Tag Archives: rss

It Is Very Important That You Understand What RSS Is

RSS or Really Simple Syndication has proved to be a difficult subject for many users of the World Wide Web, as survey after survey has clearly shown. To many RSS is far from being simple.

Yet it is one subject that no person with any sort of web presence can dare afford to ignore at this moment. There is no doubt that RSS feeds are rapidly growing in significance online and a failure to understand them greatly hinders any online marketer from reaping the fruits and results that are possible with a full arsenal of online marketing tools and weapons.

It is much simpler to understand RSS when you first seek to understand what the term syndicating an article means. Most newspaper readers will be familiar with national syndicated columnists. These are popular writers whose columns appear in many different newspapers across the country. Indeed syndication services have for many years been responsible for selling content to many different non-competing publications across the world. Probably one of the most well known content syndication services is the Kings Features Syndicate which distributes many popular Sunday newspaper cartoons all over the world.

Really Simple Syndication is exactly the same concept only that instead of newspapers, the content is distributed directly to web sites and blogs. It can also be distributed directly to a computer desktop. It is made even simpler by the fact that computer technology allows for the easy automation of this task. All one needs to do is to paste some html code on their site or blog and the content will be constantly streaming through their site.

In offline syndication, newspapers chose which particular column covering what particular subject they wanted to publish in their newspapers. Online syndication is even more powerful because you can choose to receive all content that is based on a very specific subject or topic. If you are serious about Website Promotion, RSS is the obvious step for any companies online growth. I suggest email advertising to promote your RSS Feed and to help you increase your membership base.

Meaning that you will never miss out on any new information on a particular area of specialization or pet topic you have chosen to stay informed about. This also results in you saving a lot of time because instead of regularly going to a search engine to look for information, with the right RSS feeds, all the information you require comes to you.

It Is Very Important That You Understand What RSS Is

RSS or Really Simple Syndication has proved to be a difficult subject for many users of the World Wide Web, as survey after survey has clearly shown. To many RSS is far from being simple.

Yet it is one subject that no person with any sort of web presence can dare afford to ignore at this moment. There is no doubt that RSS feeds are rapidly growing in significance online and a failure to understand them greatly hinders any online marketer from reaping the fruits and results that are possible with a full arsenal of online marketing tools and weapons.

It is much simpler to understand RSS when you first seek to understand what the term syndicating an article means. Most newspaper readers will be familiar with national syndicated columnists. These are popular writers whose columns appear in many different newspapers across the country. Indeed syndication services have for many years been responsible for selling content to many different non-competing publications across the world. Probably one of the most well known content syndication services is the Kings Features Syndicate which distributes many popular Sunday newspaper cartoons all over the world.

Really Simple Syndication is exactly the same concept only that instead of newspapers, the content is distributed directly to web sites and blogs. It can also be distributed directly to a computer desktop. It is made even simpler by the fact that computer technology allows for the easy automation of this task. All one needs to do is to paste some html code on their site or blog and the content will be constantly streaming through their site.

In offline syndication, newspapers chose which particular column covering what particular subject they wanted to publish in their newspapers. Online syndication is even more powerful because you can choose to receive all content that is based on a very specific subject or topic. If you are serious about Website Promotion, RSS is the obvious step for any companies online growth. I suggest email advertising to promote your RSS Feed and to help you increase your membership base.

Meaning that you will never miss out on any new information on a particular area of specialization or pet topic you have chosen to stay informed about. This also results in you saving a lot of time because instead of regularly going to a search engine to look for information, with the right RSS feeds, all the information you require comes to you.

Submit RSS Feeds – Dump Tedious Feed Submission!

Submitting RSS feeds to RSS directories can be a real pain for webmasters or business owners who use RSS feeds to make regular product announcements or promotional offers. When RSS technology first appeared on the internet in the late 90s, the usage is pretty limited. As time passes, RSS feeds have gained much momentum as content syndication becomes a widely accepted means to update web content. Let’s explore the use of RSS feeds and why you should be using RSS submission software to submit RSS feeds.

RSS is the abbreviation or acronym of Really Simple Syndication. RSS feeds are in XML file format which are not readable in its raw form. In order for you to view the content of the RSS feeds, you would need a reader or aggregator to do so. There are many online readers such as My Yahoo, Bloglines, NewsGator etc.

RSS feeds are primarily created to offer dynamic content, ie content that is fresh and updated. As you can see, many news press are using RSS feeds to provide their readers with the latest news in the stock market, sports and world news. Commercial companies offer feeds to subscribers as a means to announce new products, company news, or as an advertising channel. Webmasters use RSS feeds on their websites so that visitors can always read about the latest developments in the web topic or niche such as medical, internet marketing or even stock movements.

Webmasters can build RSS feeds from their web pages and submit RSS feeds to specific niche RSS directories for distribution. This is an excellent way to reach targeted audiences and gain significant traffic. Search engines are not the only places to grab free traffic. When webmasters list their RSS feeds in the RSS feed directories, visitors to these directories may like what they are reading and visit the parent websites. On another note, interesting feeds may be syndicated by fellow webmasters in the same niche. This is invaluable since you would be getting traffic from their websites as well as get some one-way links. We all know that this would have a positive impact on your search engine ranking.

If you are not using RSS feeds to promote your website, you are really losing out to your competitors. That said, it can be a lengthy process to submit RSS feeds for inclusion in the news or RSS feeds directories. Increasingly more webmasters are turning to RSS submission software as a solution to submit RSS feeds.

Let’s use a simple example to illustrate the benefits. Imagine that your income is 30 dollars per hour, and you need to spend about 3-5 hours to manually submit RSS feeds to about 50 – 60 feed directories. The time you lost is worth more than 100 dollars to you each time you submit a RSS feed. Multiply that by the number of websites you have and it is easy to understand why it is more economical to use RSS submission software to submit RSS feeds. Visit my blog to read more about RSS feed submission and popular and affordable RSS submission software webmasters have in their toolkit.