Tag Archives: script

How Remote Access Keys and Clusters Benefit a Dedicated Hosting Company

Dedicated Hosting refers to a type of internet hosting service, exclusively leased to an individual or business entity. Therefore, dedicated servers supply the service solely to the one purchasing customer. Furthermore, the buying customer does not share the server with anyone else. In consideration, the task of acting as one of the dedicated hosts for new clients can potentially become overwhelming. In response, remote access keys help to save you time by automating the process.

Understanding Remote Access Keys and Clusters

One of the advantages of using remote access keys with your Dedicated Hosting service is how it makes it so that you no longer have to do anything during the times that someone creates a new account. Therefore, this gives dedicated servers the capacity to give a new client instant activation when they set up a new accounts. One of the largest benefits surrounds around how the people no longer have to wait for you to do anything in order for them to start setting up their website.

Where to Start and Who Can Benefit

Any Dedicated Hosting business can start using remote access keys by requesting them from their hosting company. Another option is to access this features through your dedicated server control panel in order to create the key automatically. When you generate the key, you will see a long paragraph of encrypted information, which you then can add to your script in order to automate the process of signing up with your company. Generally, most of the businesses that use this type of script are resellers.

How Remote Access Keys Work

In some cases, your Dedicated Hosting company may provide you with a sample of an automate script in which you can use for the sign up process. In most cases, you can modify the script according to your needs. One thing to consider is how you should contact your dedicated server for more information if you are unsure on how you should write this script.

Furthermore, after you have your remote access key, you should never share it with anyone. One of the main reasons has to do with how it allows access into your Dedicated Hosting servers control panel. Therefore, sharing this type of information could jeopardize the security of your server if the wrong person got a hold of it. In any case, when people on signing up for a new account, your keys encrypted, which helps prevent any types of problems.

Understanding DNS Clusters

At one time, a DNS Master referred to the system that we now know as a DNS Cluster. The DNS Master however, became rapidly outdated, leading to a newly revised system. These new revisions increased the amount of ease for webmasters with their capacity to monitor and access all information pertinent to their DNS zones within one area.

Not all Dedicated Hosting companies give you the option to use DNS clusters. For those that do, it makes it easy for you to synchronize your records with more than one server. Therefore, this is a useful feature for webmasters using more than one dedicated server.

Even so, a company or individual should not use this feature with a single dedicated server. In general, a DNS clusters designed primarily for advanced users and useless for the Dedicated Hosting business type. In spite of this, it is still appropriate to have an understanding if you have plans to add on another dedicated server or find that your company is quickly growing.

How Remote Access Keys and Clusters Benefit a Dedicated Hosting Company

Dedicated Hosting refers to a type of internet hosting service, exclusively leased to an individual or business entity. Therefore, dedicated servers supply the service solely to the one purchasing customer. Furthermore, the buying customer does not share the server with anyone else. In consideration, the task of acting as one of the dedicated hosts for new clients can potentially become overwhelming. In response, remote access keys help to save you time by automating the process.

Understanding Remote Access Keys and Clusters

One of the advantages of using remote access keys with your Dedicated Hosting service is how it makes it so that you no longer have to do anything during the times that someone creates a new account. Therefore, this gives dedicated servers the capacity to give a new client instant activation when they set up a new accounts. One of the largest benefits surrounds around how the people no longer have to wait for you to do anything in order for them to start setting up their website.

Where to Start and Who Can Benefit

Any Dedicated Hosting business can start using remote access keys by requesting them from their hosting company. Another option is to access this features through your dedicated server control panel in order to create the key automatically. When you generate the key, you will see a long paragraph of encrypted information, which you then can add to your script in order to automate the process of signing up with your company. Generally, most of the businesses that use this type of script are resellers.

How Remote Access Keys Work

In some cases, your Dedicated Hosting company may provide you with a sample of an automate script in which you can use for the sign up process. In most cases, you can modify the script according to your needs. One thing to consider is how you should contact your dedicated server for more information if you are unsure on how you should write this script.

Furthermore, after you have your remote access key, you should never share it with anyone. One of the main reasons has to do with how it allows access into your Dedicated Hosting servers control panel. Therefore, sharing this type of information could jeopardize the security of your server if the wrong person got a hold of it. In any case, when people on signing up for a new account, your keys encrypted, which helps prevent any types of problems.

Understanding DNS Clusters

At one time, a DNS Master referred to the system that we now know as a DNS Cluster. The DNS Master however, became rapidly outdated, leading to a newly revised system. These new revisions increased the amount of ease for webmasters with their capacity to monitor and access all information pertinent to their DNS zones within one area.

Not all Dedicated Hosting companies give you the option to use DNS clusters. For those that do, it makes it easy for you to synchronize your records with more than one server. Therefore, this is a useful feature for webmasters using more than one dedicated server.

Even so, a company or individual should not use this feature with a single dedicated server. In general, a DNS clusters designed primarily for advanced users and useless for the Dedicated Hosting business type. In spite of this, it is still appropriate to have an understanding if you have plans to add on another dedicated server or find that your company is quickly growing.

DLGuard Review – Digital File Download Protection From a Powerful Download Guard Software

Recently, I was looking around for a download protection script that can protect my digital file downloads from internet piracy and theft.

So, I started to ask around for help, and one of the trainers on a search engine marketing forum recommended me DLGuard.com.

Being a skeptic of online products and software, especially when an excellent salescopy can make an inferior product looks good, I decided to conduct my own research on DLGuard before I purchase and buy it with my hard-earned money!

What I was about to discover surprised me!

To cut the whole story short, I spent more than one week checking out many web sites (yes, many of them!) that are discussing about DLGuard.com and I can tell you that DLGuard customers are a happy lot of customers.

Along the process of researching on this popular file download protection software, I actually discovered the following:

1. One of my Internet marketing mentors has actually given his testimonial on DLGuard.com!

2. The various online marketing projects in which I am actively involved in are actually powered by DLguard to secure their digital downloads!

Naturally, I went ahead to get the feedback from my fellow marketers about this piece of software script. Their responses? DLGuard is a high quality piece of software that performs what it does, at an affordable price. I was also told it was easy to setup, and the customer support from the product owner Sam Stephens was excellent.

Needless to say, I made my decision to buy DLGuard shortly after my research because of too many good DLGuard reviews. With a money-back guarantee for my purchase, there was absolutely nothing I can lose. If I do not like this digital download protection script, I can simply ask for a refund.

After I have purchased and downloaded DLGuard onto my computer, I wanted to set it up soon. At this point, I had a few pleasant surprises from this nifty piece of script…

To make installation of the script simple, Sam Stephens has actually created an executable installation file that you can run on your computer to automatically transfer all the files from your local computer onto your web server after you have supplied all the necessary web server login credentials during the installation wizard setup. You do not even need to launch your FTP client to do the manual uploading and installation yourself, unless you choose to.

All the components that are required to run the DLGuard software are also packaged inside the executable file to make things easier for you.

As an Internet Marketer and an ex-programmer, I can tell you how much the non-techies or newbies will appreciate this handy feature because it will save many of you the headache of installing your own script.

Nevertheless, I had a small issue when I was trying to install the script, and the issue is with my web host company because I need to set up my web hosting account correctly to run DLGuard.

After posting on DLGuard support forum for help, Sam actually responded to my forum post within a short few hours with the answers I needed and his offer to help me out if I have any more problems.

By now, you should realise that I have just became another happy customer of Sam!

Just in case you want to know what are the other reasons that made me choose DLGuard over other download protection scripts, here they are:

1. Membership management is another feature of DLGuard. This means that you can easily create a paid or free membership site with it. It can also perform automatic signups and removals, and protect the download links within your new membership site. You can use it to create a recurring sales (membership) web site as a new source of income.

2. You can also set up a built-in shopping cart to offer your customers a range of products that they would like to buy. Your customers can add the desired products into their shopping cart and then make payments for all their products. You can use DLGuard to sell your ebooks, software titles, downloadable music or videos, and more!

3. DLGuard is also integrated with the major payment systems online such as Paypal, Clickbank, PayDotCom, 1ShoppingCart, 2CO and many others! So you can be sure that when you changes your payment systems, you can still continue to use the script.

4. And you can install DLGuard on 2 of your web sites for the price of one as long as you own both web sites!

This is my DLGuard review and I am recommending this wonderful software to all my clients and friends if they need an excellent, affordable and robust file download protection software to protect and streamline their online businesses.