Tag Archives: protection

Prevent Yourself from Identity Theft

Digital identity theft is a tremendously increasing crime in the modern era. As the fast pace of progressing technology is increasing in the world, so are the methods and the different criminally minded criteria. According to the survey of the recent past years, more than 9 million cases of identity theft were reported in the United States alone.

Online identity theft is a nightmare and is a major cause of concern to the people who are virtually inclined to the utilization of online banking services, online shopping services, e-commerce or the conduct of any financial transactions that takes place online. Hackers working online often monitor the financial transactions of these innocent and less aware people.

It is crucial to alert the online users about the threats of the online robbery for the protection from identity theft. The common base for the increasing familiarity of the threat of digital identity theft is the frequency by which hackers analyze the profitable ratio of the variety of criminal activities.

The most vital step to initiate protection from identity theft is to protect account numbers, passwords, pins and social security numbers. This information is most often stolen online so any person using online banking is prone to it.

The online scams are more likely to happen to those people who exchange their information online. The most illegitimate way to mislead people is through the process called “phishing”. This involves sending spoof emails to individuals by the fake online thieves impersonating a financial institution or an online merchant. The spoof site that appears actually belongs to the thief or online hacker. When you enter your information, they have it and can use it against you.

The best protective way to safeguard from these online threats like phishing, spyware, and hackers is identity theft monitoring. The protection from such threats can’t be managed, but some protective measures can prove to be beneficial. Avoid giving your personnel information, photos, address and phone numbers on social media sites such as Orkut, Facebook, MySpace and Twitter.

Another effective way to secure your personnel identity and information is to use best online identity theft monitoring service. These services help the person using online services in the form of e-shopping and e-banking to uncover hacking attempts, monitor privacy and send alerts to take the appropriate actions. Along with that, such services also alert you if there is a threat of identity theft, credit fraud and purchase fraud online.

Data Protection – Security of Personal Information

Every organization holds masses of digital data in its on-site as well as off-site storage mediums. The information it stores can be comprised of a significant portion of personally identifiable data and confidential corporate information.

All organizations should deploy appropriate security measures in place to guard the privacy of the personal information they hold. The Data Protection Act 1998 (the “Act”) requires that: “Personal information should be protected against unlawful or unauthorized use or disclosure, accidental loss, destruction or damage.” An organization that fails to effectively protect the information it holds will be in breach of the Act
This article identifies some of the practical security measures which organizations of all sizes should be considering in order to achieve an adequate level of security.
Level of Protection Required:
To determine which security measure is appropriate, organizations should consider following facts:
• The value and sensitivity of the data they store;

• The probable consequences of any security breach and its impact in terms of reputation loss, financial loss or integrity damage; and

• The possibility of damage to individuals in case of a security breach.

The level of security required will always depend on an organization’s particular circumstances.
Organizations go to great lengths to protect valuable data that’s on paper and disks. They’re kind of assets kept in locked doors and vaults.

Yet, organizations often fail to adequately protect digital information on their IT networks and hard drives-Information that is increasingly vulnerable to accidental loss and theft because of its confidentiality and organization dependency.

Much of the data so critical to organization is highly sought by cyber criminals. This includes social security numbers, credit card numbers, confidential health records and bank account records, competitive intelligence and proprietary company information.
We are all aware of the potential harm data breaches can inflict on businesses, agencies, health care organizations and schools as well as the individual involved.

Now, to solve these challenges businesses need to dig deeper. A two-in-one data protection solution is what you need if you find yourself in a similar situation. The above scenario may not be as farfetched as you may think at first. Software that allows you to encrypt your data but also makes backups of that data to your exclusive online storage account. The subscription service, when used in conjunction with Folder Lock 7 Encryption feature, offers the greater benefits of a simultaneous, automatic and real-time encryption and backup, providing both secure backup & recovery redundancy and the fastest data protection without the high cost. Your backups are stored online in a remote location, a cloud fully secured via government-grade encryption in a physically secured location.

Data Protection – Security of Personal Information

Every organization holds masses of digital data in its on-site as well as off-site storage mediums. The information it stores can be comprised of a significant portion of personally identifiable data and confidential corporate information.

All organizations should deploy appropriate security measures in place to guard the privacy of the personal information they hold. The Data Protection Act 1998 (the “Act”) requires that: “Personal information should be protected against unlawful or unauthorized use or disclosure, accidental loss, destruction or damage.” An organization that fails to effectively protect the information it holds will be in breach of the Act
This article identifies some of the practical security measures which organizations of all sizes should be considering in order to achieve an adequate level of security.
Level of Protection Required:
To determine which security measure is appropriate, organizations should consider following facts:
• The value and sensitivity of the data they store;

• The probable consequences of any security breach and its impact in terms of reputation loss, financial loss or integrity damage; and

• The possibility of damage to individuals in case of a security breach.

The level of security required will always depend on an organization’s particular circumstances.
Organizations go to great lengths to protect valuable data that’s on paper and disks. They’re kind of assets kept in locked doors and vaults.

Yet, organizations often fail to adequately protect digital information on their IT networks and hard drives-Information that is increasingly vulnerable to accidental loss and theft because of its confidentiality and organization dependency.

Much of the data so critical to organization is highly sought by cyber criminals. This includes social security numbers, credit card numbers, confidential health records and bank account records, competitive intelligence and proprietary company information.
We are all aware of the potential harm data breaches can inflict on businesses, agencies, health care organizations and schools as well as the individual involved.

Now, to solve these challenges businesses need to dig deeper. A two-in-one data protection solution is what you need if you find yourself in a similar situation. The above scenario may not be as farfetched as you may think at first. Software that allows you to encrypt your data but also makes backups of that data to your exclusive online storage account. The subscription service, when used in conjunction with Folder Lock 7 Encryption feature, offers the greater benefits of a simultaneous, automatic and real-time encryption and backup, providing both secure backup & recovery redundancy and the fastest data protection without the high cost. Your backups are stored online in a remote location, a cloud fully secured via government-grade encryption in a physically secured location.