Tag Archives: smart

Streamline Business Processes with Digital, Paperless Solutions

Every business that’s bent on success needs to have a streamlined process of going about day to day transactions and storing information, otherwise it may get left behind or become haplessly disorganised in the long run. But many businesses today particularly in the insurance, banking, education and health care industries as well as government sectors still maintain paper-driven processes which more often than not, are tremendously inefficient. Unfortunately, these industries’ complex services may not be so easily delivered in any other form but paper, giving them a huge disadvantage.

In this day and age business processes must be faster, better and more efficient, and paper-driven processes just aren’t going to cut it. To provide convenient and efficient services, businesses need to move online and streamline services with digital and mobile solutions.

The Problem with Paper

Though paper-driven processes have long been applied in many offices, it has never been without its setbacks. First of all, the creation, filling out, photocopying and movement of papers cause much delay in business processes, wasting precious time. When these papers are missing pertinent information they take even more time to complete and may even get lost or destroyed in the entire process.

Another disadvantage to paper-driven processes is the significant cost required to produce and distribute required paper products. Paper products can have a very adverse effect on the environment, and with most markets shifting online and technology making leaps and bounds in development there really is no big enough reason why businesses should still rely on paper-driven processes.

Why Choose Digital and Mobile

With the steady rise of social networks and search engines it is no longer an option for businesses to go online but a necessity if they want to reach and satisfy the majority of their customers. Online processes are faster, more convenient and efficient in delivering what customers want.

But it may be difficult for some businesses, especially those that have relied on paper-driven processes for so long, to shift to a digital and mobile form. Some of the processes these businesses apply can be so complex that moving them online can be very taxing and time-consuming. Thankfully, SmartForm factories such as Avoka have simplified moving processes online by creating digital self-service and mobile field worker solutions.

Avoka’s Smart Solutions

Avoka offers several smart, digital and paperless solutions for businesses looking to streamline their processes. They replace old, inconvenient paper forms with interactive SmartForms in HTML, Adobe Flash or PDF forms. They automate end-to-end processes in such a way that even non-technical users can navigate through data capture applications easily and successfully. Capturing data can also be done from any device with or without a network connection.

Avoka’s smart solutions not only eliminate the use of paper, they also control the quality and consistency of data being captured, eliminate errors and even make intelligent suggestions. All this while achieving secure customer/ partner communications electronically.

If success in your business has long been elusive and a better, more streamlined business process has been seemingly out of reach, now is the time to move to smart, sensible and paperless online solutions and reach unparalleled levels of continuous success.

How to Design a Website that's Just Right for the Mobile Market

Lately, there’s been an explosion in the mobile phone industry, with public eagerly embracing every new advance. One of the biggest changes is how easy it’s become for mobile phone users to get online using smart phones such as the iPhone. People who use smart phones have come to rely on these gadgets for a wide variety of purposes, from communicating with friends to managing business tasks. With such a large and growing market, surely there must be a way for you to benefit from it. One simple way to get involved is to design your own mobile website that can be accessed by any smart phone user. If you want your mobile website to get noticed, you have to follow certain principles that will ensure it doesn’t get lost in the crowd. There are some surefire ways to make sure your mobile website gets noticed, and we’ll be covering some of them here.

Keep Content to a Minimum: Mobile websites have to be designed so that they’re user friendly when viewed on mobile phone screens, so you don’t want to overdo it with content. So make the most out of what you use rather than overloading the site with content. People using mobile phones will be doing lots of different tasks, so you can’t expect them to read large amounts of content on your website. Aim at giving them a great mobile experience with your website. A minimal approach will be allow users to view it more clearly and quickly, which means a higher response rate.

Give People Access to Your Main Site: Don’t forget to give visitors to your mobile site a link to your regular website or blog, as some visitors may feel there’s not enough info on the mobile site. The whole purpose of your mobile website is to draw attention to your main site; the majority of the people landing on your site through their mobile phones will be satisfied with the short amount of information you present. Linking to your primary website will provide you with more visitors, and it will show the people who find your mobile site that you have a larger presence online.

Autosensing SetUp: It makes no sense whatsoever to split your branding efforts for promotions and advertising with two different web addresses. What you need to do is set up auto-redirection and auto-sensing on your mobile browsers main site. Now you will be able to advertise only one primary URL and also eliminate the possibility of confusion that your visitors may have once they arrive. Designing an effective mobile website design is all about balancing the various elements and getting them right. What we discussed in this article isn’t that difficult to apply, but it will definitely help you make your mobile site stand out of the crowd.

Android file transfer pc at an unbelievable speed with MobileTrans

If you have ever had a hard time transferring android files from your cell phone to your computer/laptop and are clueless about how you can avoid this trouble, then you’ve certainly got a reason to rejoice as this problem can now be easily avoided by using easy to use software called the MobileTrans.easy for android file transfer pc.

29th November, 2015

The present century can undoubtedly be regarded as the century of technology and but obviously the century of smart phones. Today, we live in the times where all are vital personal and professional information is contained in a little magical device called the smart phone. However, sometimes it is pertinent for us to shift the data from our android smart phones in order to ensure their safety or take a quick backup or for any other relevant purpose and the real crises begins for the android phone users from here. Moving your favorite pictures or important files from your android enabled smart phone to your personal computer or vice versa can prove to be a troublesome task especially when one chooses to use USB or Bluetooth for doing the same.

There are ample of chances that the USB cable doesn’t connect both the devices properly or there can be a situation when the mobile’s Bluetooth is unable to detect the laptop’s Bluetooth, thereby hindering movement of files to and fro from one’s mobile device. Few times, even repetitive attempts of transferring android data from the mobile phone to the PC become futile and frustrating. Till today, you might have applied the principle of ‘try and try again until you succeed’ in order to transfer your files to the computer via Bluetooth and USB but one really doesn’t need to take this fruitless exercise especially in the times when a number of amazing software are available in order to make this entire exercise simpleton.

The new software MobileTrans is one of kind that works like a pro in transferring phone data to your laptop and PC. Upgrading to a new android phone won’t be a nightmarish task for the people because by using this software one can transfer all the files and contacts from the old phone to the new phone in a matter of few seconds. Also, taking up a quick backup of the important files stored in the cell phone is now an easy task because MobileTrans makes it possible within a matter of few clicks. In case you are upgrading to a new phone and want to erase all the android data from your old phone, not to worry because this task is simplified with the new Software in the tech world called MobileTrans.

There are a number of advantages one can derive by using this new age software MobileTrans over the traditional add-on’s like USB and Bluetooth. Unlike Bluetooth and USB, MobileTrans transfers data at an unbelievable speed. This software doesn’t get stuck in between or won’t waste your time unnecessarily. This one software is compatible with over 3000 varieties of phones which isn’t the case when one uses USB or Bluetooth. All in all, MobileTrans can be regarded as an affordable and reliable option that has got an edge over Bluetooth and USB devices when the task on question is data transfer from cell phone to computer.



Contact person:jason Smith
