Tag Archives: text

Are you taking on Goliath with your Website Linking Strategy?

When it comes to your website link building strategy are you taking on Goliath?

Lets look at the search engine ranking you are looking to get to your site for example if you are looking to get to a number one listing under the keyword ‘Internet Marketing’ in Google. Is the target you are aiming at a Goliath? As in a lot of well established competition?

I know David won the mythical battle, but wouldn’t it be better to have the best odds possible?

A website Link building Strategy with focused keywords, which is achievable, is going to bring a focused visitor ready to buy rather than untargeted “traffic for ego”

To do this properly you need to research the words you think that you most likely customer and research the competition in this area.

And also look at the facts about the top listed websites:

1. What page rank does it have? 2. How many links does the site have pointing to it? 3. How many pages does it have listed? 4. What type of site is it eg: Normal, Blog or Wikipedia? 5. Does it exchange links?

A search under the term “internet marketing” – shows all the different types of sites mentioned above- the competitive terms are good for showing what works.

Some webmasters say that you should vary the “Anchor text” – this is the text that displays in a text link on another site, linking to your site. Some webmaster software programs automatically insert the same text in every page they display.

Lets look at a real time example:

1. Search for “Reciprocal Link Software” without quote marks, in Google 2. You should find the program Autolinks Pro 3. Go to the demo version 4. You will see that the software generates pages, with the text “Reciprocal Link Software” in every page.

Now that’s the same text, on every page, of every site, of every user online. Now there will be others that will link with something different, for example the domain name, but the majority of the links say what the site is about. That’s logical enough for both Humans and Google!

Seeing a number 1 ranked website out of 1 million results, on a focused keyword site is enough proof for me what works!

From here you need to develop a conclusion. Focused 2 – 3 words that helps you avoid taking on the Goliath’s of search engine results. The more targeted the visitor, the more likely he is to stay and take the action you want.

This is not to say that you cannot take on a Goliath, there just needs to be and understanding of the effort of time and resources of taking on a giant! Understand the battle field!

Article Marketing – Boost Your Link Quality and Link Popularity (Page 1 of 2)

Article marketing is one of the hottest web site promotion strategies to get your message out to your target market. Did you know it also improves your link popularity and link quality? Read on to learn how these two offpage search engine optimization factors can be positively influenced by article marketing.

Search engine bots to scour the internet and index the vast number of web pages using complicated algorithms to determine the relevancy and ranking of each web site. One way to positively influence your web site ranking is through offpage search engine optimization tactics. Offpage optimization tactics focus on improving link popularity and link quality. Search engines use these two offpage optimization factors to influence your ranking. Generally speaking, link popularity refers to the number of links point back to your web site. Link quality refers to the importance of the web sites that are pointing to your website, whether the content of the site linking to you is related, and the anchor text in the back link. To improve your search engine ranking, boost your link popularity and the quality of incoming links.

Article marketing is a proven strategy for boosting your link popularity and link quality. Here is why. Each article you prepare for promotion will include a short resource box at the end of the article. This is where you should add at least one link back to your web site. Submit the article to multiple article directories and you receive a link back to your web site from each of those article directories. If other web site owners looking for content use your article on their web site, blog, newsletter or ezine, you will also get a link back from each of those sites as well. The more compelling your articles are, the more they will proliferate. As your articles proliferate, you get more back links. Think about it. This proliferation improves link popularity.

The second benefit of article marketing is to improve link quality. You can positively affect link quality through the article text and article resource box. Your article text should relate to your web site content theme and use your primary keyword phrases sparingly within the body of the article. Write articles on topics that are related to the theme of your website. If your website is about kitchen remodeling, publish articles about flooring, custom cabinets, countertops, lighting and other themes related to kitchen remodeling. Search engines will know these topics are contextually related or frequently associated with your primary theme of kitchen remodeling. You can positively influence the quality of the links pointing to your site in the resource box at the end of each article. There are two objectives you should focus on when writing the resource box text. First, include a catchy phrase that draws in the reader and encourage them to click through to your web site. The secondary objective of the resource box is to positively influence your link quality. This is done through the anchor text and words surrounding the anchor text. Anchor text is the text a user sees and clicks when clicking a link on a web page. Choose your anchor text wisely. It affects link quality. Vary the phrases in your anchor text to use theme related keywords and phrases. This will positively affect your search engine ranking for those keywords. As an example, if your website is about kitchen remodeling you want the anchor text to look like those below. (Note: replace the square brackets with angle brackets):

Social Connect: One Touch – Share All A Simple, Smart And Speedy Social Media Management Application

The success and popularity of social networking platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Blogger, WordPress, LinkedIn and Tumblr point at the growing importance of diverse social media in day-to-day life. Most of us spend a major portion of our lives on different social media platforms; social media is where we live a major portion of our lives. Smart social media management can add a lot of fun, success and satisfaction to our lives.

But Harnessing the Power of Social Media Sites is Challenging.

The impact of the social media explosion is not limited to the young and tech-savvy. Sensing the growing clout of social media, a number of businesses have quickly moved to take advantage of the popularity of social media. Digital marketing managers move from site to site posting text, audio and video updates about their company, its products and its activities.

But it’s not easy for most of us to manage multiple social media accounts. The process of logging in, posting content, and then logging out (and then repeating the same process all over again for other sites!) can eat up a lot of time and effort. Managing several passwords can also be a rather tedious task. These constraints make it difficult to regularly update and manage diverse social media accounts.

There’s Too Much to do and Too Little Time!

Do you find it difficult to handle your different social networking, blogging and photo sharing sites? Do you feel that your digital marketing efforts could yield better results if you didn’t have to spend so much time switching between sites? Social Connect provides an easy-to-use and efficient solution to the problem of tackling various social networking sites. It helps you to stay on the top of your different accounts, and the simplicity of the process allows you to do a lot more in a lot less time.

Social Connect Just Makes Things Easier.

Social Connect follows a simple concept: it creates a single interface that allows you to post videos, pictures and text on 1. Facebook, 2. Twitter, 3. Flickr, 4. Picasa, 5. LinkedIn, 6. YouTube, 7. Tumblr, 8. TwitPic, 9. WordPress and 10.Blogger.

It’s a smart and productive app: type in or post the link for your update in the app and it will post them on all the social media sites. You can also click on the list of sites to select sites on which you want to post, and the app will post it on just those sites. Social Connect will significantly speed up the process of posting updates, pictures and videos.

Get Social Connect on your iPhone or iPad now to efficiently manage all your social media account from one place. The user-friendly and intuitive user-interface of Social Connect will make updating your accounts a pleasurable experience; it will ensure that boredom or time constraints never stop you from updating your virtual world on the internet.