Tag Archives: software

A Stuxnet Malware FAQ and How to Avoid It

Stuxnet is a new piece of malware that is spreading widely through the use of USB flash drives. It is starting to be quite a danger, especially in industrial plants, and many in the security business are getting very nervous. What follows is an FAQ about the Stuxnet malware.

How does Stuxnet spread?

Stuxnet spreads through USB devices. A recently discovered Microsoft Windows vulnerability has been found to allow a program to run just by browsing to a folder that contains a shortcut to it, or a “.lnk” file. Once the worm runs it scans to see if the computer is running software created by a company known as Siemens, which is very popular in certain industries. If this is the case, the worm is able to install itself on the victim computer. It will infect all future removable media that is connected to the computer and installs a rootkit, a very sophisticated type of software that deletes all record of the worm existing on the computer. After that the computer continues to steal as much data as possible from the computer and transmit it back to a remote location.

What does Stuxnet do?

Stuxnet is considered by many people to be the first-ever “control system” malware. What this means is that it has the capability of infecting control systems for large companies and factories that use software created by Siemens. Unfortunately, this software is very widely used, especially in large industrial manufacturing organizations, small and large utilities, and even defense systems. In one case it was found that this software could infect nuclear-powered aircraft carriers.

How widespread is Stuxnet and where is it most common?

At the moment Stuxnet is not that widespread. It is most common in India, Indonesia, Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, the United States, and Malaysia, in that order. However, it has the potential to spread very rapidly. It only affects computers running Siemens software, but computers without that software can still act as “carriers,” infecting other removable media that is inserted into them. Other countries have seen infections, but mostly they have been localized and have not caused any damage so far.

How dangerous is Stuxnet?

This is always the big question with a large virus outbreak. Right now Stuxnet is not that dangerous. Unfortunately, it is targeted at “Control Systems.” Siemens is most known for making software for sophisticated systems used in such areas as the military, large industrial plants, and utility plants. If any of these were to be infected the damage could be irreparable. The infection is clearly tailored to steal confidential information and possibly shut down “smart grids.” Therefore, while it is not a danger to consumers, any large corporation or plant must be very careful to avoid this infection.

Advantages of Using Free Antivirus Software

When it comes to the protection and safety of your personal computer, it can prove to be really expensive and intriguing. Some people indulge in spending money like water in purchasing the appropriate and reliable antivirus software, firewalls and anti spyware products.

In today’s online world, it is essential and necessary to protect your PC from viruses and people who are involved in stealing identities, important personal documents and confidential information. That’s why the first step after purchasing your computer is to secure it. Do not worry if you cannot afford to buy any of the expensive antivirus software. Because you can get highly secure and quality antivirus software online for free.

Before listing some of the highly popular free antivirus software, let me talk about the advantages of using free antivirus software.

Firstly, by using free antivirus software, you will not have to pay the fee that is generally charged on purchasing the software from an external store. And also think about that almost all of the antivirus software have annual payments. If you are on a tight budget, going with the free version may be the best option for you. In addition, if you are using free antivirus software, you can replace it with another one, anytime you like, since they are all free. And let me also mention that, they are installed directly from internet to your computer with the click of a few buttons. So, you can secure your computer for free literally in minutes.

Of course, there are also some disadvantages of using free antivirus software but considering the amount of the money you need to pay for the paid versions, it might be worth going with the free ones.

Now, I will list some of the best antivirus software which has totally free versions or free trials below:

AVG Free Edition,
Avast Free Home Edition,
Panda Cloud Free Edition,
Avira Antivirus Free Edition.

Understanding Best Website Hosting

You have recently established a new business and are all set for starting to promote it. The best promotional tool now days are websites. Having presence on the online world is an essential need of every business small or big these days.

You start with the process find a catchy domain name to call your own and then… what next? Well next step is to find a good web-hosting server to put your website that you have planned to build. However, before that one needs to have clear understanding of a good and affordable web hosting.

In nonprofessional’s language, we can say that web hosting is a renting space on web server. A website is not just a domain name but a collection of files linked together with HTML code display text and graphics on the computer. These files need to be stored on a super computer along with high-speed internet connection in order for anybody to see them. We know these computers as servers. One must understand that a server is quite different from a personal computer. A PC may have just one processor, one hard disk and one power supply but a powerful; server will usually have two or more processors. This facilitates the server to work faster and process more applications at the same time. Hence, website are always hosted on server and not on PC’s.

Web server is computer set up with special software that allows it to receive requests from the internet for the website files it has stored on it and to send those files out over the internet so that requesting computer can display them. It provides other services as well like other ability to create email address based on your domain name and to send and receive emails with them. The web server also has various types of software installed on it and allows your website to run programs create and manage database, display video, and many other functions you might find useful.

When one buys a web hosting, the monthly fee goes in the maintenance and upgrading the server’s hardware and software. You do not have to invest a lot to maintain your webhosting infrastructure and endure technical issues. It is completely nonsensical to turn your home or office into a web server, it is best to pay someone else who is dedicated to provide this service in a properly reliable manner than it is to try doing yourself.

There are many webhosting companies available in the market, which provide affordable web hosting services. They will help your choose the best web hosting type for your website and also make sure that the services are according to your needs and economical. The web hosting companies not only provide service to website owners but also internet users. They are the backbone of internet, without their help, one cannot find a successful website on the server.

When you plan to set up your website, find the best web hosting company India to make sure that your website stays accessible to the viewers at all times- 24*7.