plugins or themes for WordPress. Why are these good ideas? They will result in you being listed on the official website of each respective product. These sites are popular and the links they feature carry a lot of influence.