Tag Archives: role

Link Exchange-How it affects page rank

We need to constantly keep innovating in the fast changing world of the internet. There are a lot of new innovations that come up to help in expanding the reach of the internet. Visibility is a very important feature. Here link building plays a very important role. A link is a used to connect to other sites. The host site will show the link to the relevant site and one can navigate to it easily by clicking on it. Now page rank is one of the most important criteria’s for popularity. When a person searches for information of Google or search engines, the top sites will have more chances of being visited. Hence page rank plays a very important role here.

Link Exchange

This is not a new concept. It is very popular because it has a direct bearing on the page rank of the site. Google looks into the linking strategy of the site before allotting a page rank. Hence it is very important to maintain a very good link record. It should have relevance, quality and ease of functionality. Link exchange directory sites will help a lot in assisting to find good links. There are many one way linking is preferred to reciprocal linking. Linking to a site which has a higher page rank than you is a very beneficial to the site. This can be done effectively by using a link exchange directory.

Linking effectively

A link can make or break a website. It is very easy to be pulled into a link farm. Hence it is very important to be vigilant while approving a link exchange request. There are many sites which offer attractive options while requesting for a link. These should be dealt with very carefully. Providing one way links to sites which are not relevant to yours does not affect page rank. Maintaining a good categorised link directory is very important. Reciprocal linking should only be done with sites which are relevant to your site. This is one of the cardinal rules that need to be followed. If not there is a high chance that your page rank will hit bottom.

What to avoid

Do not submit link requests to link farms and free for all link directories. It is good if we get our links from a link good reciprocal link exchange directory, this will endure credibility and good value.

Understanding Close Protection

Close Protection or bodyguarding as it is more popularly known, is something that most people are only aware of via the media. They have seen the role glamorised by way of the movies, or by reading magazine articles or fabricated stories in books.

Although a small percentage of this media information is close to the truth, the vast majority of what is shown is far from the realities of the profession.

The perceptions that people hold are quite extreme when it comes to their idea of what type of person they see working in Close Protection.

It ranges from one end of the scale where they believe that all bodyguards or close protection officers, as they shall be referred to from now on, are large aggressive people with very little in the way of a fully functioning intellect. This then jumps to the complete opposite end of the spectrum.

Where we find our super skilled super intelligent agent, who is capable of taking on and defeating single handily, any major criminal or terrorist organisation. Both these perceptions are far from the truth.

There may be a number of individuals who fall into the former definition, but they are not and never will be capable of working at a professional level within the world of Close Protection.

Also the media vision of the work of Close Protection Teams, which shows them incessantly protecting their client against repeated acts of violence, is also a work of pure fiction.

Yes, there are official teams out there who do provide protection for certain clients on whom there is a definite and ongoing threat. But it is intelligence and avoidance however, that are the defences used with these teams not mass shootouts.

So what exactly do we mean by the term close protection and what is the role of the close protection operative?

The term close protection has many definitions; but the one that describes the role most succinctly is the following:

It is to reduce the possibility of kidnap, assassination or unlawful act by the application of certain principles and measures to normal daily life.

So this then is the basic role of those working in Close Protection. Their duty is to protect their employer, their Principal, by way of applied procedures and security measures. What measures are required and at what level have to be correctly assessed by the team.