Tag Archives: technology

The Advantages of Remote Scanning Technology

As an IT professional, you probably spend a great deal of time resolving connectivity problems. This is especially true when it comes to network scanners. In many cases, you must contend with incompatible scanner drivers or unsupported driver applications. These issues can require costly software upgrades to fix. Such problems inevitably impact the day to day operations of your business. There is, however, a simple solution. Remote Scanning technology connects all of your work terminals to a central scanner that can eliminate connectivity issues permanently.

What is Remote Scanning?
Remote scanning software allows you to convert any standard scanner into a full blown network scanner. A host scanner is connected to a remote PC or workstation. Scanner server software is then installed on the host system. Additional client software is also downloaded to each PC in the network. Once these software packages have been installed, any PC can remotely scan critical records to the host scanner. Each PC on the network may now scan documents or records from the host terminal to any application that is currently running on each employee’s PC.

Who Uses Remote Scanners
There has been explosive growth in the use of remote scanners in the last 10 years. Remote scanners are used extensively in the banking, financial and accounting industries. Most of the major insurance companies use remote scanners to track clients’ medical claims and payments. Almost all governmental offices and universities archive their documents and records with scanners. Hospitals use them to scan and store patients’ medical histories and prescription usage. Virtually all freight, transportation and manufacturing businesses use remote scanners to scan receipts and billing invoices.

Advantages of Remote Scanners
Remote scanner technology helps to reduce your need to keep paper copies of important documents. Scanning technology can streamline your business processes and greatly enhance the overall productivity of any business office environment. It will greatly improve the portability of documents between co-workers, since different image formats can quickly be scanned and converted into other file types. Scanning software also reduces the amount of time employees spend preserving hard copies, as critical documents are saved directly to your firm’s existing financial management and accounting programs and databases.

Final Thoughts
Oftentimes, businesses overlook the importance of their IT departments until problems arise. At this point, a business can suffer from lost productivity and downtime. This is a penny-wise and pound-foolish way to go about managing documents and records. Remote scanners can mitigate connectivity issues and ensure that everyone in the office has access to vital documents and records when they need them. In the long run, this will make your business more cost-effective and improve your overall bottom line.

Begin Your Publishing Empire

Begin Your Publishing Empire

If you create RSS feeds you can start a publishing empire – just look at the rss feeds coming from the big media companies like the New York Times and others. Every hour they have people in-putting more news items – news, politics, feature articles, gossip and entertainment news – you could put anything in your feed?

You can have many feeds for all sorts of topics, just think of the possibilities for driving endless traffic to various pages of your web site where readers can access more information or a salespage, click on an advert like Adsense or some other product to buy – or to give their email address to sign-up for an ecourse or your email newsletter.

The possibilities for instant publishing via RSS feeds is endless, never before has it been so easy to publish anything, it has always been in the hands of the media giants – but no more – they don’t have a monopoly on the internet. The media giants are now down to your level – you are equal to them on the internet – they may well have a large following but, you can also have a large enough following for the information you put out in your RSS feed given time.

Your RSS feeds do not have to be international in nature looking for a worldwide audience – they can be localized for your town or city with local news, local politics, entertainment, sport, news, local gossip, travel – monetizing your feed by writing an article for a local business, and driving traffic to that page, you can charge good advertising dollars, with local businesses lining up for an ‘item’ spot in your feed. How many businesses could you take advertising dollars off in a week? How many feeds can you put out in a week? The possibilities are explosive in nature – yet so many web site owners struggle to gain any money at all from their offerings online – it’s a hard slog! If only they would keep up with technology – just like the media giants do.

Web 2.0 technology is here – yet I hear “What’s that anyway?” from all over the forums and blogs from people who have not caught up with it to realize the possibilities – like putting images, photo’s and even slideshows and video in RSS feeds, together with different fonts – instead of plain boring ‘courier’ – together with colored text and colored backgrounds, making the feeds more attractive to the readers – after all, a picture paints a thousand words – and certainly helps to get readers interested in your offer. See my website for “RSS Traffic Attack” my new ebook explaining it all in great detail.

Web site owners can be too bogged down in routine by rote – doing the same things day-in and day out, they need to step back and look around them at other possible ways of promotion – RSS feeds are free promotion and do drive traffic endlessly.

The technology is here – just use it.

Begin Your Publishing Empire

Begin Your Publishing Empire

If you create RSS feeds you can start a publishing empire – just look at the rss feeds coming from the big media companies like the New York Times and others. Every hour they have people in-putting more news items – news, politics, feature articles, gossip and entertainment news – you could put anything in your feed?

You can have many feeds for all sorts of topics, just think of the possibilities for driving endless traffic to various pages of your web site where readers can access more information or a salespage, click on an advert like Adsense or some other product to buy – or to give their email address to sign-up for an ecourse or your email newsletter.

The possibilities for instant publishing via RSS feeds is endless, never before has it been so easy to publish anything, it has always been in the hands of the media giants – but no more – they don’t have a monopoly on the internet. The media giants are now down to your level – you are equal to them on the internet – they may well have a large following but, you can also have a large enough following for the information you put out in your RSS feed given time.

Your RSS feeds do not have to be international in nature looking for a worldwide audience – they can be localized for your town or city with local news, local politics, entertainment, sport, news, local gossip, travel – monetizing your feed by writing an article for a local business, and driving traffic to that page, you can charge good advertising dollars, with local businesses lining up for an ‘item’ spot in your feed. How many businesses could you take advertising dollars off in a week? How many feeds can you put out in a week? The possibilities are explosive in nature – yet so many web site owners struggle to gain any money at all from their offerings online – it’s a hard slog! If only they would keep up with technology – just like the media giants do.

Web 2.0 technology is here – yet I hear “What’s that anyway?” from all over the forums and blogs from people who have not caught up with it to realize the possibilities – like putting images, photo’s and even slideshows and video in RSS feeds, together with different fonts – instead of plain boring ‘courier’ – together with colored text and colored backgrounds, making the feeds more attractive to the readers – after all, a picture paints a thousand words – and certainly helps to get readers interested in your offer. See my website for “RSS Traffic Attack” my new ebook explaining it all in great detail.

Web site owners can be too bogged down in routine by rote – doing the same things day-in and day out, they need to step back and look around them at other possible ways of promotion – RSS feeds are free promotion and do drive traffic endlessly.

The technology is here – just use it.