Tag Archives: running

How to have a profitable, fully optimized pay per click campaign

Pay per click (PPC) is a great automated marketing method, but it is becoming more and more difficult. There are hundreds of thousands of advertisers out there trying to grab customers’ attention.

As an advertiser, you know that pay-per-click campaigns take a lot of trial and error. You set up your keywords, write your ads and track conversions until you find the right combination that works the best.

In the last few years, running an adword campaign has become very competitive. With the rapidly increasing number of advertisers in every niche, the click costs are also sky rocketing.

Beating adwords is a process and one of the most important steps of this process is to find your competitors. When you know who your competitors are and what they are doing, you can easily develop your own strategies and get a kind of competitive edge that is truly unbeatable.

There are two ways to go about it. First, you may like to do it yourself manually. Alternatively, you can let a PPC tool do everything for you and achieve quality scores with Google.

There is a tool called PPC Bully. It is a great example of an adwords spy tool where you enter the keywords you want to track and it tells you what ads are there, which ads are affiliate ads, how long the advertiser’s ad has been running etc. PPC Bully gives you this info and assigns a value to each keyword and to show which ads are profitable.

You can then go in, write a similar ad, set up your campaign and you should have a much higher success rate than the campaign blast method.

PPC Bully or any other similar tool is not a magic program to take all the work out of PPC, but it does make launching a successful campaign right off the bat much more likely.

How Important Is Search Engine Optimisation to Online Business?

The internet has completely revolutionised the way people live. Ten years ago music, movies and games were purchased in high street stores. Today they can be downloaded or streamed from anywhere using hand held digital devices such as tablet computers or even mobile phones. We used to rely on phone books and yellow pages to find shops and tradesmen but today it is the internet where we find what we need. Shopping habit is also changing rapidly with internet driving more and more sales every year. People have become very used to buying and selling online through online marketplace and e-commerce portals such as amazon, ebay, taobao, lacartes and many others.

For businesses internet has become an important source of revenue. The running of an online business is not that different to running an offline business. A shop would invest a lot of money and time to get the right location – usually a busy location in the right town, where it can be seen by a lot of potential customers with genuine interests in its products and services. Online businesses apply the same principle and invest a lot of money and time to be seen by the right crowd – people with genuine interests in its products and services.

When people search for a particular product or service, they are expressing a genuine interest in that product or service so it is highly likely they would commit to a purchase. This makes search engine traffic highly valuable and it is why many online businesses allocate majority of their operating budget to search engine optimisation (also known as SEO) in order to appear at the top of search results for the right search keywords.

Businesses at the top of search results are looked at first so they have the best chance of making a sale. Getting to the top of search engine search results is the holy grail of online advertising. Search engines channel so much traffic every day they can literally drive millions of potential customers to a business. Therefore search engine optimisation or SEO is extremely important to any online business.

SEO refers to methods and techniques that can improve a website’s position in search results for the most relevant keywords. There is an entire industry devoted to SEO. They offer their expertise and services to help businesses increase their search engine traffic.

The main advantage of running an online business is the lower cost base because it doesn’t require any retail space. This leaves businesses with more money to invest in advertising and marketing. Business owners and webmasters should invest generously in SEO and think of it as the same thing as paying extra for a shop in the right location.

How Important Is Search Engine Optimisation to Online Business?

The internet has completely revolutionised the way people live. Ten years ago music, movies and games were purchased in high street stores. Today they can be downloaded or streamed from anywhere using hand held digital devices such as tablet computers or even mobile phones. We used to rely on phone books and yellow pages to find shops and tradesmen but today it is the internet where we find what we need. Shopping habit is also changing rapidly with internet driving more and more sales every year. People have become very used to buying and selling online through online marketplace and e-commerce portals such as amazon, ebay, taobao, lacartes and many others.

For businesses internet has become an important source of revenue. The running of an online business is not that different to running an offline business. A shop would invest a lot of money and time to get the right location – usually a busy location in the right town, where it can be seen by a lot of potential customers with genuine interests in its products and services. Online businesses apply the same principle and invest a lot of money and time to be seen by the right crowd – people with genuine interests in its products and services.

When people search for a particular product or service, they are expressing a genuine interest in that product or service so it is highly likely they would commit to a purchase. This makes search engine traffic highly valuable and it is why many online businesses allocate majority of their operating budget to search engine optimisation (also known as SEO) in order to appear at the top of search results for the right search keywords.

Businesses at the top of search results are looked at first so they have the best chance of making a sale. Getting to the top of search engine search results is the holy grail of online advertising. Search engines channel so much traffic every day they can literally drive millions of potential customers to a business. Therefore search engine optimisation or SEO is extremely important to any online business.

SEO refers to methods and techniques that can improve a website’s position in search results for the most relevant keywords. There is an entire industry devoted to SEO. They offer their expertise and services to help businesses increase their search engine traffic.

The main advantage of running an online business is the lower cost base because it doesn’t require any retail space. This leaves businesses with more money to invest in advertising and marketing. Business owners and webmasters should invest generously in SEO and think of it as the same thing as paying extra for a shop in the right location.