Tag Archives: safety

Effective Ways to Optimize Security in it

Chances are your computer network or PC has been attacked at some point or another. Perhaps a worm caused your system to slow down severely, a virus erased your entire hard drive, or, malware plagued your registry and browser, leaving you helpless and frustrated. What you probably learned from these attacks was how or where to find a quick-fix while your overall security remained unchanged. What you may not know is that there are a few fundamental practices in relation to the hardware, software and people that can help to improve or optimize the safety level of your computer network and personal system. These practices or ways are sound, easy to implement and highly effective.

* On the Hardware/Software Side

While they may appear relatively basic at the onset, some practical measures should be taken to not just establish and maintain but also to increase ongoing security to computer hardware and software. Failure to adhere to these measures or ways of implementing security can potentially lead to disaster. Of course, you can further add to or enhance these measures depending on your particular situation–such as budget restraints, time-frame, etc.

Specifically, you will want to:

– Upgrade or replace: Older hardware can malfunction and become unstable; older software can have security holes and vulnerabilities or could fail to properly integrate with newer technologies.

– Patch up and harden: Whether it’s a domain controller or your home PC, install anti-virus software, configure a firewall, update the OS using service packs and remove unnecessary services.

– Limit access: Keep the system away from prying eyes and unauthorized users. Implement strong passwords; use encryption. Locks and biometrics are strongly recommended, too.

– Monitor regularly: Make a habit of watching network activity and reading system logs to find inconsistencies and unusual traffic patterns.

– Maintain good backups: Backup often and verify your backups always. Keep one or more copies off-site, if possible.

* On the People Side

When it comes to security, people usually are the weakest link in the chain. They can be lazy, indifferent, uninformed or represent some other security liability. Because you, too, may possibly exhibit such characteristics and behaviors yourself, here are ways to address these people problems and successfully increase and ensure IT security. For example, you should:

– Establish controls: Rules and policies can help to specify what is or isn’t acceptable use. Enforce them. Be prompt at acting on the slightest deviation.

– Train and educate: You and your staff can never be too knowledgeable about the newest technologies or the latest types of attacks–worms, viruses, Trojans, malware and others. Be prepared to learn and learn to be prepared.

– Be safety aware: Don’t expose yourself or your systems to potential attacks by linking to questionable websites. And, opening an email attachment from an unknown source could quench much more than sheer curiosity.

– Go “long” on commitment: Engage people by assigning them (or yourself) duties and responsibilities with realistic goals and rewards. Foster loyalty and support alongside accountability for non-performance.

Experiencing a malicious attack is sometimes the result of weak or ineffective security practices. And, while finding quick solutions to the attack may be reactionary and expected, it is not necessarily the only or best course of action in securing PCs and networks. There are far more sensible and fundamental ways to implement and address security in relation to the hardware, software and people involved in day to day operations. It is, in fact, by applying those ways and practices that you can effectively and successfully improve upon and optimize security in it.

Effective Ways to Optimize Security in it

Chances are your computer network or PC has been attacked at some point or another. Perhaps a worm caused your system to slow down severely, a virus erased your entire hard drive, or, malware plagued your registry and browser, leaving you helpless and frustrated. What you probably learned from these attacks was how or where to find a quick-fix while your overall security remained unchanged. What you may not know is that there are a few fundamental practices in relation to the hardware, software and people that can help to improve or optimize the safety level of your computer network and personal system. These practices or ways are sound, easy to implement and highly effective.

* On the Hardware/Software Side

While they may appear relatively basic at the onset, some practical measures should be taken to not just establish and maintain but also to increase ongoing security to computer hardware and software. Failure to adhere to these measures or ways of implementing security can potentially lead to disaster. Of course, you can further add to or enhance these measures depending on your particular situation–such as budget restraints, time-frame, etc.

Specifically, you will want to:

– Upgrade or replace: Older hardware can malfunction and become unstable; older software can have security holes and vulnerabilities or could fail to properly integrate with newer technologies.

– Patch up and harden: Whether it’s a domain controller or your home PC, install anti-virus software, configure a firewall, update the OS using service packs and remove unnecessary services.

– Limit access: Keep the system away from prying eyes and unauthorized users. Implement strong passwords; use encryption. Locks and biometrics are strongly recommended, too.

– Monitor regularly: Make a habit of watching network activity and reading system logs to find inconsistencies and unusual traffic patterns.

– Maintain good backups: Backup often and verify your backups always. Keep one or more copies off-site, if possible.

* On the People Side

When it comes to security, people usually are the weakest link in the chain. They can be lazy, indifferent, uninformed or represent some other security liability. Because you, too, may possibly exhibit such characteristics and behaviors yourself, here are ways to address these people problems and successfully increase and ensure IT security. For example, you should:

– Establish controls: Rules and policies can help to specify what is or isn’t acceptable use. Enforce them. Be prompt at acting on the slightest deviation.

– Train and educate: You and your staff can never be too knowledgeable about the newest technologies or the latest types of attacks–worms, viruses, Trojans, malware and others. Be prepared to learn and learn to be prepared.

– Be safety aware: Don’t expose yourself or your systems to potential attacks by linking to questionable websites. And, opening an email attachment from an unknown source could quench much more than sheer curiosity.

– Go “long” on commitment: Engage people by assigning them (or yourself) duties and responsibilities with realistic goals and rewards. Foster loyalty and support alongside accountability for non-performance.

Experiencing a malicious attack is sometimes the result of weak or ineffective security practices. And, while finding quick solutions to the attack may be reactionary and expected, it is not necessarily the only or best course of action in securing PCs and networks. There are far more sensible and fundamental ways to implement and address security in relation to the hardware, software and people involved in day to day operations. It is, in fact, by applying those ways and practices that you can effectively and successfully improve upon and optimize security in it.

Good Quality Security Safes For Maximum Protection

By using appropriate security safes, one can live a life free of tension regarding his belongings. There are many kinds of safety lockers that people can install to ensure that their precious possessions are safe and close at hand.

High Standard Locking System Essential

One can choose from different sizes and designs of wall and floor safety vaults as per their requirements and budget. Such home safes can be installed easily. These have modern electronic locking systems which makes burglary impossible. Also, the vaults are made of thick metal which cannot be broken easily. Home owners can install such lockers on the wall or on the floor as desired.

One can check out different kinds of security safes on the internet where there are several websites which deal in such security items. It is a good idea to install a wall safe of a suitable size and place a painting over it to shield the safe. In case of floor safes, one can place a carpet over it to prevent it from being detected easily. Home owners can check out different sizes and designs and choose one according to budget and size.

Reliable manufacturers of safety vaults provide the guarantee that their lockers can prevent the contents from fire for a certain amount of time.

Depending on the requirement, the owner can opt for lockers which provide safety from fire for up to one or two hours. Reputed manufacturers also use the latest locking systems in their security safes. This prevents expert burglars from breaking open the safe even after detecting it.

Modern safety vaults use electronic locking systems which cannot be duplicated. Only after entering the required code can the owner open the vault and access the contents.

It is a good idea to check out the websites of different manufacturers of safety vaults. Reputed sites display the various designs available along with their cost and features. Depending on the size required, the home owner can opt for a floor or a wall locker which has a secure locking system and also offers adequate protection from fire.

Clarify Doubts about Safety Features

It is essential for business owners to install appropriate safes in their offices to keep their important documents safely. Such lockers should ideally provide maximum protection from fire so that in case of an emergency, there is enough time to save the documents. Business owners who deal in valuable items like jewellery should opt for floor safety vaults which have strong metal bodies and high standard locking systems to protect the contents from burglary. After short listing appropriate security safes, it is a good idea to contact the manufacturer and clarify all the details regarding the safety vaults.

Generally, the contact details are available on the websites of reputed dealers. It is also important to visit the manufacturer’s showroom and check out the vault in person before making any payment. Since such security items are installed to keep one’s precious belongings, it is essential to be completely sure about the safety features. Reputed manufacturers also provide experts to install the vault at the desired location.

By installing appropriate security safes, the owner can stay free of tension regarding his precious possessions.