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Why you should hire a professional copywriter

Finding a copywriter is an important part of managing a successful SEO campaign. A good copywriter will produce well-researched, well-written and unobtrusively optimised text, on time, every time. The good news is that the internet is awash with copywriters offering their services. The bad news is that finding a skilled and reliable one is easier said than done.

Many aspiring copywriters gravitate towards the big content-provision sites – the eBay-like setups that match buyers with sellers. Unlike eBay, though, where customers bid increasing amounts for an item, these sites are designed to provide businesses with the cheapest services possible. The idea is that copywriters compete to provide the best value content in a kind of reverse auction. The copywriter who offers to do the work for the lowest price typically gets the job. A noble enterprise in theory, in practice this can be a disaster for SEO.

Complementing SEO with copy

The maxim holds for copywriters and content provision as it does in any area of life: you get what you pay for. The problem is that not all copy is created equal. Although a reasonable copywriter can produce text that will work in terms of the technical aspects of SEO, it takes something special to convince human readers. Google will weed out the content that has been stuffed with keywords or is deemed irrelevant due to their infrequency. Readers will sift what gets through the net onto the SERPS and ignore badly written copy. It doesn’t matter how high your site ranks if visitors leave as soon as they hit the homepage because you saved money on a cheap copywriter. There are simply too many alternatives available on the web to put up with content that suggests a business is less than proud about its brand or organised enough to present its potential customers with what they need. On the other hand, a copywriter who can engage readers, providing accessible and useful information, is far more likely to raise your conversion rate.

Ultimately, that’s what an SEO campaign is all about. A top SERPS position for different keywords and even soaring website traffic mean nothing if the number and proportion of conversions don’t rise too. That’s why ROI is the ultimate metric for SEO success. A copywriter who recognises the importance of writing compelling copy and understands the principles of SEO is therefore a real asset to your marketing campaign.

How to find a good copywriter

You don’t tend to find the best copywriters through one of the reverse auction sites: the danger is that these simply promote a race to the bottom. You might get cheap content, it might be optimised, but it won’t produce the ROI that a skilled copywriter can contribute towards. For starters, securing high-quality backlinks generally relies on offering relevant articles to trusted third-party sites in return. If you’re only submitting to a few article directories, that’s one thing. If they’re the high-pagerank authority sites you should be targeting, they won’t settle for second best.

But neither do you always find the best copywriters through job adverts or agencies. Copywriting is a special skill and it’s not enough to be educated to a particular level, or to have experience in another form of writing. A good degree in English or even a background in newspaper journalism doesn’t necessarily indicate that someone will be able to provide what you need.

Ultimately, the best way to find a good copywriter is by word of mouth. Qualifications might be a minimum requirement (if they don’t have GCSE English, you’ve got to wonder), but the only thing that’s going to convince you for sure and the only thing that really counts is a portfolio of relevant work. A few links to published samples is all you need to know whether the copywriter’s quality of work is up to standard. Aside from that, a reference from someone who has worked with them before should provide the assurance that a copywriter will consistently deliver work to deadline – not something to be compromised on, however good their work.

Why you should hire a professional copywriter

Finding a copywriter is an important part of managing a successful SEO campaign. A good copywriter will produce well-researched, well-written and unobtrusively optimised text, on time, every time. The good news is that the internet is awash with copywriters offering their services. The bad news is that finding a skilled and reliable one is easier said than done.

Many aspiring copywriters gravitate towards the big content-provision sites – the eBay-like setups that match buyers with sellers. Unlike eBay, though, where customers bid increasing amounts for an item, these sites are designed to provide businesses with the cheapest services possible. The idea is that copywriters compete to provide the best value content in a kind of reverse auction. The copywriter who offers to do the work for the lowest price typically gets the job. A noble enterprise in theory, in practice this can be a disaster for SEO.

Complementing SEO with copy

The maxim holds for copywriters and content provision as it does in any area of life: you get what you pay for. The problem is that not all copy is created equal. Although a reasonable copywriter can produce text that will work in terms of the technical aspects of SEO, it takes something special to convince human readers. Google will weed out the content that has been stuffed with keywords or is deemed irrelevant due to their infrequency. Readers will sift what gets through the net onto the SERPS and ignore badly written copy. It doesn’t matter how high your site ranks if visitors leave as soon as they hit the homepage because you saved money on a cheap copywriter. There are simply too many alternatives available on the web to put up with content that suggests a business is less than proud about its brand or organised enough to present its potential customers with what they need. On the other hand, a copywriter who can engage readers, providing accessible and useful information, is far more likely to raise your conversion rate.

Ultimately, that’s what an SEO campaign is all about. A top SERPS position for different keywords and even soaring website traffic mean nothing if the number and proportion of conversions don’t rise too. That’s why ROI is the ultimate metric for SEO success. A copywriter who recognises the importance of writing compelling copy and understands the principles of SEO is therefore a real asset to your marketing campaign.

How to find a good copywriter

You don’t tend to find the best copywriters through one of the reverse auction sites: the danger is that these simply promote a race to the bottom. You might get cheap content, it might be optimised, but it won’t produce the ROI that a skilled copywriter can contribute towards. For starters, securing high-quality backlinks generally relies on offering relevant articles to trusted third-party sites in return. If you’re only submitting to a few article directories, that’s one thing. If they’re the high-pagerank authority sites you should be targeting, they won’t settle for second best.

But neither do you always find the best copywriters through job adverts or agencies. Copywriting is a special skill and it’s not enough to be educated to a particular level, or to have experience in another form of writing. A good degree in English or even a background in newspaper journalism doesn’t necessarily indicate that someone will be able to provide what you need.

Ultimately, the best way to find a good copywriter is by word of mouth. Qualifications might be a minimum requirement (if they don’t have GCSE English, you’ve got to wonder), but the only thing that’s going to convince you for sure and the only thing that really counts is a portfolio of relevant work. A few links to published samples is all you need to know whether the copywriter’s quality of work is up to standard. Aside from that, a reference from someone who has worked with them before should provide the assurance that a copywriter will consistently deliver work to deadline – not something to be compromised on, however good their work.

Look out for best Website Development Company in India!

Internet is supposed to be the appropriate medium to flourish your business online and it can only be done with the help of reliable and best Web Development Company in India. Through contacting the web developers of India one can get standard quality of work at affordable rates and that is the main reason behind the preference of foreign countries to hire professionals from India.

It is a fact that you may find plethora of web development companies in India but the main concern is that how to approach the best one. If you are also going through the same confusion then you must go online and search for the best company running in India after gathering information about it. While looking for a company you must check out its location whether it is located in a metro area or not because famous companies usually like to be established at reputed areas. Area can not solely determine the capability of a company and its employees so there is no harm in having a look over its track record.

Before hiring the services of any particular company you need to retrieve complete details about it and to enquire regarding its credibility from past clients. Some web developers even provide information on their website about their past clients and result after availing their services. People who want to see their website in the top most ranking list of leading search engines like Yahoo, Bing, Google and MSN then you must approach best web development company in India.

Indian web developers can provide satisfactory result in designing and redesigning your website according to the purpose of creating it like some create it to sell products and some just to provide information. Without holding enough traffic on your website, it can not exist for long time so for making it worth visiting search engine optimization is must.

You can avail affordable web services in India due to the high man power and low demand for charges. Indian web developers are skillful and talented enough to design and develop a website after considering some points like strategic planning, business promotion techniques, creativity, application development as well as solution maintenance etc. At the end it can be concluded from the above information that hiring the services of a best web development company in India would be wise decision for creating, designing and developing your website in an effective manner. So, go for it now!