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Choose SuperGreen for Environmentally Friendly Web Hosting

The catastrophic results of human excesses on the planet and predictions of an imminent apocalypse have shaken most corporations and individuals out of their reverie. As a matter of fact, most companies are trying to change their ways so that they can reduce the impact of their carbon footprint on the environment. Web hosting companies are also doing their bit to ensure the livability of the planet for out future generations. One such web hosting provider that is committed to offering eco friendly services is SuperGreen.

The company has taken significant steps to eliminate carbon residue and operate energy efficient servers that contribute to preserving the environment.The company now enjoys hegemony in the industry with its carbon neutral operational approach. This means that all their equipment including datacenters, servers and even their offices are powered by green energy sources such as wind and solar electric generators. Although the company started its operations in the United Kingdom, it has since branched out with several offices in the United States.

Unlike some other companies that are slowly incorporating eco friendly operating practices, SuperGreen has been dedicated to the cause from day one; here is a look at some of the hosting features offered by the company and the cost benefits to the consumer.

SuperGreen Hosting Features

While the company’s dedication to eco friendliness is commendable; the myriad of hosting features offered by them deserve several accolades as well. SuperGreen is committed to offering exceptional service and features that will meet the requirements of online establishments of all sizes. Some of the exceptional features offered by SuperGreen include various combinations of bandwidth and disk space availability to suit the specific requirements of a website, lifetime domain, several email ids, advanaced ecommerce tools, templates, website builder and more.

What makes the company stand out from the other players in the market is their diligent customer support that makes it easy even for a novice to set up and operate a site. The company provides cPanel, a favorite among webmasters with all levels of technical experience. The control panel is the ideal solution for the hands-on webmasters who likes to manage the crucial aspects of his/her website such as the installation of scripts, accessing site stats, email configuration etc. The company also offers several innovative add-ons for CMSs such as Joomla and WordPress.

They also offer an exceptional 99.9% uptime money back guarantee; their servers can be accessed around the clock throughout the year. In addition to these features, the company provides superlative customer support that is available 24/7 through phone, email and online chat.

SuperGreen Price

With all those features, a client may assume that he/she would have to pay through their nose for a SuperGreen hosting plan. However, you would be surprised at their truly affordable rates; the standard plan is charged at just $6.95 per month. But wait; there is more, under an ongoing promotional offer, you can actually purchase this plan at a 50% discount, so you only pay $3.95 for it.

It is no wonder then that the company is fast turning into an industry favorite with several positive customer reviews to its credit. Their environmentally friendly practices coupled with their low fees and fantastic features have made SuperGreen a company to be reckoned with in the web hosting industry.

The Internet Can Be Used to Make Your Business Famous

The World Wide Web is a marketplace free-for-all and sometimes not-so-free-for-all when a company wants to attract visitors of the right type in plentiful numbers. Search engines reserve space along the top and down the right hand side for sponsored listings where each time someone clicks the ad, the owner is charged an amount based on the demand for the keyword. This “Pay-Per-Click” (PPC) advertising is lucrative to the giant search engines and worthwhile to many web site owners who convert sales in a profitable ratio.

The charges can run several hundred or thousand per day with a large business and the amounts laid out are figured into the cost of doing business. To control the click fees it is advisable to study the statistics by making several differently-worded ads and comparing the response. One ad may be worded in such a way that it’s 20% more effective, and so you can tighten up even further.

It soon becomes clear which keywords are keeping your business alive. Similar keywords can be mixed and expanded when laying out the SEO program; your content should have about three per cent keyword saturation to appear natural to search engines. It is the job of your SEO consultant to make your web site’s pages look like they belong there in the eyes of the search engine spiders so certain elements must be placed with care, such as page titles and meta descriptions. You have around sixty characters including spaces that should be spent on keywords and little else. This is valuable real estate and it should be used to its fullest advantage.

When the search engine spider reads, or “crawls” the landing pages it stores the memory in a central index for quick retrieval, that is to say the search engine is aware of the presence of your web site as it stood at the time of the last visit. Provided certain criteria are met, the pages will be recalled if they satisfy the terms of the search. All terms related to your market sector should be somewhere on your landing pages.

By ensuring this content can be found within your pages, linking up your landing pages correctly (that is with quality original content related to your business) will make it likely that you appear among the first results. Your internet marketing need only be persistent in ratio to what’s at stake in your market sector and your web page traffic should yield some results from your online marketing efforts. The Internet can make your business immediately well-known because searchers click on the first few results. If you budget a certain amount to pay-per-click advertising and several thousand to SEO you will get some instant results but the best results will be gradual: organic traffic becomes free after the initial promotion. It will be up to someone else to expend the effort to dislodge you.

We exist in the Golden Age of the Internet, the possible peak of flexibility, so it’s a good idea to capitalize on the freedom. Customers trust e-commerce enough to make business work on the Web…security and a good business atmosphere are conveyed universally. There are countless niche items available online; as long as free enterprise exists and money is abundant every dog should have his day. Today’s e-commerce Web design allows visitors to shop on your website conveniently.

The Internet Can Be Used to Make Your Business Famous

The World Wide Web is a marketplace free-for-all and sometimes not-so-free-for-all when a company wants to attract visitors of the right type in plentiful numbers. Search engines reserve space along the top and down the right hand side for sponsored listings where each time someone clicks the ad, the owner is charged an amount based on the demand for the keyword. This “Pay-Per-Click” (PPC) advertising is lucrative to the giant search engines and worthwhile to many web site owners who convert sales in a profitable ratio.

The charges can run several hundred or thousand per day with a large business and the amounts laid out are figured into the cost of doing business. To control the click fees it is advisable to study the statistics by making several differently-worded ads and comparing the response. One ad may be worded in such a way that it’s 20% more effective, and so you can tighten up even further.

It soon becomes clear which keywords are keeping your business alive. Similar keywords can be mixed and expanded when laying out the SEO program; your content should have about three per cent keyword saturation to appear natural to search engines. It is the job of your SEO consultant to make your web site’s pages look like they belong there in the eyes of the search engine spiders so certain elements must be placed with care, such as page titles and meta descriptions. You have around sixty characters including spaces that should be spent on keywords and little else. This is valuable real estate and it should be used to its fullest advantage.

When the search engine spider reads, or “crawls” the landing pages it stores the memory in a central index for quick retrieval, that is to say the search engine is aware of the presence of your web site as it stood at the time of the last visit. Provided certain criteria are met, the pages will be recalled if they satisfy the terms of the search. All terms related to your market sector should be somewhere on your landing pages.

By ensuring this content can be found within your pages, linking up your landing pages correctly (that is with quality original content related to your business) will make it likely that you appear among the first results. Your internet marketing need only be persistent in ratio to what’s at stake in your market sector and your web page traffic should yield some results from your online marketing efforts. The Internet can make your business immediately well-known because searchers click on the first few results. If you budget a certain amount to pay-per-click advertising and several thousand to SEO you will get some instant results but the best results will be gradual: organic traffic becomes free after the initial promotion. It will be up to someone else to expend the effort to dislodge you.

We exist in the Golden Age of the Internet, the possible peak of flexibility, so it’s a good idea to capitalize on the freedom. Customers trust e-commerce enough to make business work on the Web…security and a good business atmosphere are conveyed universally. There are countless niche items available online; as long as free enterprise exists and money is abundant every dog should have his day. Today’s e-commerce Web design allows visitors to shop on your website conveniently.