Tag Archives: text

Designing Accessible Websites – The Growing Importance and Needs

An accessible website is one that can be reached and used by all users, irrespective of any physical disability they might have or the manner in which they use the internet. This is a sufficiently important condition which has become a legal requirement for certain websites in many countries, especially the U.S., and typically government sites.

An accessible website has business significance because current figures indicate that disabled users constitute between 10% and 20% of the population of most countries. These numbers do not include those who are marginally challenged to whom an accessible website would provide a more rewarding internet experience. Another consideration is the average age of users which is steadily increasing in most countries. With advancing years a number of issues arise such as changes in vision and hearing and a steady decline in dexterity and memory. All told the number of internet users who would benefit from more accessible websites would stand at around 30% of the population, a figure that no business can afford to ignore. Let us consider some of the more common issues involved.

Visually Disabled Users
Visually disabled could range from color blind to completely blind. Partially blind users have difficulty in grasping images which do not carry a text description of what they contain. A visually impaired user who is unable to see the image cannot comprehend what it is, or what it is trying to convey. Color blind users are sometimes unable to distinguish design elements, as well as text, from the surrounding elements which might include background or page color, since the two colors may not contrast sufficiently. Problems could also arise with sites not designed to enable ‘viewing’ through a screen reader, which is a web browser that reads text aloud from websites. Frequently an attractive website can be quite indistinct when heard through a screen reader.

Hearing impairments
An accessible website has to accommodate users with impaired hearing. Hearing impaired users are unable to grasp information and data which is audio communicated. A simple solution is to provide an image or text description in addition, as a backup.

Physical disabilities
It is difficult to a person not physically disabled to understand how a website can be accessed without using a mouse. The needs of such disabled users should be addressed with website input and navigation methods which make the site accessible and user friendly.

Cognitive and Neurological Disabilities
An overly complex design makes a website confusing to most normal users, much more those with cognitive and neurological disorders. Such sites are completely beyond the comprehension of such users. Simplicity is the key to an effective website, more so if it is to be accessible to the broadest possible spectrum of users including those with cognitive and neurological disorders.

Several groups worldwide are focused on highlighting accessibility issues. They provide help and guidance to those who want to design accessible websites. One concerned group is the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) which has published guidelines and standards for accessible websites.

What is link anchor text?

By anchor text, we are talking about the text of your link, some links have the web address as the text, but some links have actual words that are linked. The later ones, are the ones that you are after. We know that it is easiest to go out there and start building as many back links as you can and use the same text over and over, however this is not the preferred method of Google’s to rank you so, Mix It Up!

You can say that more powerful link anchor text than the site title would be a better choice, at least use of the company name points those pages out clearly for the site visitor. If the company name includes a targeted keyword, some added search engine benefit is included as well. In any case, the better link anchor text will assist in maintaining the overall site theme. Note that the footer anchor text places some extra keyword density on the page.

Another tip to vary anchor text is to point links to your internal web pages using different keywords and different anchor text. The goal is to get more links and to help your internal web pages to rank well. The search engines will considered that links are natural and pointing to your.

Google’s Webmaster Tools facilitate this optimization by letting website owners view the most common words in anchor text linking to their site. The inclusion of important keywords in the anchor text can make a big difference in the final ranking of your site pages. In fact Google even has a special operator: allinanchor:keyword’, which picks up text only from within the anchor text of indexed pages. Google/Yahoo bombing is the practice of placing terms you want a given page to rank for in anchor text that links to that page.

An infamous, large-scale example of this same test involved the phrase “miserable failure.” Some enterprising bloggers got together a few years ago and decided to link lots of sites to the official biography page for President George W. Bush at the whitehouse.gov site. The goal, of course, was to make that page show up in the 1 position whenever unsuspecting (or in this case, many suspecting) searchers typed in that phrase. It worked.

Make sure all the pages within your web site link to each other. Create a site map that lists all the web pages. Use anchor text in the description of your link. When Google visits your site it can easily spider your whole site using the site map.It’s difficult to get good rankings from blog posts because they typically don’t contain backlinks. You can remedy this by linking the keywords (anchor text) in related posts to the page you want to get good rankings for.

Another practical measure is to vary the target webpage by linking a specific page to a given article. In other words, don not solely use your root domain as the target site. For instance use hyperlinked text from an Ezine article or other non-video directory to route readers to the specific video-containing post (e.g. at domain.com/video-about-article) that accompanies the text. Your readers will surely recognize the extra care given to your linking.

Information on how in order to Employ Any backlinks pointing – Anchor Words Website

If would like to find out learn how to use backlinks in content writing, then read this. You will discover how to develop anchor-text backlinks upskill traffic aimed at your web.

In this very sophisticated world, many people are using the Internet technology to do their advertising schemes to enable them to earn more profits through the products and services that they are offering. One method of doing advertising over the internet is through article writing.

Through the years, marketing with articles has been allowing people to gain very remarkable profits via the internet. The process of doing this is very easy. You’ll want to write articles that are highly relevant to the products and services you might be offering and submit them in article directory sites. Articles should be submitted to article directories so that you will be placed on the top field looking engines. There are many of free article banks that you can use in this purpose.

Marketing with articles is a great way to increase traffic to your webblog. That is why it is advisable that you submit more articles that they can where you can place backlinks. The more articles with backlinks you submitted, the higher quality traffic you will definitely get for your website. You may well be wondering about using backlinks?

Any backlinks pointing are very important because is always healthy . ones that article readers will click on to receive to your website. Most of the professional writers for information marketing are even using anchortext backlinks to make sure that readers will see these links and click on them to enable them to visit the main website where the real money comes in.

Note that after you write for bum marketing, you need to use relevant keywords. You should utilize these keywords as anchor text wherein you can place your backlinks or sometimes called hyperlinks. It is best to use anchor text backlinks than using the traditional ones with the “click here” citations. With anchor text backlinks, readers can be attracted to click on the link because they will not have any idea that you are selling anything. They should only expect to get more information from your website. Once they are already in your website, that is the perfect moment for you to offer your products and services.

Backlinks tend to be used when you post articles in blogs, forums, and even in discussion boards. The consequences of using these backlinks show up the number of tourists in your website. Since backlinks are used in article marketing many businessmen could increase traffic to their websites. That is why it is important to know how to use backlinks when submitting your articles in directories.