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Oracle solutions and Oracle application development extend support to Open Source technologies

Oracle is a company that always focuses on the customers and is always dedicated in providing the users with flexibility, choice and also reduced cost of computing. Oracle invests a lot for the Oracle Application development which in turn tests, develops, supports and optimizes open source technology like Open Office.Org, Linux, MySQL, Glassfish, Eclipse, Apache, Netbeans, PHP, Berkeley DB, Xen, innoDB and Virtual box. It is evident that Oracle offers the primary open source solutions as a practical and feasible option for the use and development. Oracle solutions are the best in the market.

The importance of the open standards cannot be stressed either in the perspective of non – open or open source software. These days there are a lot of users who use Oracle Solutions along with Open source technology in an environment where the mission is vital. The benefits that they enjoy because of this are reduced cost, more simple and easy to manage, more reliable and higher availability. This of course is along with better scalability and performance.

Here is a glimpse of the various open source technologies being offered from Oracle application development

  • Eclipse – Oracle is one of the board members of the Eclipse foundation. They contribute a lot and also they played a main role in three projects of the Eclipse namely Java Server faces, BPEL and Dali JPA Tools.
  • Glassfish –this is a very flexible and light weight open source application server. Glassfish is one of the first’s applications that allow compatible deployment of the Java EE 6 platform.
  • Java – java is one of the, most commonly used programming languages. It is a platform that has state of art which includes games, utilities and also applications for the business. More than 97% of the systems run on Java. Java is also used on mobile phones these days.
  • Linux – the oracle solutions has provided a lot of contribution to advance the development of Linux. They also provide an enterprise class support to the Linux at a much lower cost.
  • MySQL – one of the most commonly used and well-known open source databases which is meant for the web and Oracle application development gains immense benefit from it.
  • Net Beans – net beans provides the developers an open source IDE that is integrated development environment for free. It also provides all the tools that are necessary to make a professional web, enterprise, desktop and also mobile applications with the help of PHP, C++, java Script, Java, Ruby and Groovy. The modular swing application is only available in the net beans platform and in any other platform.
  • PHP – for enterprises that has the Zend server oracle is very dedicated to enable the open source scripting language called the PHP.
  • Open JDK – the open JDK is an open source implementation that belongs to the Java platform. It is there in the standard edition of the java. It is free software. The license for this is a general public license of the GNU and Oracle solutions has invested to get the best out of this application
  • Virtual box- this is also available under the GNU general public license and it provides a very potential AMD64/Intel64 and x86 based desktop virtualization.
  • Java Micro edition – this is mainly used for developing mobile applications and also for embedded devices.

Gateway security is vitally important

A gateway is a node, usually a router that is located on a TCP/IP Network which provides access to another network. The other network is the Internet. A gateway is the connection between the Internet and your local network. This is why gateway security is vitally important.

Without gateway security, your network, and the computers, users and data on it, is exposed to security threats coming from the Internet. It is a menace for home owners and businessmen. It can have disastrous consequences on your business, especially if you are dealing with sensitive information like client/customer details. A security threat in terms of gateway security refers to the threats that may infect your computer through your gateway (router). This includes spyware, spam, content security, viruses and malicious software and policy enforcement and data leakage prevention. The list is not exhaustive since it only outlines some of the most common network security threats. Hackers are always on the prowl to innovate new ways to target networks which is why it is no longer sufficient to just have an anti-virus software installed and/or a software firewall. The most foolproof way to limit your exposure to these types of threats is to have multi-layer prevention solutions.

You can browse the Web to know about gateway security solutions providers online. Solutions range from email security solutions to general network security. Some service providers provide hardware and award winning consultancy services including network analysis, installation, support and management. Security is vital for every organization. It is vital for every sized organization. It is highly recommended that every organization, big or small should opt for gateway security solutions. Online service providers are familiar with every aspect of the installation, operation and support of the gateway security appliances. Their range of content management appliances offer a rich feature set for filtering, controlling and blocking employee’s access to malicious, dangerous or otherwise inappropriate web content for maximum gateway security protection.

Email has assumed tremendous importance. It continues to be a vital business tool for businesses. However, it also acts as a gateway for malicious attacks against individuals and businesses. These attacks can be broadly classified into two forms- deluging the victim with spam email or delivering malicious software (malware). Malicious software can be delivered via links or email attachments. The costs of reductions in productivity, destruction or theft of data, stolen identities and other breaches of security originating via an email attack can be disastrous. Email gateway security appliances can protect your business from all forms of email attack with high-tech anti-spam technology and the power to filter malware in any form. Reputed service providers can install, operate and support the entire range.

Gateway security should not be neglected. Thanks to gateway security solutions, you can minimize threats coming from the Internet. You no longer need to worry about network security and disaster recovery. These issues can well be taken care of.

Gateway security is vitally important

A gateway is a node, usually a router that is located on a TCP/IP Network which provides access to another network. The other network is the Internet. A gateway is the connection between the Internet and your local network. This is why gateway security is vitally important.

Without gateway security, your network, and the computers, users and data on it, is exposed to security threats coming from the Internet. It is a menace for home owners and businessmen. It can have disastrous consequences on your business, especially if you are dealing with sensitive information like client/customer details. A security threat in terms of gateway security refers to the threats that may infect your computer through your gateway (router). This includes spyware, spam, content security, viruses and malicious software and policy enforcement and data leakage prevention. The list is not exhaustive since it only outlines some of the most common network security threats. Hackers are always on the prowl to innovate new ways to target networks which is why it is no longer sufficient to just have an anti-virus software installed and/or a software firewall. The most foolproof way to limit your exposure to these types of threats is to have multi-layer prevention solutions.

You can browse the Web to know about gateway security solutions providers online. Solutions range from email security solutions to general network security. Some service providers provide hardware and award winning consultancy services including network analysis, installation, support and management. Security is vital for every organization. It is vital for every sized organization. It is highly recommended that every organization, big or small should opt for gateway security solutions. Online service providers are familiar with every aspect of the installation, operation and support of the gateway security appliances. Their range of content management appliances offer a rich feature set for filtering, controlling and blocking employee’s access to malicious, dangerous or otherwise inappropriate web content for maximum gateway security protection.

Email has assumed tremendous importance. It continues to be a vital business tool for businesses. However, it also acts as a gateway for malicious attacks against individuals and businesses. These attacks can be broadly classified into two forms- deluging the victim with spam email or delivering malicious software (malware). Malicious software can be delivered via links or email attachments. The costs of reductions in productivity, destruction or theft of data, stolen identities and other breaches of security originating via an email attack can be disastrous. Email gateway security appliances can protect your business from all forms of email attack with high-tech anti-spam technology and the power to filter malware in any form. Reputed service providers can install, operate and support the entire range.

Gateway security should not be neglected. Thanks to gateway security solutions, you can minimize threats coming from the Internet. You no longer need to worry about network security and disaster recovery. These issues can well be taken care of.