Tag Archives: saas

Web Application Software Systems – A way to grow

In the recent years, Web application software programs have been widely accepted in multiple software application areas and user segments because of the benefits, ease of licensing, meeting client specific needs and minimal investment requirements.

At an enterprise or business level, the applications that are widely in use are Human Resource Management Software (HRM Software), CRM Software, ERP Applications, Accounting, Inventory Management, Students Information and Operation management software in Educational Institutions, Hospital Management Software systems and so on. Though most of the applications can be perceived as an ERP in business needs, the software apps have been developed by companies keeping in mind the specific industry& business domain needs.

The software as a service can also be used in the government and public interactions; for example application sites like tax payments, utility bill payments, demographic data collection like working men, nature of service and so on. The SaaS finds electoral use in updating public information for polling purposes and so on. The information would benefit both the government authorities and the general public in handling the information. The application would seek integrated information management, features and modules with robust data handling capacity. This will significantly improve the planning of the progress, forecasting public works and related demographical needs.

Since internet brings the ease and convenience along with the reach it has in penetrating the farther or the remote locations; it enables data management and planning from a remote location through proper data capturing and reporting mechanisms. Hospital management, patient health recording mechanism helps in gathering the general data about a particular disease and research upon the data to find solutions, taking precautionary measures, steps to improve the health conditions. Though the above information sounds simple, it has appreciable implications in improvements.

The hurdles that an enterprise or a public authority might face in implementing SaaS applications to record data and forecast based on the data are:

Resistance to disclose data like financial information, health conditions and demographic information
Approval problems due to general public problems
Logistics in implementation of the strategy
Uncertainty in anticipated effectiveness, efficiency and result of the system implementation on improvements

Some of the primary areas or segments that can be looked upon to implement SaaS solutions are:

Data capturing for Market Research, Polls and Forecasting for a product / service.
Scientific Research ideas exchange
Socializing and Social Media Platforms
Public works ideas planning and implementation.

With growing internet usage, reach of personal computing, increased technical capabilities of search engines and absorption of web technology; web based applications is placed comfortably to grow as a sustainable service applications.
The related IT solutions development would complement the development of SaaS and its benefits. Some of the catalyzing IT technologies could be internet banking, mobile technology, payment gateways; internet security applications and so on.
In India, recently NASSCOM (The National Software Solutions Companies Association) took the initiative to launch a directory of emerging companies in SaaS in India.

Copyright ITISL Technologies Pvt Ltd.

Web Application Software Systems – A way to grow

In the recent years, Web application software programs have been widely accepted in multiple software application areas and user segments because of the benefits, ease of licensing, meeting client specific needs and minimal investment requirements.

At an enterprise or business level, the applications that are widely in use are Human Resource Management Software (HRM Software), CRM Software, ERP Applications, Accounting, Inventory Management, Students Information and Operation management software in Educational Institutions, Hospital Management Software systems and so on. Though most of the applications can be perceived as an ERP in business needs, the software apps have been developed by companies keeping in mind the specific industry& business domain needs.

The software as a service can also be used in the government and public interactions; for example application sites like tax payments, utility bill payments, demographic data collection like working men, nature of service and so on. The SaaS finds electoral use in updating public information for polling purposes and so on. The information would benefit both the government authorities and the general public in handling the information. The application would seek integrated information management, features and modules with robust data handling capacity. This will significantly improve the planning of the progress, forecasting public works and related demographical needs.

Since internet brings the ease and convenience along with the reach it has in penetrating the farther or the remote locations; it enables data management and planning from a remote location through proper data capturing and reporting mechanisms. Hospital management, patient health recording mechanism helps in gathering the general data about a particular disease and research upon the data to find solutions, taking precautionary measures, steps to improve the health conditions. Though the above information sounds simple, it has appreciable implications in improvements.

The hurdles that an enterprise or a public authority might face in implementing SaaS applications to record data and forecast based on the data are:

Resistance to disclose data like financial information, health conditions and demographic information
Approval problems due to general public problems
Logistics in implementation of the strategy
Uncertainty in anticipated effectiveness, efficiency and result of the system implementation on improvements

Some of the primary areas or segments that can be looked upon to implement SaaS solutions are:

Data capturing for Market Research, Polls and Forecasting for a product / service.
Scientific Research ideas exchange
Socializing and Social Media Platforms
Public works ideas planning and implementation.

With growing internet usage, reach of personal computing, increased technical capabilities of search engines and absorption of web technology; web based applications is placed comfortably to grow as a sustainable service applications.
The related IT solutions development would complement the development of SaaS and its benefits. Some of the catalyzing IT technologies could be internet banking, mobile technology, payment gateways; internet security applications and so on.
In India, recently NASSCOM (The National Software Solutions Companies Association) took the initiative to launch a directory of emerging companies in SaaS in India.

Copyright ITISL Technologies Pvt Ltd.

What Is Software as a Service or SaaS Technology?

Interest in SaaS technology (Software as a Service) has skyrocketed in recent years. If you are wondering, “what is Software as a Service (SaaS) technology?” and how it can improve the service you offer your clients, you will find this article helpful.

Why is SaaS so popular? Prior to SaaS, only traditional software applications were available to the Performance Improvement industry.

Wikipedia defines Software as a service (SaaS, typically pronounced [sæs]) as “sometimes referred to as “on-demand software,” is a software delivery model in which software and its associated data are hosted centrally (typically in the (Internet) cloud) and are typically accessed by users using a thin client, normally using a web browser over the Internet.”

Many large Performance companies have made the decision to migrate their client solution to SaaS technology because it is much more affordable than traditional software to maintain plus it is far faster to implement. In addition client solutions can in most cases be fully managed by the end customer as well.

Gen X and Y employees are demanding more hands-on access to self-manage their companies programs and this trend is just beginning. For these managers only a true SaaS solution delivers a completely user friendly solution and of equal importance if the on-going enhancements and product updates that SaaS software providers can deliver. It’s the norm to see new product enhancements being released every 8-weeks and these enhancement often see completely new modules, tools and enhancements that improve the user experience.

SaaS technology has removed the need for Performance improvement companies to build and maintain large IT departments because with a SaaS solution there are limited IT support requirements internally since SaaS solutions are generally launch ready and come with a full IT support team. In addition SaaS makes it fast and easy to deploy new upgrades and most solution providers deliver a steady flow of new and exciting features and upgrades as part of their IT development roadmap.

SaaS technology offers Performance improvement companies the ability to offer a secure, affordable, scalable and easily accessible method to deliver employee recognition, performance, loyalty, training and even global reward management solutions; all on a global scale.

Once an organization has adopted SaaS into their workflow, it is seamless for the performance improvement company to add new features and enhancements to their client’s application. The process of activating a new module or application is for the most simply a click of a button and once a new module is activated this opens up new sources of revenues for the solution providers.

Companies stand to reap massive rewards by incorporating SaaS solutions into their offerings. SaaS technology offers so many great benefits and has become a staple in the IT industry as a whole for one reason – SaaS streamlines and simplifies the delivery of technology making it accessible to the widest audience possible. Performance improvement companies who do not offer SaaS solutions are less competitive simply because most enterprise level organizations are already using or considering using SaaS technology.

In the words of Martin Henry Fischer – “Knowledge is a process of piling up facts; wisdom lies in their simplification” and nothing speaks volumes like simplicity to your customers.