Tag Archives: technical

Handling Viruses with PC Support Provider

Way back into earlier years of computer, when mostly used was DOS command to operating system, viruses on these days has some ways not to be detected. Specifically the “Stealth” virus, which it is capable of hiding itself from the computer users, and most likely to the anti-virus. Through intercepting to the system calls which are responsible for the file reading. They can successfully give you fake information which is becoming legitimate codes for the computer system. Anti-viruses were useless then.

Evolution of the computers comes. With the presence of viruses, Technical Computer Supports don’t stop discovering solutions to this problem. They come up with the discovery of Windows. They replaced the use of DOS command to Windows. Bur of course with the computer evolution of computers comes with the evolution of the virus too. Some viruses still have the capability of hiding themselves even with the presence of Windows. They can efficiently hide themselves and can work with the Windows this virus are called “rootkits”

Technical Computer Support used some tricky actions to overcome the rootkits and to save computers from menace. Rootkit mainly attacked the system, install it there and hide itself. The work of anti-virus then was to detect the virus, but before they can detect the virus, they are already moving actively to the software, and after they knew it, the rootkits already intercepted with the programs used to detect them. Using anti-virus then doesn’t guarantee a complete protection of computers, especially if rootkits virus was the one intercepted with you software.

Rootkit Revealer was invented. But cannot totally eradicate the rootkit, can only detect that something is hiding within your system. This program was designed to destroy the rootkit, but fails to do so. This was called Microsoft Rootkit Revealer. It does gives a little help, further management with the Technical Computer Support is necessary. UnHackme or other anti viruses with rootkit detection was advice by the Technical Support Group to be installing in computer because it does help. UnHackMe are designed compatible with other anti-virus and also designed not to fight with the rootkits so it can work nicely with another anti-virus. Sort of back-up to each other so system can be of less exposure to viruses. UnHackMe should be installed before anything else, serves as a guard to the system and it watches the system process, taking all controls to the system before others. It can maliciously fools the virus, can detect and destroy rootkits attempts. That’s what Technical Computer Support was suggesting during those days.

By blocking the rootkits before it gets loaded to the memory and passing the control to the anti-virus, the attempts of the viruses becomes easier to detect and remove any further intrusion. UnHackMe are capable of removing rootkits who tries to intrude the software. A nice work-up with Technical Support and installation of UnHackMe and other anti-virus was the remedy before in order to prevent viruses from further intrusion, for experts can’t find a way to directly fight the rootkits before.

Get The Best WordPress Hosting

Since it was introduced in 2003 WordPress has grown to power several million websites and is the most popular tool for blogging (when hosting your own blog). Whilst it was initially a platform for blogs it has evolved into a Content Management System which can be made to look and behave as you require, without the need for any technical expertise.

Having decided to use WordPress you need to make the most of this by getting the best WordPress Hosting. It is not true to say that all hosting companies are the same. Whilst most Linux based hosting packages will run WordPress not all hosts make it easy to set-up and not all provide support if you have problems (as they see it as third party software).

What you need for best WordPress Hosting is a hosting provider which specifically advertises their support for WordPress and also has a good reputation for their service in general and their support in particular.

Without hesitation I can recommend HostGator. They exceed the technical requirements by running the most up to date versions of the supporting software (web server etc.) and running suPHP for best security. They also have “Quickinstall” which makes it easy to install WordPress with one click. Not only that but if you already have a WordPress site hosted elsewhere (including WordPress.com) HostGator will transfer it over for you at no extra cost.

HostGator’s shared web hosting packages include:

* The facility to pay monthly. Although obviously this costs more that paying 12 – 36 months in advance. But in any case there is no contract so you can cancel at any time.
* A Money Back Guarantee – Cancel your hosting within 45 days and you get all your money back.
* 99.9% Uptime Guarantee – So there will be no issues with your site not being accessible.
* Unlimited resources such as storage, bandwidth, email addresses etc. However the cheapest package (Hatchling) is limited to hosting one domain.
* cPanel for controlling everything and extras such as $100 Google AdWords voucher (US customers only).

A key reason why I consider that HostGator provide best WordPress Hosting is their 24/7/365 technical support. Their website offers FAQs and forums on which customers can discuss matters. If you need to contact them you can do so anytime by phone (free in US), live chat or email. I have always found the support team to be very helpful. HostGator Coupon Codes HostGator are well known for their coupons. These reduce your first invoice – the amount you pay during the sign-up process. Below are two coupon codes which you can use:

* WORDPRESSCP1 reduces the first invoice by $9.94. This means that if you are going to pay monthly you get the first month for 1c.
* WORDPRESSCP25 reduces the first invoice by 25%. If you are paying a year or more in advance this gives a significant saving. In fact it reduces the lowest monthly equivalent price to $3.71.

Get The Best WordPress Hosting

Since it was introduced in 2003 WordPress has grown to power several million websites and is the most popular tool for blogging (when hosting your own blog). Whilst it was initially a platform for blogs it has evolved into a Content Management System which can be made to look and behave as you require, without the need for any technical expertise.

Having decided to use WordPress you need to make the most of this by getting the best WordPress Hosting. It is not true to say that all hosting companies are the same. Whilst most Linux based hosting packages will run WordPress not all hosts make it easy to set-up and not all provide support if you have problems (as they see it as third party software).

What you need for best WordPress Hosting is a hosting provider which specifically advertises their support for WordPress and also has a good reputation for their service in general and their support in particular.

Without hesitation I can recommend HostGator. They exceed the technical requirements by running the most up to date versions of the supporting software (web server etc.) and running suPHP for best security. They also have “Quickinstall” which makes it easy to install WordPress with one click. Not only that but if you already have a WordPress site hosted elsewhere (including WordPress.com) HostGator will transfer it over for you at no extra cost.

HostGator’s shared web hosting packages include:

* The facility to pay monthly. Although obviously this costs more that paying 12 – 36 months in advance. But in any case there is no contract so you can cancel at any time.
* A Money Back Guarantee – Cancel your hosting within 45 days and you get all your money back.
* 99.9% Uptime Guarantee – So there will be no issues with your site not being accessible.
* Unlimited resources such as storage, bandwidth, email addresses etc. However the cheapest package (Hatchling) is limited to hosting one domain.
* cPanel for controlling everything and extras such as $100 Google AdWords voucher (US customers only).

A key reason why I consider that HostGator provide best WordPress Hosting is their 24/7/365 technical support. Their website offers FAQs and forums on which customers can discuss matters. If you need to contact them you can do so anytime by phone (free in US), live chat or email. I have always found the support team to be very helpful. HostGator Coupon Codes HostGator are well known for their coupons. These reduce your first invoice – the amount you pay during the sign-up process. Below are two coupon codes which you can use:

* WORDPRESSCP1 reduces the first invoice by $9.94. This means that if you are going to pay monthly you get the first month for 1c.
* WORDPRESSCP25 reduces the first invoice by 25%. If you are paying a year or more in advance this gives a significant saving. In fact it reduces the lowest monthly equivalent price to $3.71.