Tag Archives: server

Automate FTP Transfers and Streamline Your Day

If you need to work with files over a remote FTP server on a daily basis, you will already be familiar with the tiresomeness of using a basic FTP client. Such programs provide no ability to synchronize files between the local computer and remote server and automate FTP transfers to save you time. Instead of getting the job done quickly, you normally have to browse manually to each individual file you want to upload, download or update and do so individually. Additionally, the typical freeware FTP client is not usually a very responsive program, making it even more irritating and cumbersome to work with. Additionally, without the ability to automate such processes and ensure that all files are kept current at all times, the risk of human error is significantly higher. However, in order to save time and minimize the risk of losing important data, FTP Getter 3 Professional presents a tried and tested solution.

Anyone who regularly has to access files on a remote FTP server and keep all content on it updated probably does not have time to carry out all of the necessary work manually. Instead of focussing on such things that are now completely unnecessary, you should be able to focus on core operations within your business. Of course, every business also knows that time is money, but you’re wasting both if you’re still stuck with the traditional FTP client. FTP Getter 3 Professional allows users to save countless hours by automating almost all of the work involved while also ensuring that both locally and remotely hosted files are kept up to date at all times. At the same time, you will always remain in control thanks to the wide range of functions and options available when setting up scheduled tasks. There are many customization options but, thanks to a simple, wizard-driven interface, setting up a scheduled task is a quick and easy process requiring a minimal learning curve.

For anyone who has any experience using a standard FTP client, the user interface of FTP Getter 3 Professional will be instantly familiar, so there’s no learning curve involved. Thanks to the intuitive interface, setting up tasks is a breeze as is manually working with files on your remote FTP server. When configuring a scheduled task, you’ll be able to specify intervals when you want the program to get to work. For example, you can have it check for new file creations or modifications once per day, once per hour or even more. The program can then upload, download and replace the files as necessary to make certain that they are both the most recent versions. Thanks to additional support for file masks, you can also configure your scheduled tasks to search only for files of specific formats, ignoring those that don’t meet your criteria in the process.

FTP Getter 3 Professional presents the most cost-efficient and thorough program available for anyone who needs to automate FTP and SFTP transfers. It’s much faster than any desktop- or Web-based client, and you’ll start seeing the benefits of the program as soon as you execute your first scheduled task. Learn more by visiting the official web site.

Automate FTP Transfers and Streamline Your Day

If you need to work with files over a remote FTP server on a daily basis, you will already be familiar with the tiresomeness of using a basic FTP client. Such programs provide no ability to synchronize files between the local computer and remote server and automate FTP transfers to save you time. Instead of getting the job done quickly, you normally have to browse manually to each individual file you want to upload, download or update and do so individually. Additionally, the typical freeware FTP client is not usually a very responsive program, making it even more irritating and cumbersome to work with. Additionally, without the ability to automate such processes and ensure that all files are kept current at all times, the risk of human error is significantly higher. However, in order to save time and minimize the risk of losing important data, FTP Getter 3 Professional presents a tried and tested solution.

Anyone who regularly has to access files on a remote FTP server and keep all content on it updated probably does not have time to carry out all of the necessary work manually. Instead of focussing on such things that are now completely unnecessary, you should be able to focus on core operations within your business. Of course, every business also knows that time is money, but you’re wasting both if you’re still stuck with the traditional FTP client. FTP Getter 3 Professional allows users to save countless hours by automating almost all of the work involved while also ensuring that both locally and remotely hosted files are kept up to date at all times. At the same time, you will always remain in control thanks to the wide range of functions and options available when setting up scheduled tasks. There are many customization options but, thanks to a simple, wizard-driven interface, setting up a scheduled task is a quick and easy process requiring a minimal learning curve.

For anyone who has any experience using a standard FTP client, the user interface of FTP Getter 3 Professional will be instantly familiar, so there’s no learning curve involved. Thanks to the intuitive interface, setting up tasks is a breeze as is manually working with files on your remote FTP server. When configuring a scheduled task, you’ll be able to specify intervals when you want the program to get to work. For example, you can have it check for new file creations or modifications once per day, once per hour or even more. The program can then upload, download and replace the files as necessary to make certain that they are both the most recent versions. Thanks to additional support for file masks, you can also configure your scheduled tasks to search only for files of specific formats, ignoring those that don’t meet your criteria in the process.

FTP Getter 3 Professional presents the most cost-efficient and thorough program available for anyone who needs to automate FTP and SFTP transfers. It’s much faster than any desktop- or Web-based client, and you’ll start seeing the benefits of the program as soon as you execute your first scheduled task. Learn more by visiting the official web site.

What is a denial of service attack?

Technology has become more advanced, and with it, hack attacks in the online world are increasing at an alarming rate. The only way to avoid attacks like DoS or DDoS, is to have intelligent monitoring of your web traffic.

By using an automated self-learning system, risks can be mitigated. Thus you can sleep without worry at nights, knowing that your online content and confidential data sees no threat or interruption. But unfortunately, the initial costs of setting up such a system is way too high, and can only be afforded by huge corporate establishments.

A recent example of DoS attack is the infamous website fliphtml5.com that sells automation desktop tools for online publishers and marketers. Its not certain as to whether the attack is DoS as mentioned in above message, but at the time of writing this article, the site is surely missing all its content on the server – none of the indexed urls in Google are working.

What is a denial of service attack?

Denial of Service (DoS) or Distributed Denial of Service (DDos) attacks are by far the most notorious kinds of attacks. That is because, any level of hacker with a small investment can bombard a victim website, with millions of requests, and make them look like they are legit users. This eventually crashes the web server, and makes the site offline, requiring manual intervention to bring it back online.

If the victim website is an ecommerce site, that means thousands of dollars lost in sales, and a bad reputation. Identifying a DDoS attack early is the best option. You can have firewall systems that allow blocking traffic that is not desirable. Sudden spikes in traffic is a red flag, and must be closely monitored. Those are the works of a Network Engineer. More details here.

But what can small business owners do? They cannot afford expensive DDoS prevention hardware, or perhaps, not even hire experienced network professionals, who can configure the firewall softwares. They are simply at the mercy of their hosting company. And if the hosting company cannot afford that infrastructure, then that is bad risky business. Don’t worry, we do offer a solution too, just hang on…

Besides prevention, one critical aspect is recovery of an offline website. Each minute lost, is valuable sales and reputation lost.

Coversine can help small business owners take care of their website uptime, or even their VPS / dedicated server uptime, at affordable costs. And no, we are not talking about a monitoring service that notifies you whenever your site goes down. We offer the complete exclusive service of maintaining the site / server uptime, which means we regularly backup your site on your behalf, and recover your site, in case of hacks/attacks/etc. Click the links above to learn more.

Of course, prevention is better than cure, and that’s why the subscriptions above, take care of performance checks, and regular updates to softwares and apps as well. You are in good hands, when you are with us… rest assured!