Tag Archives: term

Importance of Ethical Link Development

There are many webmasters that will accept any inbound link in the erroneous belief that it will improve their search engine results and traffic stats. And there are link building companies that service webmasters who are more than happy to take advantage of their “link envy” by using shady or spam like tactics to build those links for them.

Ethical link development is the practice of only seeking out quality long term inbound links in a manner that is beneficial to the website in question and stays within the rules and guidelines set forth by each of the search engines.

Blindly hiring just any company to build links for your website is asking for trouble. Many of the so called link building services out there use a one or more of a combination of actions that can get your site penalized or banned by the search engines.

Practices such as buying links in bulk and reselling them, automated programs that blindly submit your link to thousands of sites with no page rank or who themselves have been banned from the search engines and the practice of submitting to link farms despite its well known negative effects on your search engine rankings.

Any of these practices can be considered spam by the search engines and your websites ranking will dramatically go down even though you are seeing more inbound links.

A truly quality website that prides itself on terrific content should be looking for quality links that can withstand the test of time. In the race for high search engine rankings an important thing to consider in your link building efforts is that quality beats quantity.

Any website should be looking for links that are trusted by the search engines to help organically grow your inbound traffic and search engine rankings over the long term. Manually building links takes time and effort and it is often hard to stay focused especially when there are so many “shortcuts” out there that can supposedly automate the process.

Add to this the fact that it sometimes takes weeks for your inbound links to show any results and it is often easier just to give up.

Outsourcing is definitely an option. If link building isn’t your strong point as a webmaster then hiring an outside link building service can serve you well if you make sure that they do not engage in any of the negative techniques mentioned above.

Be sure that they are manually pursuing inbound links on your behalf in a manner that is consistent with the rules and guidelines set forth by the search engines and that they are building only quality links with a long term positive effect in mind.

Make sure whether you do it yourself or hire an outside company that you set realistic goals early on in your link building campaign and be discriminating when it comes to where you want your inbound links to come from.

Importance of Ethical Link Development

There are many webmasters that will accept any inbound link in the erroneous belief that it will improve their search engine results and traffic stats. And there are link building companies that service webmasters who are more than happy to take advantage of their “link envy” by using shady or spam like tactics to build those links for them.

Ethical link development is the practice of only seeking out quality long term inbound links in a manner that is beneficial to the website in question and stays within the rules and guidelines set forth by each of the search engines.

Blindly hiring just any company to build links for your website is asking for trouble. Many of the so called link building services out there use a one or more of a combination of actions that can get your site penalized or banned by the search engines.

Practices such as buying links in bulk and reselling them, automated programs that blindly submit your link to thousands of sites with no page rank or who themselves have been banned from the search engines and the practice of submitting to link farms despite its well known negative effects on your search engine rankings.

Any of these practices can be considered spam by the search engines and your websites ranking will dramatically go down even though you are seeing more inbound links.

A truly quality website that prides itself on terrific content should be looking for quality links that can withstand the test of time. In the race for high search engine rankings an important thing to consider in your link building efforts is that quality beats quantity.

Any website should be looking for links that are trusted by the search engines to help organically grow your inbound traffic and search engine rankings over the long term. Manually building links takes time and effort and it is often hard to stay focused especially when there are so many “shortcuts” out there that can supposedly automate the process.

Add to this the fact that it sometimes takes weeks for your inbound links to show any results and it is often easier just to give up.

Outsourcing is definitely an option. If link building isn’t your strong point as a webmaster then hiring an outside link building service can serve you well if you make sure that they do not engage in any of the negative techniques mentioned above.

Be sure that they are manually pursuing inbound links on your behalf in a manner that is consistent with the rules and guidelines set forth by the search engines and that they are building only quality links with a long term positive effect in mind.

Make sure whether you do it yourself or hire an outside company that you set realistic goals early on in your link building campaign and be discriminating when it comes to where you want your inbound links to come from.

Article Writing Tips: The Phrase

The hardest article writing tips to learn and apply are the ones that teach us to abandon bad writing and speech habits. This is especially true of a writer’s propensity to write in the same manner that they speak in. This is never a wise idea as any transcriptionist will tell you: most people speak terribly and constantly blurt all sorts of nonsensical crap. This means that if you already speak poorly your writing will probably seem amateurish at best. This includes the use of phrases like “Should of,” “Anyways,” and one of the most common idiotic phrases of all, “Try and.” Nearly everyone uses the words “try and” in everyday speech, but this is a perfect example of poor English. And when this phrase makes its way into the writing of even very good writers it can result in the loss of the most valuable readers: the intelligent ones!

In the first sentence of this article are the following terms: “learn and apply.” Let’s compare that to “try and write.” The word “and” is an operator that indicates there are two things being combined, or that one follows the other. So in the case of the first term, we know the usage of “learn and apply” is correct because there are two specific things going on: learning AND applying.

In the case of the second term, “try and write” doesn’t yield any real meaning once you examine it. We know that there is writing going on, but what is this “try and” part mean? What does this person intend to try in addition to writing? The phrase can be broken down into its two parts to clearly see why it’s ridiculous:




Don’t forget, AND is the operator that combines the two words. The “try” part of this term is vague and makes no sense: what is being tried? The phrase really means that two things are happening: one is writing and the other is unknown.

There is never a time where you could use the phrase “try and” where it would be considered correct. Instead, you should always say “try to.” Compare the following sentences and you’ll easily see the difference:

“I will try and run 3 miles later.” Or “I will try to run 3 miles later.”

“Try and get this done quickly please.” Or “Try to get this done quickly please.”

So now that you know the difference, you shouldn’t use the phrase “try and” unless you’re running a tween blog that uses words like “coulda” and “ur.” But if you want to be taken seriously as a writer, you’ll TRY TO ensure that you never write as you speak. Chances are great that once you start writing correctly, you’ll probably start speaking correctly as well.