Tag Archives: quality links

Link Building Methods – SEO

IAcquiring quality links can be difficult, but there are a variety of methods out there that can help you with link building that will improve your site’s search engine rankings.

Method 1 – Link Exchanges – One great method of link building is to use link exchanges. This is really not that difficult and it will provide some great links to your site. What you’ll need to do is contact people that have similar sites or blogs that revolve around the same topics. This is important because links on sites that are not relevant to your site are not going to help out your site at all. Make sure that you link to the sites you want to link back to you. Then you can send out emails letting people know that you have linked to their site and you are wondering if they would put in a link to your site as well. This can bring some quality results when you are trying to build up quality links.

Method 2 – Try Paid Reviews – Paid reviews is one of the best methods for link building, since it helps to you to acquire links that are permanent and embedded in anchor text. What you need to do is to find top quality reviewers that have blogs where they post reviews of other sites or blogs. Then you can pay someone to write a review of your site or you can write the review yourself and pay someone to put it up on their blog or site.

Method 3 – Submit to Directories – Submitting to directories is another option that you have when you are trying to build up links. Usually it doesn’t take a whole lot of time to submit your site to directories. Submitting to niche directories is an excellent idea that can provide quality links that are liked by the search engines. However, it is important to realize that not every directory is a quality one that you should be submitting to. If you are just getting started, this is a great option.

Method 4 – Article Marketing – Article marketing is one of the top methods of link building as well. This is a great way to get quality links to your site out there. However, it is important that you use quality articles to top directories. Of course if you do shoddy work, you can expect shoddy results when you use this method. If you are not a top quality writer, then hire a good writer to write your articles for you. When you submit these quality articles to directories, you need to make sure that they relate to your site in some way. Also, make sure that you write a quality resource box and include a text link to your site as well. This will ensure that you get the best possible results from this method of link building.

Method 5 – Social Networking Sites – Social networking sites can also provide you with some great links if you know how to use them. You can post quality information on sites such as YouTube, MySpace, Facebook, and Yahoo 360. These are popular sites that provide links that can help to build up your link popularity and help you increase the rankings of your site on the search engines, and also greatly increase your efforts to make money online.

These are just a few of the best methods for link building out there today. While the two way links can work, the one way links are the best ones, even though they are a bit tougher to get

Link Building Methods – SEO

IAcquiring quality links can be difficult, but there are a variety of methods out there that can help you with link building that will improve your site’s search engine rankings.

Method 1 – Link Exchanges – One great method of link building is to use link exchanges. This is really not that difficult and it will provide some great links to your site. What you’ll need to do is contact people that have similar sites or blogs that revolve around the same topics. This is important because links on sites that are not relevant to your site are not going to help out your site at all. Make sure that you link to the sites you want to link back to you. Then you can send out emails letting people know that you have linked to their site and you are wondering if they would put in a link to your site as well. This can bring some quality results when you are trying to build up quality links.

Method 2 – Try Paid Reviews – Paid reviews is one of the best methods for link building, since it helps to you to acquire links that are permanent and embedded in anchor text. What you need to do is to find top quality reviewers that have blogs where they post reviews of other sites or blogs. Then you can pay someone to write a review of your site or you can write the review yourself and pay someone to put it up on their blog or site.

Method 3 – Submit to Directories – Submitting to directories is another option that you have when you are trying to build up links. Usually it doesn’t take a whole lot of time to submit your site to directories. Submitting to niche directories is an excellent idea that can provide quality links that are liked by the search engines. However, it is important to realize that not every directory is a quality one that you should be submitting to. If you are just getting started, this is a great option.

Method 4 – Article Marketing – Article marketing is one of the top methods of link building as well. This is a great way to get quality links to your site out there. However, it is important that you use quality articles to top directories. Of course if you do shoddy work, you can expect shoddy results when you use this method. If you are not a top quality writer, then hire a good writer to write your articles for you. When you submit these quality articles to directories, you need to make sure that they relate to your site in some way. Also, make sure that you write a quality resource box and include a text link to your site as well. This will ensure that you get the best possible results from this method of link building.

Method 5 – Social Networking Sites – Social networking sites can also provide you with some great links if you know how to use them. You can post quality information on sites such as YouTube, MySpace, Facebook, and Yahoo 360. These are popular sites that provide links that can help to build up your link popularity and help you increase the rankings of your site on the search engines, and also greatly increase your efforts to make money online.

These are just a few of the best methods for link building out there today. While the two way links can work, the one way links are the best ones, even though they are a bit tougher to get

Linking – Quality vs. Quantity

When it comes to back links to your website there really are just two basic kinds. The first kind is links of quality and the second kind is those that are not. Quality links come from Authority sites that are relevant to your websites content.

As an example: If your website is real estate related, you preferably want links to come from real estate related websites. Links within related content or categories scores higher in relevancy to your sight and are weighted heavier in the search engines. Plus, relevant links from sites of Authority are weighted heavier in the search engines.

Back links to your website are really just like votes in an election. With just one little twist, high quality links count much more than poor quality links. As a reference point, one relevant link from an Authority site could easily be worth thousands of poor quality links.

So what is relevance? Relevance is how closely the content between the two linking websites relates to each other. You can get relevance in a couple different ways. You can go to the webmasters of those sites working in the same niche as you and request links. Just keep in mind that these are probably your online competitors. Another way to get relevant links is by submitting your site to directories.

Directories place links to websites within category structures that are highly relevant to the content of the listed websites. They do this by using keywords, category descriptions and meta tags within each category to match the content in each category.

There are directories that require a fee for reviewing your website prior to listing it and there are free directories. The difference between the two is the difference between quality and quantity. If you decide to go with free directory submissions, be prepared to submit to thousands of free directories before you get the return of one quality Authority directory.

There are some methods to getting back links that you should be careful to avoid. Those are purchasing text links from brokers and reciprocal links. Both of these methods are getting more scrutiny from the search engines and being devalued.

A good Link building Services does take time. Don’t expect to put in a days work and be done. You should expect to allocate time every week to build links to your site for an indefinite time period. At least as long as you own and operate the website.