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London Web Design And Branding Company

Understanding What A Brand Is and Isn’t
Branding is less about getting target market customers to choose your company over the competition and more about getting your target market to see that your company is the only one that provides a solution to their problem.
London web Design Company will clarify what the objectives that an effective brand must achieve:
• Delivers the message clearly
• Confirms your credibility
• Connects your target prospects emotionally
• Motivates the buyer
• Cements user loyalty
It’s important to understand that you won’t succeed in branding unless you understand the needs and wants of your customers and prospects. You do this by integrating your brand strategies throughout your company at every point of public contact.
Your brand resides within the hearts and minds of your customers, clients and prospects. It is the sum total of their experiences and perceptions, some of which you can influence and some of which you cannot.
Because businesses battle day-in and day-out to not only retain existing customers but gain new ones, having a strong brand can be invaluable. It’s important that you spend time in researching, defining and strengthening your brand. After all, your brand is something of a promise to your customers. It’s the foundational piece of your marketing communications, and something you don’t want to be without.

It’s important to define your company’s brand identity (or product’s personality) before you spend any money at all on advertising or marketing. Many people mistakenly use the terms branding, marketing, public relations and advertising interchangeable, but they’re not the same. If you start spending money on marketing, public relations and advertising without first establishing a solid brand, you’ll find that it is money wasted. Branding happens before these other activities.
At Kings Cross Media, London leading Web Design Company, they first create the brand and then then raise awareness of it.
Branding isn’t just about awareness; it’s about your personality. Most people are aware of cancer, but how many people want it? Branding is about getting your customers to see you as the only solution to their problem. Once you’re viewed as “the only” such company, there’s suddenly no other place for your customers to go. This means your customers will pay a premium for your brand.
Your product or service is not your brand and neither is your logo or business card. Your brand is the genuine personality of your business. Your brand is what your company stands for and what it is known for. Look in the mirror and ask yourself what you stand for and then go around the room and ask company leaders what they think the company stands for. Settle on one or two brand pillars and build your brand around them. If you can’t define your brand, then your customers won’t be able to either. And then you run the risk of having someone else define your brand for you – probably one of your competitors.
Think of a brand as a promise and branding as the act of devising the promise your company makes to the world. Marketing, on the other hand, is the strategy that differentiates your company’s brand promise from all the other brand promises offered by companies in your industry sector. Marketing is like a toolbox that contains branding, advertising, direct mail, market research, public relations and other business development tools.
Your brand is your lifestyle so if you haven’t taken the time to specify your company’s brand, doesn’t spend another dime on marketing, advertising or public relations activities until you do.

Good character and good reputation, not always synonymous

There is a fundamental difference between having a “good” character, and having a “good” reputation. Your character is composed of many internal factors that may or may not be expressed publically. Your reputation is how the outside world perceives your character. The interrelation between these two can be very complex.

For example, for a long period of time Bernie Madoff’s financial reputation allowed him to literally steal millions of dollars from investors. He was able to maintain a public persona as a sound investment advisor, and to garner trust from his clients.

As we now know, his character was less than admirable, and it was a long time before that became evident to investors and regulatory and legal organizations.

On the other hand, actor Mel Gibson’s career has been brought to its knees by anti-Semitic rants and abuse of a female companion. His public image is such that he was recently targeted by a fundraiser for a California synagogue by implying that a donation would testify to his claims that he is not anti-Semitic. This would supposedly help repair his public image.

In fact, regardless of what may or may not be character flaws, Mel Gibson performs charitable works regularly, but quietly. His 5 million dollar donation to Mount Sinai Hospital, a Jewish medical institution, speaks to his generosity.
While Bernie Madoff’s reputation is definitely not salvageable (and rightly so), Mel Gibson should consider taking advantage of some reputation repair. Especially online, where the reach is global and immediate.

Companies such as List My Business offer ORM (Online Reputation Management) services to individuals and companies who have taken a hit from online press or posts. Unfortunately, as rich a source the internet is for information in general, it can be a vicious beast where attacks are not policed. Large forums have huge amounts of traffic, and whatever the posting it will rank highly on any search. Typing your name, or the name of your company, into Google or another such search instrument, could bring you a very bad surprise.

ORM companies such as List My Business, perform a dual task. They not only try to bump the negative postings to the bottom of the search lists (where they are virtually invisible), but they also work to improve your online image.

Your character, probably well known by your family, friends and business associates, is not what the huge audience on the internet sees. They can only know your reputation, the external exhibition of your internal character. For the world in general, that is all that exists. If that reputation is damaged, it is of huge importance that companies and individuals exercise immediate damage control by consulting a company that specializes in ORM. If your character shines like a bright light to your immediate circle, make sure your public image has been polished to mirror quality.