Tag Archives: space

Neul Launches First White Space Radio System

Cambridge UK company Neul and California partner Carlson today launched the first commercially available white space radio system created for wireless internet service providers.
RuralConnect – unveiled in Florida – is the first radio networking system to deliver the full promise of TV white space broadband to the providers.

Sales of RuralConnect are being managed in the US by Carlson, the hardware partner, and shared internationally with software aces Neul.

The product launch follows the announcement of a global partnership in last October and is aimed at bringing affordable broadband to millions around the world.

The system will give users up to 16 Mbps of bandwidth for each available vacant TV channel and unmatched ability to make long range, non-line-of-sight links.

Designed specifically for the needs of wireless Internet service providers (WISPs), RuralConnect has been priced to make it immediately commercially viable. Samples and development kits are available now, with volume shipments of the new system to start as soon as Q2, 2012.

Thanks to the extension of the Payroll Tax Bill, passed in February 2012, white space radio is now fully available in the US, opening up a host of opportunities and new markets that are currently difficult to serve without expensive licensed spectrum or extensive infrastructure.

This has piqued the interest of many investors and venture capitalists looking to tap in to the unlimited possibilities of this emerging technology.

RuralConnect technology, jointly developed by Neul – Business Weekly’s newly-chosen Wireless Business of the Year – and Carlson, uses ‘white spaces,’ (unused portions of UHF spectrum), for digital communication.

Due to its outstanding propagation characteristics, UHF signals can travel through walls and other obstacles: Line of sight is not needed to the subscriber’s home.

But it is not enough just to be able to send a signal a long way. On long-range links reflections from buildings and terrain cause signals to travel via many different routes from the transmitter to the receiver. These multipath signals interfere can with each other, potentially causing unreliable, slow connections.

RuralConnect uses state of the art SCFDE technology to cancel the effect of multipath allowing reliable long range connections, whatever the terrain.

As a result WISPs using the new system can offer superior coverage over wide areas with limited base-station sites. It also enables the transfer of more data at higher data rates, driving additional revenue with minimal additional investment. Depending on the area, up to 20 channels are available, increasing the amount of non-line-of-sight capable spectrum available by a factor of 10.

Concurrently, Carlson is launching a line of omnidirectional and sectoral, high-gain, base-station antennas designed specifically for TV white-space broadband. The first of their kind, these antennas are powerful, affordable and energy efficient, says Neul CEO James Collier.

“RuralConnect marks a major milestone in the realisation of white space technologies, which have been in development for a while,” commented Luke D’Arcy, VP of Marketing at Neul.

“The outstanding propagation characteristics of white space signals means that operators can to serve customers they cannot reach with existing wireless technology.

“The capacity available allows pioneering WISPs to offer all customers faster plans that beat ADSL based competition. And this is possible without investing in new tower sites, spectrum licenses or high priced network equipment, boosting profitable growth.”

Carlson and Neul are showcasing the new product at ISPAmerica in Florida, until March 30.

Neul Launches First White Space Radio System

Cambridge UK company Neul and California partner Carlson today launched the first commercially available white space radio system created for wireless internet service providers.
RuralConnect – unveiled in Florida – is the first radio networking system to deliver the full promise of TV white space broadband to the providers.

Sales of RuralConnect are being managed in the US by Carlson, the hardware partner, and shared internationally with software aces Neul.

The product launch follows the announcement of a global partnership in last October and is aimed at bringing affordable broadband to millions around the world.

The system will give users up to 16 Mbps of bandwidth for each available vacant TV channel and unmatched ability to make long range, non-line-of-sight links.

Designed specifically for the needs of wireless Internet service providers (WISPs), RuralConnect has been priced to make it immediately commercially viable. Samples and development kits are available now, with volume shipments of the new system to start as soon as Q2, 2012.

Thanks to the extension of the Payroll Tax Bill, passed in February 2012, white space radio is now fully available in the US, opening up a host of opportunities and new markets that are currently difficult to serve without expensive licensed spectrum or extensive infrastructure.

This has piqued the interest of many investors and venture capitalists looking to tap in to the unlimited possibilities of this emerging technology.

RuralConnect technology, jointly developed by Neul – Business Weekly’s newly-chosen Wireless Business of the Year – and Carlson, uses ‘white spaces,’ (unused portions of UHF spectrum), for digital communication.

Due to its outstanding propagation characteristics, UHF signals can travel through walls and other obstacles: Line of sight is not needed to the subscriber’s home.

But it is not enough just to be able to send a signal a long way. On long-range links reflections from buildings and terrain cause signals to travel via many different routes from the transmitter to the receiver. These multipath signals interfere can with each other, potentially causing unreliable, slow connections.

RuralConnect uses state of the art SCFDE technology to cancel the effect of multipath allowing reliable long range connections, whatever the terrain.

As a result WISPs using the new system can offer superior coverage over wide areas with limited base-station sites. It also enables the transfer of more data at higher data rates, driving additional revenue with minimal additional investment. Depending on the area, up to 20 channels are available, increasing the amount of non-line-of-sight capable spectrum available by a factor of 10.

Concurrently, Carlson is launching a line of omnidirectional and sectoral, high-gain, base-station antennas designed specifically for TV white-space broadband. The first of their kind, these antennas are powerful, affordable and energy efficient, says Neul CEO James Collier.

“RuralConnect marks a major milestone in the realisation of white space technologies, which have been in development for a while,” commented Luke D’Arcy, VP of Marketing at Neul.

“The outstanding propagation characteristics of white space signals means that operators can to serve customers they cannot reach with existing wireless technology.

“The capacity available allows pioneering WISPs to offer all customers faster plans that beat ADSL based competition. And this is possible without investing in new tower sites, spectrum licenses or high priced network equipment, boosting profitable growth.”

Carlson and Neul are showcasing the new product at ISPAmerica in Florida, until March 30.

Using Your Web Hosting Services in the Right Way

Web hosting is basically a provision of access to websites and storage space to individuals and companies who own websites is known as web hosting. This web hosting service helps companies to make the sites that they own accessible on the World Wide Web. A company providing this space is known as web host. This host may provide space on the server that they own or lease by their clients as well as provide internet connectivity like data center.

A business should have proper knowledge about the web hosting services, which are available in the market so that they can make maximum use of them. As no knowledge about the field would cause troubles and then all the efforts of designing your website and giving access to people worldwide will go waste.

There are different types of web hosting available:

1.Free web hosting 2.Shared web hosting 3.Dedicated web hosting 4.Windows 5.Linux

The need of web hosting service is there in oUsing Your Web Hosting Services in the Right Wayrder to help make the website visible to anyone who has access to internet. A website is a collection of web pages, which are linked, with the help of HTML. You need to rent space on server and once your website is designed and ready for being launched on the World Wide Web, then one needs to get web hosting facility.

There are many companies that provide these services across the world. But there are things to be considered before hiring any such company.

The space that you require on the server to upload your website. The server is selected according to the type of website whether static or dynamic or ecommerce Bandwidth that may be required for your company’s website Also, consider a few additional hosting features for e.g. a plain HTML based website requires different resources.

The most favorable web-hosting servers are windows and Linux as they have taken over the industry of web hosting and are the most dominant and preferred amongst all others. If your website is built on Microsoft technology, then you should definitely go for windows. But if its built on open source the Linux web hosting is the best. Make sure that you check the compatibility of OS with technology used in your site.

These web-hosting companies may also provide you with facility to get a domain name and also maintenance regarding your server.

A domain name is basically the name that would be displayed or become your identity on the internet. These are unique series of numbers called an IP address. If you type an IP in the URL it will connect you to the computer it represents.

There are popular domain names like

.biz for business websites

.com commercial websites

.edu for educational

.gov for government

.org for organization

There are other special domain names that are country specific.

.in for India Web hosting is basically a provision of access to websites and storage space to individuals and companies who own websites is known as web hosting. This web hosting service helps companies to make the sites that they own accessible on the World Wide Web. A company providing this space is known as web host. This host may provide space on the server that they own or lease by their clients as well as provide internet connectivity like data center. .us for USA

. uk for UK

Getting a domain name is easy and economical. There are many companies that provide these facilities along with web hosting services. But you must not forget to renew it time to time.