Tag Archives: release

Link Building Through Press Release Traffic Tactics

Even though hundreds of thousands of people have submitted press releases online over the years, and continue to do so, I find a lot of website owners ignore this bountiful link building and traffic generation method. Still, the people who do press releases often do them wrong. In this article I will talk about doing them right while getting you to try this tactic to show what it will do for your business.

And the big cardinal sin is not doing them regularly. If your business is truly a mover and a shaker in your niche, you should have plenty of things to talk about each month.

For instance, you update your product or service. Send a release. You hire new staff. Send a release. You launch a new product. Definitely, send a release!

There are a lot more reasons to alert news junkies, reporters, media outlets, and your possible customers to changes, updates, and significant progress in your business.

That is, if you have something worth talking about. This immediately eliminates a lot of business models I see flying around like Adsense sites, but I’ve even seen people syndicate press releases for those sites!

What Happens When You Do A Press Release?

At PRWeb.com, depending on the service you order, your release goes out on “the wire.” That’s just PR lingo for their network. Now, if you just do a free release or donate $10, don’t expect much. You get what you pay for.

We use the $250 optimized press release service from PRWeb with great results. You’ll hit Google and Yahoo news along with the entire site network on emedia newswire.

That’s great and it generates a lot of traffic depending on the topic. But what’s even greater is the amount of sheer linkage it generates for your sites. I’m talking thousands, not hundreds of links.

With PRWeb’s SEO release service, you get to link to your site or any page within your site every 100 words or so. Been wanting more recognition from search engines for the keyword “weight loss?” Link that in your press release and your best keyword is an anchor link that goes to hundreds and thousands of places all over the web.

Yeah, maybe you’ve heard this before. But have you done it? Did you doubt the power of it and blow it off? Big mistake.

People don’t submit online press releases for ego’s sake. They do it because it drives links, traffic, and better rankings. If it didn’t, why would there be so darn many repeat offenders at PRWeb who submit regular releases at $250+ a pop?

Last trick. After you submit your release you can write about it on your blog and make a trackback to the hosted release on PRWeb. Then you get an immediate link back to your site from one of the bigger sites on the net.

Find other press releases related to your topic and do a post mentioning a few and trackback all of them to get more authority links with the stroke of some keys and the click of a button.

This stuff is so easy people think it doesn’t work. Well, it sure does. And guess what? PRWeb isn’t the only game in town!

Test it and then leverage your reach across all the major PR networks and watch your branding, traffic, links, and rankings soar!

Link Building That Works

There are several different ways to build links for traffic and for search engine rankings. Matt Cutts describes the best links as links which are given freely by authoritative sources that are trusted by visitors and Google themselves. (to paraphrase)

So the following tactics will get you those kinds of links:

1. Linkbaiting ‘ writing controversial, wise, witty, valuable, or otherwise good content that gets other people talking about you on their sites, linking back to your post.

2. Press Releases ‘ This may seem counter-intuitive since most people think press release syndication is only about “placing” links where you want them across a large network. But think of it this way: PRWeb.com has a trackback feature where bloggers can do a trackback to your release and get a valuable link back to their site in the process. They talk up your release and your release gets more traffic, link popularity, which sends you more traffic from the release including more link popularity by having a release that actually ranks.

Link Buying

Text Link Brokers and Text Link Ads (both .com) are the best places to buy advertising. I say advertising because you shouldn’t be buying links just for pagerank. I get more traffic than you do and my pagerank sucks. Plus if Google finds out you are buying links solely to manipulate their rankings, they will zap you.

(I know this is stupid. How can Google know the difference between you buying a link on a site for traffic and buying it to manipulate their link popularity algorithm? It’s a ridiculous argument to say they know why I bought a link. Google doesn’t know your reasoning for buying advertising other than you want more exposure. Keep it that way by not talking about “buying links” and instead call it advertising. That’s really what it is.)

Don’t buy links for pagerank. Here’s another reason:

You should be buying ads for traffic directly from the site you are buying from. Search engine rankings are a side effect of good advertising, not the reason for it.

Authoritative Directories

There are directories you must be listed in if you are serious about your online business. And they cost money. Sorry, but you can play the “free” game for years before you see any serious traffic from free link building alone.

You can gain a lot by submitting to Yahoo Directory, Best of the Web, What You Seek and other human edited paid directories. Google trusts the sites they find there and so do the visitors who use these directories to search.

You can circumvent any paid linking and advertising and still succeed. But I’m willing to bet you don’t want to wait as long as it is going to take to get the results you are looking for by going to totally free link building route.

Link Building Strategies (Page 1 of 2)

Link building is an approach done by SEO specialists to create inbound links to their websites. This helps websites get higher rankings in search engine results. It plays an important part in on-line marketing campaign. This could make or break your search engine position so there should be extra caution in the off-page optimization process.

There are many ways to build links. But most require a lot of patience because of the continuous and sometimes repetitious manner of doing it. Some of them are the following:

Directory Submission

When search engines were still in their infancy, directories are very much used by people to find what the are looking for. It is categorized and well organized. It is humanly edited so make sure that you are not submitting a mirror or duplicate site. Doing such will result to site being deleted. Also, avoid link farms. Even if it is a back link, it still won’t help you in your rankings. Link farm is a site where links of different categories are listed altogether. Submit to as many directories as possible.

Article Submission

Write articles and make sure that it is somehow related to your site. The reason for doing this is because at the bottom of your article, you can put a resource box which the author can make a recommendation to your site. Once article is approved, it will be an automatic link going to your site. Also, this is one way of proving that you know your business well enough to write about topics around and in it. Submit your articles to as much article sites as possible.

Press Release Submission

Press release is mainly for the promotion of your website. You will write about what’s new with your company as well as your products and services. Submitting it to numerous press release sites would also create back links because like in article submission, there is also a resource box. But the difference is that it won’t mention about the author. It will contain all about the company or the website.

Purchasing Links

This is usually being done by brand new or struggling web sites to attain high listings and increase traffic. This will be create one-way links going to your site without waiting long for it to be reviewed.

Through Email

Visit sites that you think compliment yours and find a way to contact them. The usual procedure is to email them and propose a link exchange. Wait for their response which may take weeks and when they do, start the transaction. Some do reciprocal link exchange, where two sites agree to swap links. And some offer a three-way link exchange, where one has to have 2 websites to this. You will have his link on your site and he will link bank from another site.

Blog Creating a blog for your website is also helpful because it can be published for public consumption immediately. Another advantage is that you can leave your link partner a choice if he wants to do a three-way link exchange instead of having reciprocal link exchange.