Tag Archives: running

How to Purchase Reliable Antivirus Firewall Software Online

For any computer user it is essential that you maintain up to date, and effective antivirus firewall software to prevent malicious software from infecting your computer. These rogue and damaging programs can be installed without the knowledge of the computer user through email, instant messenger programs and even photos that are sent to you, and can corrupt or delete important documents and files from your computer. Ultimately they may destroy the operating system, making your computer unable to work.

Antivirus software works by detecting viruses that have been downloaded onto your machine and deleting or healing them by moving them to a vault where they are isolated and unable to do further damage. It also attempts to detect threats before they have been downloaded, and then blocks their installation.

Firewalls work differently, by blocking access to your computer for some internet traffic. An antivirus firewall program combines the benefits of both of these to give the highest possible level of protection to your computer. It should be the best chance for any computer user to remain clear of viruses and other malware.

By running a reliable antivirus firewall you are not only protecting your computer from viruses that reach it as well as removing those that manage to install themselves. But you are also providing a barrier to certain traffic, as the firewall will ensure that traffic from certain known dangerous locations is blocked from accessing your computer altogether. This ensures a double edged approach, both blocking the majority of known threats and then being able to heal anything that slips through the net.

When the time comes for you to buy antivirus firewall software you will need to find a program that will suit you. Specifically it will have to work with the computer operating system that you have on the machine, and will have to work within the free hard drive space, memory and processor power that you have. It should also meet your needs as far as automatic updating and regular scanning of your machine are concerned.

You don’t have to pay above the odds by going to a computer store, when instead you can get affordable computer protection from an antivirus firewall shop such as

How to Purchase Reliable Antivirus Firewall Software Online

For any computer user it is essential that you maintain up to date, and effective antivirus firewall software to prevent malicious software from infecting your computer. These rogue and damaging programs can be installed without the knowledge of the computer user through email, instant messenger programs and even photos that are sent to you, and can corrupt or delete important documents and files from your computer. Ultimately they may destroy the operating system, making your computer unable to work.

Antivirus software works by detecting viruses that have been downloaded onto your machine and deleting or healing them by moving them to a vault where they are isolated and unable to do further damage. It also attempts to detect threats before they have been downloaded, and then blocks their installation.

Firewalls work differently, by blocking access to your computer for some internet traffic. An antivirus firewall program combines the benefits of both of these to give the highest possible level of protection to your computer. It should be the best chance for any computer user to remain clear of viruses and other malware.

By running a reliable antivirus firewall you are not only protecting your computer from viruses that reach it as well as removing those that manage to install themselves. But you are also providing a barrier to certain traffic, as the firewall will ensure that traffic from certain known dangerous locations is blocked from accessing your computer altogether. This ensures a double edged approach, both blocking the majority of known threats and then being able to heal anything that slips through the net.

When the time comes for you to buy antivirus firewall software you will need to find a program that will suit you. Specifically it will have to work with the computer operating system that you have on the machine, and will have to work within the free hard drive space, memory and processor power that you have. It should also meet your needs as far as automatic updating and regular scanning of your machine are concerned.

You don’t have to pay above the odds by going to a computer store, when instead you can get affordable computer protection from an antivirus firewall shop such as

How to remove Antivirus Soft

Antivirus Soft is malicious software from the family of Antivirus Live. This malware makes entry in your PC without letting you think about it. These infections are installed in PC with help of malicious PDF file which are responsible to corrupt older versions of adobe reader. Antivirus soft malware also spread through scamming sites and social networking sites.

Once this software is installed, it continues to update itself automatically whenever you logs in your window and go online. This malware shows numerous infections which are fake and do not actually exist.

When you will be running, Antivirus Soft they display fake security alerts on the infected computer. The text of some of these alerts are:
. Antivirus Software Alert
. Infiltration Alert
. Your computer is being attacked by an internet virus. It could be a password-stealing attack, a trojan-dropper or similar.
. Threat: Win32/Nuqel.E

This program uses aggressive techniques to protect itself from being removed by anti-malware programs. Such as –

. When the Antivirus Soft process is running it will close all the running programs by falsely stating that these programs are infected.
. This malware also changes the proxy settings in IE which prevents you from browsing any other site than Antivirus Soft. This is done to force user to purchase this malicious software.

How to Remove it

This malware can hamper your entire computer activity. If you are finding yourself stuck in similar situation, you can use following steps to remove this malware from your PC –

1. Restart your computer. This is important to work on PC in a safer atmosphere. The moment computer restarts, press “F8& 8243; key constantly. Now, use the arrow keys to highlight the “Safe Mode with Networking” option, and then press ENTER.
2. Now Open Internet Explorer, click on the ‘Tools menu’ and then select Internet Options.
3. In the Internet Options window click on the ‘Connections’ tab, which would be followed by a click on the LAN settings button.
4. Now you will see Local Area Network (LAN) settings window. Uncheck the checkbox labeled Use a proxy server for your LAN under the Proxy Server section and press OK.
5. To be more protected, download an automatic virus removal tool which you can find online. There are numbers of automatic removal tool available. After downloading a good tool, run the full system scan and remove detected files.

Antivirus Soft manual removal:
Kill processes:
[RANDOM CHARACTERS]sysguard.exe, for example ghrtsysguard.exe [RANDOM CHARACTERS]sftav.exe

Delete registry values:
HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun “”
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun “”
HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesAttachments “SaveZoneInformation” = “1& 8243;
HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionInternet Settings “ProxyServer” = “http= 8243;
HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesAssociations “LowRiskFileTypes” = “.exe”
HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftInternet ExplorerDownload “RunInvalidSignatures” = “1& 8243;
HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionInternet Settings “ProxyOverride” = “”

Delete files:
Windows XP: %UserProfile%\Local Settings\Application Data\\[RANDOM CHARACTERS]sysguard.exe Windows Vista and Windows 7: %UserProfile%\AppData\Local\\[RANDOM CHARACTERS]sysguard.exe %UserProfile%\AppData\Local\\[RANDOM CHARACTERS]sftav.exe

Delete directories:
%UserProfile%Local SettingsApplication Data[RANDOM CHARACTERS] (Win XP)
%UserProfile%AppDataLocal\ (Win Vista & 7)