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Are you taking on Goliath with your Website Linking Strategy?

When it comes to your website link building strategy are you taking on Goliath?

Lets look at the search engine ranking you are looking to get to your site for example if you are looking to get to a number one listing under the keyword ‘Internet Marketing’ in Google. Is the target you are aiming at a Goliath? As in a lot of well established competition?

I know David won the mythical battle, but wouldn’t it be better to have the best odds possible?

A website Link building Strategy with focused keywords, which is achievable, is going to bring a focused visitor ready to buy rather than untargeted “traffic for ego”

To do this properly you need to research the words you think that you most likely customer and research the competition in this area.

And also look at the facts about the top listed websites:

1. What page rank does it have? 2. How many links does the site have pointing to it? 3. How many pages does it have listed? 4. What type of site is it eg: Normal, Blog or Wikipedia? 5. Does it exchange links?

A search under the term “internet marketing” – shows all the different types of sites mentioned above- the competitive terms are good for showing what works.

Some webmasters say that you should vary the “Anchor text” – this is the text that displays in a text link on another site, linking to your site. Some webmaster software programs automatically insert the same text in every page they display.

Lets look at a real time example:

1. Search for “Reciprocal Link Software” without quote marks, in Google 2. You should find the program Autolinks Pro 3. Go to the demo version 4. You will see that the software generates pages, with the text “Reciprocal Link Software” in every page.

Now that’s the same text, on every page, of every site, of every user online. Now there will be others that will link with something different, for example the domain name, but the majority of the links say what the site is about. That’s logical enough for both Humans and Google!

Seeing a number 1 ranked website out of 1 million results, on a focused keyword site is enough proof for me what works!

From here you need to develop a conclusion. Focused 2 – 3 words that helps you avoid taking on the Goliath’s of search engine results. The more targeted the visitor, the more likely he is to stay and take the action you want.

This is not to say that you cannot take on a Goliath, there just needs to be and understanding of the effort of time and resources of taking on a giant! Understand the battle field!

Are Directories Still a Good Form of Link Building?

This question keeps arising and for me at the time of writing this the answer can be explained in this following article. The reason this question has been raised again is because Google has removed its recommendation to submit to directories from its webmasters guidelines.

However I don’t think this means that the search engine will stop taking directories links into account. It just feels that it doesn’t need to recommend this tactic anymore. This does sound a bit confusing and you have to ask why Google has removed this information, it more than likely that this is a small part of a bigger picture which Google is working on. Google is not likely to tell us what this is and as usual we will have to work it out for ourselves.

I do think however that there are changes going on in the search engine result pages I will describe a few of the most recent ones below. With some search terms more informational websites seems to be showing up as Google thinks a higher percentage of people may be looking for information on a subject rather than to be faced will a list of companies.

Although Pagerank is irrelevant when it comes to SEO it seems to be having an even more less of an impact these days.

Lets get back to the subject of directories the good thing about directories is that they are good for co-citation. This means that what your website is associated with. For example if you had a link to your website on a page with lots of other links to, let’s say link directories then Google may think your website is related to that industry. If you want to check what your co-citation is just click the similar pages link next to your listings in the search engine results pages.

So to answer the question at the top of the article are directories still a good form of linking building? and at the time of writing this article I would say yes, however I’m sure people would disagree. This may change and in the end only time will tell. I can however prove that this still works as I have seen it work on many websites and even on my own. Just remember to make sure you are submitting to good quality directories like the one above and don’t just submit to any old directory.

Are Directories Still a Good Form of Link Building?

This question keeps arising and for me at the time of writing this the answer can be explained in this following article. The reason this question has been raised again is because Google has removed its recommendation to submit to directories from its webmasters guidelines.

However I don’t think this means that the search engine will stop taking directories links into account. It just feels that it doesn’t need to recommend this tactic anymore. This does sound a bit confusing and you have to ask why Google has removed this information, it more than likely that this is a small part of a bigger picture which Google is working on. Google is not likely to tell us what this is and as usual we will have to work it out for ourselves.

I do think however that there are changes going on in the search engine result pages I will describe a few of the most recent ones below. With some search terms more informational websites seems to be showing up as Google thinks a higher percentage of people may be looking for information on a subject rather than to be faced will a list of companies.

Although Pagerank is irrelevant when it comes to SEO it seems to be having an even more less of an impact these days.

Lets get back to the subject of directories the good thing about directories is that they are good for co-citation. This means that what your website is associated with. For example if you had a link to your website on a page with lots of other links to, let’s say link directories then Google may think your website is related to that industry. If you want to check what your co-citation is just click the similar pages link next to your listings in the search engine results pages.

So to answer the question at the top of the article are directories still a good form of linking building? and at the time of writing this article I would say yes, however I’m sure people would disagree. This may change and in the end only time will tell. I can however prove that this still works as I have seen it work on many websites and even on my own. Just remember to make sure you are submitting to good quality directories like the one above and don’t just submit to any old directory.