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Increasing RSS Feed Subscribers (Page 1 of 2)

If you want to expand your reach, then you need to grow your RSS feed subscribers. Make the right input and effort to market your RSS feed; this way, you can increase adoption and reach out to people with the message that your RSS feed contains.

Validating Feed
Ensure that the feed is formed appropriately. Improperly formed RSS feed will not gain readership, and aggregators will not be able to compensate such RSS feeds. You can take advantage of certain desktop and web-based feed validation tools to ascertain if your RSS feed is formatted appropriately or not. When you edit the feed, ensure that you invest few more minutes to validate the feed.

Promote Your Feed Properly
When you do all that is necessary to promote your RSS feed properly, you will be rewarded with an increased number of people subscribing to your RSS feed. RSS feed requires promotion and marketing just like your website.

The following tips will aid you in promoting your feed:

  1. RSS Auto Discovery
    The header of your web pages should feature RSS “Auto-Discovery” tags. A good number of people who read RSS feed have built-in tech that automatically detects feed. Ensure that your web pages have auto-discovery tags properly put in place. With this tool, visitors will instantly and automatically detect the availability of RSS feed for the content.
  2. Submission to RSS Feed Directories
    Embark on submission of your RSS feed to different RSS search engines and RSS directories. A good number of visitors would scout RSS feed directories to see if they can find topical feeds to suit their needs. You can attract new audience through this technique.
  3. Feed Icon
    Your web page should feature a standard RSS feed icon which should also be visually appealing and easily noticeable. The placement of the icon should be above the fold on your web page. The essence is to enable a web visitor to instantly see the icon without scrolling up or down, right or left. Be sure that your RSS feed icon is linked to the RSS feed’s URL. Ensure that the icon is spread all over the web pages so that a visitor can subscribe to your RSS feed from any of your web pages.
  4. Alert Your Email List of RSS Feed Availability
    Where you have a recent email subscription list, don’t forget to notify your subscribers that an RSS feed is available.
  5. One-Click Subscription
    To help your site visitors subscribe quickly and with ease, provide a one-click subscription alternative to RSS feeds.
  6. Spread the Message about the Availability of RSS Feed
    Employ every communication channel you’ve got to inform people that RSS feeds are available. Integrate your RSS feed details in forum and email signatures, also include a ‘mention’ in your product or company newsletters.
  7. Send Press Release
    Use a press release to announce the availability of an RSS feed for your website content. Ensure that you give details of the kind of information featured in the RSS feed, and describe the benefits or assistance that the RSS feed will offer to those who are interested.

Educate and Explain
Since RSS feed is still fairly new, not everyone knows what benefits it has, look for an avenue to educate and explain this technology and how it can be subscribed, to potential visitors. This can go a long way to substantially grow your RSS adoption.

RSS Content

Increasing RSS Feed Subscribers (Page 1 of 2)

If you want to expand your reach, then you need to grow your RSS feed subscribers. Make the right input and effort to market your RSS feed; this way, you can increase adoption and reach out to people with the message that your RSS feed contains.

Validating Feed
Ensure that the feed is formed appropriately. Improperly formed RSS feed will not gain readership, and aggregators will not be able to compensate such RSS feeds. You can take advantage of certain desktop and web-based feed validation tools to ascertain if your RSS feed is formatted appropriately or not. When you edit the feed, ensure that you invest few more minutes to validate the feed.

Promote Your Feed Properly
When you do all that is necessary to promote your RSS feed properly, you will be rewarded with an increased number of people subscribing to your RSS feed. RSS feed requires promotion and marketing just like your website.

The following tips will aid you in promoting your feed:

  1. RSS Auto Discovery
    The header of your web pages should feature RSS “Auto-Discovery” tags. A good number of people who read RSS feed have built-in tech that automatically detects feed. Ensure that your web pages have auto-discovery tags properly put in place. With this tool, visitors will instantly and automatically detect the availability of RSS feed for the content.
  2. Submission to RSS Feed Directories
    Embark on submission of your RSS feed to different RSS search engines and RSS directories. A good number of visitors would scout RSS feed directories to see if they can find topical feeds to suit their needs. You can attract new audience through this technique.
  3. Feed Icon
    Your web page should feature a standard RSS feed icon which should also be visually appealing and easily noticeable. The placement of the icon should be above the fold on your web page. The essence is to enable a web visitor to instantly see the icon without scrolling up or down, right or left. Be sure that your RSS feed icon is linked to the RSS feed’s URL. Ensure that the icon is spread all over the web pages so that a visitor can subscribe to your RSS feed from any of your web pages.
  4. Alert Your Email List of RSS Feed Availability
    Where you have a recent email subscription list, don’t forget to notify your subscribers that an RSS feed is available.
  5. One-Click Subscription
    To help your site visitors subscribe quickly and with ease, provide a one-click subscription alternative to RSS feeds.
  6. Spread the Message about the Availability of RSS Feed
    Employ every communication channel you’ve got to inform people that RSS feeds are available. Integrate your RSS feed details in forum and email signatures, also include a ‘mention’ in your product or company newsletters.
  7. Send Press Release
    Use a press release to announce the availability of an RSS feed for your website content. Ensure that you give details of the kind of information featured in the RSS feed, and describe the benefits or assistance that the RSS feed will offer to those who are interested.

Educate and Explain
Since RSS feed is still fairly new, not everyone knows what benefits it has, look for an avenue to educate and explain this technology and how it can be subscribed, to potential visitors. This can go a long way to substantially grow your RSS adoption.

RSS Content

The 2015 Important checklist when launching a new website

Launching a Website is a nerve- racking job! And launching a new website is even more complex. What if you miss any links or details to be mentioned before the launch and it turned out to be a failure. All of the months you’ve worked spending the most crucial phase in planning, designing, coordinating, organizing and developing would go nowhere then. Launching is extremely frantic and hectic. So, having a launch checklist is important! It will help you to offload the job of remembering every tiny details and would make you sure that you haven’t missed anything!!!

So let’s get started by making a new launch website checklist: for the first time you need to make sure that you jot down every important key points that would be included before the launching. Write down each step along the way. Break your list into pre and post launch which will further help you in making your work easier if in future you need to add or delete anything according to your workflow.

Simple Content:
· Proofread your work i.e. you spelling and correction errors.
· Details about company should be mentioned properly.
· Formatting of images is corrected and displayed properly.
· Video/Audio items are correct and formatted properly.
· PDF files are linked up in the right way.
· All links are working correctly
· 404 page is created or customized
· Be sure all required licenses for images, fonts, plug-in, etc. are on file

· Company logo is linked on the site
· Company is viewed on Google
· Company is viewed on internet explorer
· Company is viewed on mozzarella
· Company is viewed on Firefox
· Images optimized on pages

· Set up new domain in cPanel
· Install database and user in cPanel
· Record new domain and database information into tracking software
· Always change the DNS or file name to my name server.
· Keep a check on site for any detail issues.
· Check for broken links on links and redirections

· All pages should have a unique post and titles.
· All pages should have a unique description.
· Pages post have less than 10 keywords that appear in page copy.
· You should register to all social media properties i.e. images, covers pages and link back to your website.

· Start blogging before you launch a website.
· Your website should be known by Google.
· It should give a fair idea to the readers before the launch that what is the site about.

Client debrief is the last step. Under update admin password and save in password management . It helps so much.

Isn’t it a good start for starting a new website with the entire necessary checklist.
The conclusion of this article concludes with these points that it will help your
client and your team members to maintain and keep a record of the information.
Hopefully you can see that every team member would be assigned with their own
task which will lead up to a site launch. This team approach does the best job
for challenges of testing a site. So if you want your website to be successfully
launched so keep this checklist in handy before you launch a website!!!