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Want To Remove Security Suite? (Page 1 of 2)

When it seems like forever to open a program or connect to the internet through you PC, chances are your system could be infected with malware that messes up computer functions. In some cases, it may be caused by Security Suite, a tricky form of virus that endorses itself as an obliging anti-malware application. But the truth is, it is there to harm your system, so it is critical that you remove Security Suite immediately to prevent further damage to your PC.

Security Suite infiltrates your computer in search of very important statistics such as email addresses, access information or financial data which the creators of the virus will collect and transmit through your bandwidth and into their data systems. This information will then be sold for profit to people who will find your information helpful, such as networkers looking for marketing lead lists. So you may want to get rid of Security Suite the ASAP. To simply uninstall Security Suite will not resolve the problem, since this is not just software you can remove from your computer. It is a hardy virus type which cannot be completely removed using the traditional approach.

Preventive measures still work best, and if you haven’t been infected you will want to take on measures that will not get you into a situation where you have to delete Security Suite sometime in the future. There are particular web activities you should avoid so you lessen your risk of getting infected:

  • Never engage in file sharing, exchanges or transfers using eMule, Limewire or any other peer-to-peer programs which brandishes your system to thousands of other users with unsecured PCs.

  • Never access dubious websites that entice you with lucrative, hard-to-believe offers and promotions. They are usually decoys designed to hijack your browser.

  • If you have to use Adobe applications or plug-ins while web connected, make sure you have real time anti-spyware protection to eliminate the risk of virus infections.

    Most rogue security clients employ the use of pop-ups to try to get into your system, presenting you with very alarming messages that warn you of a potential threat to your PC. You will then be given a recommendation to download anti-spyware program that will solve the problem for you. Although they may sound quite convincing, always keep in mind that it is just a ploy for you to download the virus. All those warnings are never true and to cater to their spin tactic would be your biggest slip-up.

    Since this is quite a resilient virus, you cannot just simply delete Security Suite and forget about the whole thing. You will need to carry out an elaborate procedure for its removal since it has the tendency to go deep down into the deeper folds of your computer system. The process involves:
    • A widespread search for files that contain the .exe and .bat file extensions, as these are usually produced by the Security Suite virus.

    • A complete removal of all .dll and .lnk extensions which may be virus associated. These files usually lurk in the deeper alcoves of your system and will likewise need to be eradicated.

Today's Threats and Solutions for USB Storage Devices

USB products have been in market since 2000. The ever-growing nature of personal and business data, has led to exponential demand of USB flash drives and external hard disks. From ordinary people to large organizations, all rely on USB drives to keep, transfer and receive documents, pictures, videos and so on.

The main reason for popularity of these devices is that they are light, small and inexpensive. A few years ago, it was hard to believe that with a piece of hardware half the size of a bank card, one could hold thousands of documents and pictures right in their pocket. It is worth mentioning that a typical 8 GB USB flash drive has enough space to keep more than 15000 photos (500 KB average photo size). In response to this high demand market, manufacturers strive to produce devices with greater storage space, faster transfer rates and lower costs. For example, a 1 TB USB drive will be available during 2013.

USB flash drives use a common standard, which is supported by all modern operating systems, called USB mass storage. As a result, anyone can connect one of them to a Mac, copy some files, and conveniently connect it to a Windows based machine to access those files.

So, are we going to conclude that they have no disadvantages? Absolutely not. They have a lot to offer, but they all have one problem in common: they are dangerous!

Antivirus companies report than the AutoRun feature in Microsoft Windows is still among top ten threats. This feature helps programs that are meant to run automatically when a USB drive is connected to a PC, but obviously a malware can be easily executed by it. Most computer viruses copy themselves to removable USB disks, and sometimes, this is their main method of spreading. When a virus, or any other type of malware gets onto a USB disk, there is a high chance that other systems using that USB drive get infected too.

Moreover, USB drives, because of high capacity relative to their small size, are the first choice if someone wants to steal valuable or confidential data. Companies and businesses are at risk when employees can duplicate corporate documents on USB drives and take them outside the office. One study showed that the average cost of a data breach, can be as high as $2.5 million. And this is not only for companies. Every individual has private files, or even projects on their computer, with doors open to intruders.

There must exist some sort of solution to avoid these threats. In today’s software world, there are a few applications that can help everybody secure their USB ports. But not every software solution, is eligible to increase the security of your PCs at home and work. You should be looking for a software that solves above-mentioned problems, has excellent technical support, and gets updated regularly with new features. There are free solutions around, but they all lack some point or another. They are usually written for hobby, and not from a ‘professional’ viewpoint.

A wise option is USB Security Suite. It has everything you need to protect your PCs from USB-related threats. USB Security Suite automatically scans any USB disk attached to a computer to prevent viruses from spreading. It can also vaccinate your USB drives, so that they never get infected by other computers. If you need to know what activities (copy, rename, delete, etc.) happen on USB drives of your system, USB Security Suite can monitor and log them. Data theft protection made easy.

Today's Threats and Solutions for USB Storage Devices

USB products have been in market since 2000. The ever-growing nature of personal and business data, has led to exponential demand of USB flash drives and external hard disks. From ordinary people to large organizations, all rely on USB drives to keep, transfer and receive documents, pictures, videos and so on.

The main reason for popularity of these devices is that they are light, small and inexpensive. A few years ago, it was hard to believe that with a piece of hardware half the size of a bank card, one could hold thousands of documents and pictures right in their pocket. It is worth mentioning that a typical 8 GB USB flash drive has enough space to keep more than 15000 photos (500 KB average photo size). In response to this high demand market, manufacturers strive to produce devices with greater storage space, faster transfer rates and lower costs. For example, a 1 TB USB drive will be available during 2013.

USB flash drives use a common standard, which is supported by all modern operating systems, called USB mass storage. As a result, anyone can connect one of them to a Mac, copy some files, and conveniently connect it to a Windows based machine to access those files.

So, are we going to conclude that they have no disadvantages? Absolutely not. They have a lot to offer, but they all have one problem in common: they are dangerous!

Antivirus companies report than the AutoRun feature in Microsoft Windows is still among top ten threats. This feature helps programs that are meant to run automatically when a USB drive is connected to a PC, but obviously a malware can be easily executed by it. Most computer viruses copy themselves to removable USB disks, and sometimes, this is their main method of spreading. When a virus, or any other type of malware gets onto a USB disk, there is a high chance that other systems using that USB drive get infected too.

Moreover, USB drives, because of high capacity relative to their small size, are the first choice if someone wants to steal valuable or confidential data. Companies and businesses are at risk when employees can duplicate corporate documents on USB drives and take them outside the office. One study showed that the average cost of a data breach, can be as high as $2.5 million. And this is not only for companies. Every individual has private files, or even projects on their computer, with doors open to intruders.

There must exist some sort of solution to avoid these threats. In today’s software world, there are a few applications that can help everybody secure their USB ports. But not every software solution, is eligible to increase the security of your PCs at home and work. You should be looking for a software that solves above-mentioned problems, has excellent technical support, and gets updated regularly with new features. There are free solutions around, but they all lack some point or another. They are usually written for hobby, and not from a ‘professional’ viewpoint.

A wise option is USB Security Suite. It has everything you need to protect your PCs from USB-related threats. USB Security Suite automatically scans any USB disk attached to a computer to prevent viruses from spreading. It can also vaccinate your USB drives, so that they never get infected by other computers. If you need to know what activities (copy, rename, delete, etc.) happen on USB drives of your system, USB Security Suite can monitor and log them. Data theft protection made easy.