Tag Archives: put

Building Links is like building with Legos

Consider this: Your child gets a huge set of Legos that when put together resembles a Castle. If you, an adult male or female, were told to put the set together and your business would improve (more potential customers would find your website which statistically means more sales) but . . . there were no instructions included, how long would it take you to put the castle together? Do you think you could do it? Would you take one look at the daunting heap and shake your head as you walk away thinking to yourself, “There is no possible way, so why waste my time trying?” Would you give up without even trying!?!

Do you remember how good it felt just to have a website? Did you build it yourself or pay someone to do it for you? It really doesn’t matter. What matters now is that no one is visiting your website. Why? How do you go about letting potential customers know you are online and ready to do business?

Statistics show that 90% of individuals begin their online time by searching on search engines. They start by inputting a word or phrase to start a search. These search words are called “keywords”. Keywords are a good place for new website owners to start the optimization of their site. Research what keywords potential customers use to find a business like yours. Make a list of all the keywords you can find that pertain to your business. It is these keywords that you will do some culling to rid the list of those that are the most common. You know the ones that get mega amounts of searches. Narrow them down by going to Google and type in “Adwords keyword tool” and click on the link. In the space under “Enter one keyword or phrase per line” type in a keyword you have identified and click “Get Keyword Ideas.” You will want to look at the column that shows the search volume. You want those keywords that are getting volume under say 15,000. It’s these keywords that you want to try to dominate on the major search engines to try to improve your page rank.

It is a known fact that online searchers don’t usually search beyond the third page for a given keyword. There are only ten listings per page that come up when a search is done using a keyword or keyword phrase. Only 10! This translates into only 30 listings ever being viewed by online searchers. There are potentially hundreds, even thousands of listings that could and do show up for a search term. Do you see why it is so important to rank highly on top search engines such as Google, Yahoo! and Bing to name just a few.

What does it all mean in terms of your website? It means you have to either hire a company to try to improve your rank on the major search engines or you have to try to learn how to put it all together on your own. So . . . take another look at that heaping, daunting pile of Legos. Now decide how badly you want or need those customers or should you shake your head and walk away? Will you give up without even trying?

Building Links is like building with Legos

Consider this: Your child gets a huge set of Legos that when put together resembles a Castle. If you, an adult male or female, were told to put the set together and your business would improve (more potential customers would find your website which statistically means more sales) but . . . there were no instructions included, how long would it take you to put the castle together? Do you think you could do it? Would you take one look at the daunting heap and shake your head as you walk away thinking to yourself, “There is no possible way, so why waste my time trying?” Would you give up without even trying!?!

Do you remember how good it felt just to have a website? Did you build it yourself or pay someone to do it for you? It really doesn’t matter. What matters now is that no one is visiting your website. Why? How do you go about letting potential customers know you are online and ready to do business?

Statistics show that 90% of individuals begin their online time by searching on search engines. They start by inputting a word or phrase to start a search. These search words are called “keywords”. Keywords are a good place for new website owners to start the optimization of their site. Research what keywords potential customers use to find a business like yours. Make a list of all the keywords you can find that pertain to your business. It is these keywords that you will do some culling to rid the list of those that are the most common. You know the ones that get mega amounts of searches. Narrow them down by going to Google and type in “Adwords keyword tool” and click on the link. In the space under “Enter one keyword or phrase per line” type in a keyword you have identified and click “Get Keyword Ideas.” You will want to look at the column that shows the search volume. You want those keywords that are getting volume under say 15,000. It’s these keywords that you want to try to dominate on the major search engines to try to improve your page rank.

It is a known fact that online searchers don’t usually search beyond the third page for a given keyword. There are only ten listings per page that come up when a search is done using a keyword or keyword phrase. Only 10! This translates into only 30 listings ever being viewed by online searchers. There are potentially hundreds, even thousands of listings that could and do show up for a search term. Do you see why it is so important to rank highly on top search engines such as Google, Yahoo! and Bing to name just a few.

What does it all mean in terms of your website? It means you have to either hire a company to try to improve your rank on the major search engines or you have to try to learn how to put it all together on your own. So . . . take another look at that heaping, daunting pile of Legos. Now decide how badly you want or need those customers or should you shake your head and walk away? Will you give up without even trying?

Easy Tactics To Use The Internet To Promote Yourself And Your Business

When it comes to the Internet, it’s a tough place because all of your competitors will be out there vying for a position in the same marketplace. The reason for this is that Internet marketing is a powerful tool that you could use to market every project imaginable and still be in a winning position.

In Europe alone, almost 60% of the population use the Internet regularly and in North America, that figure is almost 80%. Most people using the Internet will use it when searching for product reviews prior to buying something. Many people have now abandoned buying a daily newspaper and receive their news online. Search engines now account for approximately 80% of online traffic. All in all, the Internet is the best place to go if you want to find information.

When you are designing your web pages, or perhaps employing somebody else to do it for you, its essential that you make the Internet work for you and, for professional web designers, they will gauge their success on how much traffic they are able to attract to a particular site.

To put your Internet marketing into overdrive you need to carefully think about your keywords. How do you think the search engines will establish what the user is attempting to look for? At the very epicentre of any Internet marketing tactics is the use of keywords to drive traffic to web pages, so web designers need to focus upon the keywords that a particular target market is going to use.

As far as your website is concerned, it can be really sophisticated and complex, with Flash and all sorts of other things. However, this can be counterproductive because all any user wants is to find the information they seek. You therefore need to make sure that your site is streamlined and as simple as you can make it, with easy navigation and links that work!

Try communicating via regular newsletters. When people visit your site, hopefully what you will get out of it is an email address. You can use this to maintain regular contact with them with a monthly newsletter. This is a cost-effective way in which you can build up relationships with prospective clients, whilst promoting your products and services.

Blogging is perhaps one of the most effective ways in which to attract traffic, but it is also very time-consuming. There are some very well known bloggers who have literally thousands of people who regularly visit their blog sites, so if you are a person who really likes to write, you can use this to your advantage and drive traffic to your web pages.

Press releases can be very helpful. Large companies regularly send out press releases to the media whenever they have an event they wish to promote, or a new product or service coming out. The Internet is an inexpensive way for them to get their message across and is very effective. Ensure you put your keywords into such releases.

If you use these tips, then you should have a very successful marketing campaign.