Tag Archives: risk

Why Choose Dedicated Managed Server Hosting (Page 1 of 2)

There are a lot of reasons why someone would choose dedicated managed server hosting. If you have a website then you will have had to decide upon some hosting at some point. If you are new to the online world and it was your first website then the chances are high that you chose shared hosting. This may have been very cheap due to the fierce competition out there between companies offering shared hosting, but is it really the best option? If the site is important to you or your business then shared hosting just might not go far enough in terms of security. This article provides the benefits of instead using dedicated managed server hosting.

Benefit 1 High Security There is no doubt that the high security levels of dedicated managed server hosting are a big reason why many people choose this type of hosting. When no one else has access to your server the chances of your sites being hacked or being exposed to malware or viruses is greatly reduced. A virus can completely destroy a website and even your computer so taking the risk is just not worth it. Additionally your site could easily be affected in some other way when someone else changes something related to their own site. If you don’t want to be at risk of any of these disastrous occurrences then it is much better to avoid shared hosting and choose a dedicated managed server hosting package instead.

A system kept in an office and not a data centre, is not always secure. Security is not just limited to passwords, but also to who has access to the hardware and can shut it down. An old story tells of a server that shut down on certain nights. After fruitless checks into logs it was decided that someone would sit and watch it. That is when they discovered the server was unplugged by the cleaner so that the floor could be polished. In computer speak this was known as a buffer problem.

Benefit 2 Faster Loading Times When a server is shared, the bandwidth is also shared between all the sites hosted there. This means that loading times can be very slow and cumbersome. A site hosted on a dedicated server has no bandwidth to share and therefore the uploading is much quicker. Visitors to a website are not very likely to hang around and wait for the site to load. You only get one chance generally with visitors too and if they can’t load the site or have to wait longer than a couple of seconds they are very likely to click away to your competition.

Benefit 3 Lower Long Term Costs Although the costs of having a dedicated manager server hosting package are slightly more than using shared hosting for example the benefit of the additional security they provide make up for it. If you chose a different route such as colocation, then you would have to pay for a lot more. Colocation for example would mean you had to buy the server hardware itself and you would need the resources to make checks on the server and make sure the network was monitored. If there is a technical glitch that takes your site offline then you could lose valuable click throughs, income and turn away valuable customers that are unlikely to return. To avoid this risk, having a managed server is a better solution. All the network monitoring and technical maintenance is the responsibility of the company you are using. This saves a lot of time and money in the long term.

Why Choose Dedicated Managed Server Hosting (Page 1 of 2)

There are a lot of reasons why someone would choose dedicated managed server hosting. If you have a website then you will have had to decide upon some hosting at some point. If you are new to the online world and it was your first website then the chances are high that you chose shared hosting. This may have been very cheap due to the fierce competition out there between companies offering shared hosting, but is it really the best option? If the site is important to you or your business then shared hosting just might not go far enough in terms of security. This article provides the benefits of instead using dedicated managed server hosting.

Benefit 1 High Security There is no doubt that the high security levels of dedicated managed server hosting are a big reason why many people choose this type of hosting. When no one else has access to your server the chances of your sites being hacked or being exposed to malware or viruses is greatly reduced. A virus can completely destroy a website and even your computer so taking the risk is just not worth it. Additionally your site could easily be affected in some other way when someone else changes something related to their own site. If you don’t want to be at risk of any of these disastrous occurrences then it is much better to avoid shared hosting and choose a dedicated managed server hosting package instead.

A system kept in an office and not a data centre, is not always secure. Security is not just limited to passwords, but also to who has access to the hardware and can shut it down. An old story tells of a server that shut down on certain nights. After fruitless checks into logs it was decided that someone would sit and watch it. That is when they discovered the server was unplugged by the cleaner so that the floor could be polished. In computer speak this was known as a buffer problem.

Benefit 2 Faster Loading Times When a server is shared, the bandwidth is also shared between all the sites hosted there. This means that loading times can be very slow and cumbersome. A site hosted on a dedicated server has no bandwidth to share and therefore the uploading is much quicker. Visitors to a website are not very likely to hang around and wait for the site to load. You only get one chance generally with visitors too and if they can’t load the site or have to wait longer than a couple of seconds they are very likely to click away to your competition.

Benefit 3 Lower Long Term Costs Although the costs of having a dedicated manager server hosting package are slightly more than using shared hosting for example the benefit of the additional security they provide make up for it. If you chose a different route such as colocation, then you would have to pay for a lot more. Colocation for example would mean you had to buy the server hardware itself and you would need the resources to make checks on the server and make sure the network was monitored. If there is a technical glitch that takes your site offline then you could lose valuable click throughs, income and turn away valuable customers that are unlikely to return. To avoid this risk, having a managed server is a better solution. All the network monitoring and technical maintenance is the responsibility of the company you are using. This saves a lot of time and money in the long term.

Want To Remove Security Suite? (Page 1 of 2)

When it seems like forever to open a program or connect to the internet through you PC, chances are your system could be infected with malware that messes up computer functions. In some cases, it may be caused by Security Suite, a tricky form of virus that endorses itself as an obliging anti-malware application. But the truth is, it is there to harm your system, so it is critical that you remove Security Suite immediately to prevent further damage to your PC.

Security Suite infiltrates your computer in search of very important statistics such as email addresses, access information or financial data which the creators of the virus will collect and transmit through your bandwidth and into their data systems. This information will then be sold for profit to people who will find your information helpful, such as networkers looking for marketing lead lists. So you may want to get rid of Security Suite the ASAP. To simply uninstall Security Suite will not resolve the problem, since this is not just software you can remove from your computer. It is a hardy virus type which cannot be completely removed using the traditional approach.

Preventive measures still work best, and if you haven’t been infected you will want to take on measures that will not get you into a situation where you have to delete Security Suite sometime in the future. There are particular web activities you should avoid so you lessen your risk of getting infected:

  • Never engage in file sharing, exchanges or transfers using eMule, Limewire or any other peer-to-peer programs which brandishes your system to thousands of other users with unsecured PCs.

  • Never access dubious websites that entice you with lucrative, hard-to-believe offers and promotions. They are usually decoys designed to hijack your browser.

  • If you have to use Adobe applications or plug-ins while web connected, make sure you have real time anti-spyware protection to eliminate the risk of virus infections.

    Most rogue security clients employ the use of pop-ups to try to get into your system, presenting you with very alarming messages that warn you of a potential threat to your PC. You will then be given a recommendation to download anti-spyware program that will solve the problem for you. Although they may sound quite convincing, always keep in mind that it is just a ploy for you to download the virus. All those warnings are never true and to cater to their spin tactic would be your biggest slip-up.

    Since this is quite a resilient virus, you cannot just simply delete Security Suite and forget about the whole thing. You will need to carry out an elaborate procedure for its removal since it has the tendency to go deep down into the deeper folds of your computer system. The process involves:
    • A widespread search for files that contain the .exe and .bat file extensions, as these are usually produced by the Security Suite virus.

    • A complete removal of all .dll and .lnk extensions which may be virus associated. These files usually lurk in the deeper alcoves of your system and will likewise need to be eradicated.