Tag Archives: tags

On Site SEO

According to Dictionary.com, SEO is “the process of adjusting the content, structure, etc, of a website so that it will be displayed prominently by a search engine.” This definition refers to that part of search engine optimization which pertains more accurately to On-site SEO.

On-site SEO has been reported to provide different experiences for different people. Some people debate the benefits of onsite SEO, given its specific factors. But in order to truly optimize the content of a search engine, it is necessary to take into account, both on and off site SEO factors. Discussed below are some of the proven facts, pertaining to on-site SEO.

The First and foremost factor in on-site SEO, is to completely optimize every aspect of your website in order to establish a greater density of the key search words. It is a fact that while using key search words in any URL has a significant impact on a website’s search engine positioning, this is rarely checked by the available keyword analyzer tools. It is advised by technical experts that 301 redirect should be used to make sure that all inbound links are routed to the appropriate URL. Additionally, hyphens, rather than underscores should be used for phrases forming more than a single key word.

With regards to the HTML title tag, when conducting an on-site SEO, one should be used logically, given the fact that it ranks quite highly with regards to keywords. Rather than listing all the keywords into the HTML, it is better to have just a couple tied in appropriately. Additionally, since search engines shed much emphasis on heading tags, key words should be used in these tags whenever possible.

In order to enhance the visibility of the website’s textual content, one should be as considerate of key search words as possible, because the more frequently, or rather, more prominently they appear in your content, the more they would serve to make a website visible in a search engine. It may be rather a tedious exercise to add your key words to an already established website, but given the described benefit, it may be worthwhile to do so, while keeping the flow of the contextual text intact! It may be worth noting here as well though, that a very frequent usage of key words may make a website appear to be an example of a spam message. It is advisable therefore to use keywords moderately!

With regards to the images in a website, alt tags may be used to include some keywords accompanying them, so that the images are easier to understand. And while it is true that al tags bring down the weight in search engine algorithms, the addition of key words can continue to serve the benefits that can be derived from the use of images on websites.

Finally, one would be well advised to add fresh content to their website on a regular basis. Not only would this serve to enhance the quality of the website, but search crawlers would be drawn to index fresh pages as well! The content should be reader friendly and engaging, and therefore one should avoid using methods such as auto-blogger content scrapping!

Improve your Article Readership Using an Effective Tag

Have you ever wondered why even some well written articles fail to attract the desired audience? Do you know what goes into making more number of people read your content? Tagging your article with an appropriate word or phrase is the answer. It helps you in effectively showcasing your article and helps readers in easy navigation through the website. Let us understand the different aspects of a tag in this article.

What is a tag?
Tags are labels that are put on articles or content, grouped together. They classify the content available in a website. A tag is a non-hierarchical keyword attached to different pieces of related information. A good tag helps a reader in identifying the article of his interest and browsing through related content. Tags form an unstructured classification of content. They can be individual or grouped together to form a tag cloud.

Tag clouds
A tag cloud is a set of tags grouped together. They are interpretations of content where tags are positioned close together with some visual properties. These properties can be varying font size or color. The underlying idea of a tag cloud is to represent tags in line with their meaning, importance and frequency relative to other tags. They help the reader in quickly finding the most prominent term associated with his topic of interest.

Tag is unique
A tag should not be confused with keywords or categories. Keywords are the ones which users search for in the Internet. They are used by SEO professionals to rank a website higher in the search results. Categories help visitors in finding content in a website. Mostly, the content in a category is unique. They form a hierarchical management of content in a website. A tag, on the other hand, helps visitors find related content from your website and other websites.

Uses of tag
Tags simplify navigation process. They help readers in finding the content easily, avoiding the hassle of going through different categories to find the required information. For the website owner, a tag helps in classification of content, making the website easy to use. Most search engines lay a lot of emphasis on tags, that is, a content well supported by tags is likely to take a higher place in search results.

Choosing a good tag
A tag must be chosen in such a way that it increases curiosity in the minds of the visitors. This enables the visitor to find more about the content provided by the tag. For example, visitors will be curious to know more about “10 ways of losing weight” rather than “losing weight”. The tags must also be relevant and specific to the article that it is leading to. If the tag provided is not appropriate to the content, visitors may not continue having the same levels of trust going with the website further. So, it is preferable to choose tags that are specific and relevant to the content.

Tags are categorization tools that help visitors in finding content easily. Tags can help find the nearer ideas, quotes concept that people discussed in the article, but do not form the core or main idea. They form minor points that help better understand the major point.

Improve your Article Readership Using an Effective Tag

Have you ever wondered why even some well written articles fail to attract the desired audience? Do you know what goes into making more number of people read your content? Tagging your article with an appropriate word or phrase is the answer. It helps you in effectively showcasing your article and helps readers in easy navigation through the website. Let us understand the different aspects of a tag in this article.

What is a tag?
Tags are labels that are put on articles or content, grouped together. They classify the content available in a website. A tag is a non-hierarchical keyword attached to different pieces of related information. A good tag helps a reader in identifying the article of his interest and browsing through related content. Tags form an unstructured classification of content. They can be individual or grouped together to form a tag cloud.

Tag clouds
A tag cloud is a set of tags grouped together. They are interpretations of content where tags are positioned close together with some visual properties. These properties can be varying font size or color. The underlying idea of a tag cloud is to represent tags in line with their meaning, importance and frequency relative to other tags. They help the reader in quickly finding the most prominent term associated with his topic of interest.

Tag is unique
A tag should not be confused with keywords or categories. Keywords are the ones which users search for in the Internet. They are used by SEO professionals to rank a website higher in the search results. Categories help visitors in finding content in a website. Mostly, the content in a category is unique. They form a hierarchical management of content in a website. A tag, on the other hand, helps visitors find related content from your website and other websites.

Uses of tag
Tags simplify navigation process. They help readers in finding the content easily, avoiding the hassle of going through different categories to find the required information. For the website owner, a tag helps in classification of content, making the website easy to use. Most search engines lay a lot of emphasis on tags, that is, a content well supported by tags is likely to take a higher place in search results.

Choosing a good tag
A tag must be chosen in such a way that it increases curiosity in the minds of the visitors. This enables the visitor to find more about the content provided by the tag. For example, visitors will be curious to know more about “10 ways of losing weight” rather than “losing weight”. The tags must also be relevant and specific to the article that it is leading to. If the tag provided is not appropriate to the content, visitors may not continue having the same levels of trust going with the website further. So, it is preferable to choose tags that are specific and relevant to the content.

Tags are categorization tools that help visitors in finding content easily. Tags can help find the nearer ideas, quotes concept that people discussed in the article, but do not form the core or main idea. They form minor points that help better understand the major point.