Tag Archives: protect

Don't Let it Into Your Computer!

Your computer is an extremely important piece of technology. It needs to be protected with all that you have because not only is it extremely efficient and useful, but it is also extremely expensive. We all have to work hard to earn the money we have and learning to use it wisely is even more important. If you want to protect your computer and spend a reasonable amount of money doing it, you will need to understand antivirus software and its cost. You will need to work out the benefits and price for each software and find one that suits your needs.

The first thing to look for in a antivirus software is whether it blocks spam or not. Spam and pop up ads are one of the most annoying things to deal with on the computer. Not only are these annoying, but they can be extremely harmful for your computer because clicking on the buttons can lead to harmful websites. There are more hackers than we would like to believe and we need to protect ourselves from having our information stolen. If you sign up for fake deals online you might find yourself getting more spam on your computer. The best antivirus software will help prevent this from happening.

Another thing your software should be capable of doing is ceasing people from tracking which websites you visit on the internet. It is very important that you prevent this at all costs because the intention of those who are tracking you are very unclear. Some marketing companies are simply trying to figure out your shopping habits so they know how to attract you for shopping deals. Others are trying to steal your personal information such as credit card numbers and social security numbers. Identity theft is becoming more dangerous everyday and the best antivirus software will help make sure this never happens to you.

The best antivirus software should also be reasonably priced. You should not have to pay through your nose for something because there are so many companies that are offering you their services. Some are famous for their quality service but they also cheat your for money because you are depending on their name. Make sure you are doing your research well and really considering all of the options. Find the best antivirus software for you because you are the only person who knows how to protect yourself.

Don't Let it Into Your Computer!

Your computer is an extremely important piece of technology. It needs to be protected with all that you have because not only is it extremely efficient and useful, but it is also extremely expensive. We all have to work hard to earn the money we have and learning to use it wisely is even more important. If you want to protect your computer and spend a reasonable amount of money doing it, you will need to understand antivirus software and its cost. You will need to work out the benefits and price for each software and find one that suits your needs.

The first thing to look for in a antivirus software is whether it blocks spam or not. Spam and pop up ads are one of the most annoying things to deal with on the computer. Not only are these annoying, but they can be extremely harmful for your computer because clicking on the buttons can lead to harmful websites. There are more hackers than we would like to believe and we need to protect ourselves from having our information stolen. If you sign up for fake deals online you might find yourself getting more spam on your computer. The best antivirus software will help prevent this from happening.

Another thing your software should be capable of doing is ceasing people from tracking which websites you visit on the internet. It is very important that you prevent this at all costs because the intention of those who are tracking you are very unclear. Some marketing companies are simply trying to figure out your shopping habits so they know how to attract you for shopping deals. Others are trying to steal your personal information such as credit card numbers and social security numbers. Identity theft is becoming more dangerous everyday and the best antivirus software will help make sure this never happens to you.

The best antivirus software should also be reasonably priced. You should not have to pay through your nose for something because there are so many companies that are offering you their services. Some are famous for their quality service but they also cheat your for money because you are depending on their name. Make sure you are doing your research well and really considering all of the options. Find the best antivirus software for you because you are the only person who knows how to protect yourself.

UK Data Analysts Demand Improvements to Privacy and Security Standards

This year’s Fine Balance conference was quite an exciting event, as representatives as different as Oracle, a computing company, and the NHS sought to figure out how they could protect people’s privacy in such a connected society.

The even has been a staple for a long time. There have been years that it focused on overlarge government databases and breaches of those databases, but this year the debate was all on the private sector. There was discussion about the government, but mainly to say that it did not have enough power. Privacy advocates applauded the decision of the government earlier this year to get rid of the identity card scheme and the planned sharepoint database, cut also said that the new powers that the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has are not enough.

Especially after the fiasco earlier this year in which Google allegedly accidentally collected the public wifi signals of millions of people, and as more and more vulnerabilities are allowing malicious parties to steal information right off of private computers the impetus was on the technology companies to better protect their customers. Many at the conference called for a lawsuit against Google over the data theft and for the ICO to take a much tougher stand against companies that make this sort of egregious error.

Some also said that it should be consumers who learn how to protect their own data. Many consumers, for example, do not even know about the risks of identity theft online and fill out forms whenever it is asked of them. These people argued that the onus for data protection was on the people, and that it was the ICO’s job to ensure that the people were properly educated about the risks of giving out information.

A final argument was that the UK just simply has not gotten into the privacy debate enough, and that there needs to be a call for more debate. The German constitution, for example, was framed with privacy in mind. In contrast, the UK has not even properly adopted article 22 of the Human Rights Act, declaring privacy to be a civil liberty. The current law in the UK says that financial damage must be proven before a privacy-related complaint can be heard in court. Experts say that it is this sort of attitude that makes privacy such a problem in the UK. A coordinated government response is needed to ensure that citizens can be protected as privacy becomes an ever-larger problem.