Tag Archives: tags

3 of the best SEO plugins for WordPress that your blog shouldn't be without

There are so many SEO plugins for WordPress, some better than others of course, some don’t do all that much but below are 3 great plugins that I have been using that would be incredibly useful on any WordPress Site.
SEO Ultimate – I think this great plugin deserves more recognition than it’s gotten up till now. I have never seen a plugin with such a massive array of features, this does everything that All In One SEO, also throws in the same functionality found within SEO Smart Links and a number of other plugins it is essentially the swiss army knife of WordPress plugins. Some examples of its additional features include; code inserter (for use with adding Google Analytics, Adsense section targeting etc) Webmaster verification assistant, Link Mask Generator, Robots.txt editor and you can even export your SEO Ultimate settings to a file so you can import later or use on another blog if you need to, along with support for importing post meta data from the All In One SEO plugin – and there is more, simply a must have for your blog.

SEO friendly images – It seems like a lot of people will focus more on the off page SEO rather than on page, which itself plays a huge roll in drawing traffic to your site from search engines. Out of all of the on page factors, image ALT & TITLE tags seems to be one of the most underused. This great plugin will automatically update all images with ALT and TITLE tags, the plugin will even add these tags to images that do not have them according to the options you have selected.

Google XML Sitemaps – This is a very useful WordPress plugin, it will create an XML sitemap for your site that will allow it to be indexed better by the major search engines including Google, Bing, Yahoo and Ask.com. Search engines crawlers will be able to use it to see the full structure of your site and notify them whenever any new content is added.

XML sitemaps are very useful as they allow search engines to index pages that are not linked to your site that you wish to be indexed. It tells them the last modified date of pages, how frequently a page is updated so the crawlers know when to check back for new content or updated content and it will allow you to indicate the priority of particular pages within your site.

3 of the best SEO plugins for WordPress that your blog shouldn't be without

There are so many SEO plugins for WordPress, some better than others of course, some don’t do all that much but below are 3 great plugins that I have been using that would be incredibly useful on any WordPress Site.
SEO Ultimate – I think this great plugin deserves more recognition than it’s gotten up till now. I have never seen a plugin with such a massive array of features, this does everything that All In One SEO, also throws in the same functionality found within SEO Smart Links and a number of other plugins it is essentially the swiss army knife of WordPress plugins. Some examples of its additional features include; code inserter (for use with adding Google Analytics, Adsense section targeting etc) Webmaster verification assistant, Link Mask Generator, Robots.txt editor and you can even export your SEO Ultimate settings to a file so you can import later or use on another blog if you need to, along with support for importing post meta data from the All In One SEO plugin – and there is more, simply a must have for your blog.

SEO friendly images – It seems like a lot of people will focus more on the off page SEO rather than on page, which itself plays a huge roll in drawing traffic to your site from search engines. Out of all of the on page factors, image ALT & TITLE tags seems to be one of the most underused. This great plugin will automatically update all images with ALT and TITLE tags, the plugin will even add these tags to images that do not have them according to the options you have selected.

Google XML Sitemaps – This is a very useful WordPress plugin, it will create an XML sitemap for your site that will allow it to be indexed better by the major search engines including Google, Bing, Yahoo and Ask.com. Search engines crawlers will be able to use it to see the full structure of your site and notify them whenever any new content is added.

XML sitemaps are very useful as they allow search engines to index pages that are not linked to your site that you wish to be indexed. It tells them the last modified date of pages, how frequently a page is updated so the crawlers know when to check back for new content or updated content and it will allow you to indicate the priority of particular pages within your site.

SEO for your website

Alright, You have got yourself a brand new website about your business and you have told every single person you know about this new propaganda you have. You even made a fan page on facebook so that everyone can see and “like” it. After a week of amazing visits, the traffic is slowly fluctuating and eventually dropped to a pit.

You now realized that family members and friends aren’t enough to maintain the traffic and potential profits your aiming. So what do you do now? First off, you need to know who are your target markets or who are the people whom you made the website for? Second, How will you reach them. Third, How much effort, time and money are you willing to invest to get the result you wanted?

You need to know the answers to those basic questions in order to head forward to your goals. Take time to analyze things. The answer to those questions will be essential before you start your SEO.

I have listed below some of the things that will help you a lot in marketing your website.

1. Submit your website to all search engines by getting yourself a webmaster account with Google, Yahoo and Bing. You also need to submit on sitemaps. It is not necessary to have a finished website before you start your submission. It takes time to be listed in the engines. Be an early bird, so you’ll catch the worm!

2. Decide on the keywords that will be most advantageous for your site. There is a lot of competition over the internet that is why picking the keywords should be a very well thought part of your game plan. The best way to know the perfect keywords is by having yourself play as the audience. As an audience, what will you type if you are looking for the product that you are selling?

3. The Title or the meta title plays a very important role in search query. It is the first thing that search engine sees whenever it looks for all the possible result to the query. Catchy titles would be good for your readers but make sure it will also be attractive for search engine robots. So, make sure your Meta counts!

4. Put the best H1 Tags possible. H1 Tags aka header tags basically tells everyone what your website is about. It is like the heading of a paragraph which provides a teaser of your product/site. H1 tags may have small participation as with the way it looks but helps a lot in your SEO.

These are just some of the basic things in SEO that can help you with accomplishing you goal -that is to gain more traffic and possible profits!